Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1248 Breakthrough

He has used this ability in previous battles, and the effect is very good. In other words, this ability with large-scale and destructive power is not bad in actual combat.

It's just that he has just used this ability not long ago, and now he uses it again without much rest, and the damage to his body is actually very large.

But there is no way, in order to take the overall situation into consideration and help Hongyue and Gulong break through, the army can only do this.

This is also the only way for the Route Army to change the situation of the battle under the current circumstances...

After receiving the order from the Lu army, the Fengshen pterosaurs began to do their best to protect them, not even a single bone dragon could get close.

The sky also turned red as the road army's ability condensed, like a harbinger of the end of the world.

You must know that it is night at this time, and it is pitch black everywhere, and the strange situation in the sky can be seen even more than ten kilometers away, and the bone dragons on the field are no exception.

Feeling the terrifying power from the sky, all the undead creatures were startled. They had never seen this kind of scene before.

Immediately afterwards, they realized that this was some kind of terrible attack, and they had to evacuate quickly, otherwise, when the attack fell, there would be no grass growing here.

Under the blessing of this kind of thinking, all the undead creatures ignored Hongyue, Lujun and those bone dragons, and just scattered away, as fast as they wanted.

The same is true for the bone dragon army on the side of the undead creatures. They don't care what the Lu army is doing. It's more important to escape...

I saw that in less than five seconds, all the undead creatures left this area like a bereaved dog, not daring to look back.

This also means that for the time being, no creatures will be able to attack Lu Jun and Hongyue, which is a good opportunity for them to break through.

Hongyue was also very aware of this, and immediately let the bone dragon army in front of her fly forward desperately, regardless of the route.

Because she knows how terrifying Lu Jun's ability is, if it falls down, let alone these bone dragons, even she will die.

At this time, they happened to be within this range, so they had to escape quickly.

Fortunately, they had already flown a long distance before, and they were not very close to the central area. As long as they continued to fly, they would definitely be able to get out.

But Lu Jun was not so lucky, he gathered supernatural powers in the central area,

It's too late even if I want to go out.

And he hasn't finished condensing this ability yet, and he can't forcibly cancel it, so he can only stay where he is and continue to wait.

However, Lu Jun didn't panic about this, and was very satisfied that Hongyue and the others were able to escape, and his goal had been achieved.

After a few more seconds, the red light slowly descended from the sky, and a world-destroying fire ignited, covering a large area.

The road army in the center of the area only felt that he could not breathe, as if a mountain was pressing on his head.

As the flame fell, the surrounding temperature also rose suddenly, and the Fengshen Pterosaur and Bone Dragon had already begun to feel unwell, and they kept making restless noises.

Lu Jun also felt a little hot, knowing that it would be too late if he didn't leave, so he immediately calmed down his mental power.

Immediately afterwards, he took back all the Fengshen pterosaurs on the field, and let the bone dragon lower its body and fly down.

Because only in this way can we delay a little more time and allow him to escape a little further.

As for why the Fengshen pterosaur was taken back, it was because there were no undead creatures around now, so there was no need for them.

On the contrary, it would be better to take it back, with fewer targets and easier escape.

Feeling the deadly aura from above, the bone dragon wished he could grow a few more wings.

It's a pity that its speed is so fast, there is no way to escape completely when the flames fall, and it will still be burned.

At this time, the bone dragon thought he was going to die, and kept wailing in despair.

Originally, when it could be ridden by Lu Jun, it was still complacent, thinking that it was very safe.

But who knew that following the Lu army was the most dangerous. This person dared to go anywhere as if he was desperate for his life.

If it wasn't for Ye Mo suppressing it, and Lu Jun is the boss of Ye Mo, which is equivalent to its "boss", it is estimated that it would have run away long ago...

But it’s too late to say anything now. If it dies, it’s unexpected that it’s young and hasn’t had time to enjoy its "Dragon Birth", and it will die tragically here today...

However, before this bone dragon with many thoughts had time to think more, it suddenly felt that the surroundings were not so hot.

This made him very puzzled, thinking to himself that it shouldn't be, the flame has already burned its tail, how could it not be hot?

Just when the bone dragon was thinking about this, it realized that it was the Lu army that had propped up a particle shield, directly protecting it.

Those falling flames can only wreak havoc outside the particle shield, and cannot rush in at all.

This is also the last means of life-saving for Lu Jun. If it weren't for this ability, he would never have dared to stay.

Now that he is protected by the particle shield, he is more comfortable. The flames outside can't burn him, so he can continue to escape.

However, Lu Jun knew very well in his heart that all of this was temporary, and with his current brainpower, he couldn't maintain the particle shield for too long.

And with Fen Tian's attack power, killing him in seconds is a matter of minutes, and the particle shield can't last for too long.

In the case of both reasons, it will be a matter of time before the particle shield is broken, and it will be the death of him and the bone dragon.

The bone dragon below seemed to be very aware of this, and was still flying forward desperately. As long as they could fly a few more meters before the particle shield was broken, their survival rate would be higher.

While Lu Jun and Gulong escaped for their lives, Hongyue and Gulong's army also flew to the safe area.

This also means that they have safely broken through after a struggle, and they will reach the Frost Forest after flying forward for more than ten minutes.

Moreover, the undead creatures were busy fleeing for their lives, separated by a large distance by the flames, unable to chase them, making them very safe at this time.

Hongyue looked back at the flame-filled rear, but she couldn't see Lu Jun's figure, and her heart was very heavy.

But she didn't think about the worst, because she knew the strength of the Lu army, and she wouldn't die so easily.

Now the only thing she prays for is that Lu Jun will not be injured, or that he will not be injured too badly, so she can accept it.

In case there is any major problem with the army, it will not only be a disaster for Frost Forest, but also a disaster for Westwind Fortress...

At present, the only thing that makes Hongyue think it is good news is that the flames in the distance have swallowed many undead creatures on the ground.

Because they ran relatively slowly, they couldn't leave before the flames fell, and they didn't have any special protection ability, so they would naturally be burned into coke.

Although these creatures are not considered the elite of the undead army, as long as they can cause damage and blows, it is always good for them. After all, they will encounter them sooner or later...

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