Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1271 Arriving at the Tree of Life

However, the Ice Witch King is not the kind of creature who likes to dig into horns. It quickly adjusted its mentality, and dragged its tired body back with the bone dragon.

Although it really wants to rush into the center of the Frost Forest, where the Tree of Life is, and directly eradicate the elf creatures, this is also its original goal.

But now the situation has changed, because the road army has come and brought reinforcements, they can no longer rush forward like before.

What's more, the Ice Witch King at this time has been severely injured, and his strength is not as good as before. It is better to adjust it first.

In this way, after the battle with the Lu army was over and after some thought, the Ice Witch King decided to temporarily withdraw his troops.

This also means that the road army has held the Frost Forest invisibly, so that the elves can survive until dawn.

As for how the battle situation will develop in the new day, it cannot be inferred at this time...

Of course, the army still doesn't know that the Ice Witch King no longer intends to pursue him, and he is still immersed in the previous battle on the back of the bone dragon.

At the same time, he was also delighted with the short-lived victory just now, thinking to himself that Wu Yong actually rescued him from the Ice Witch King, it was simply unbelievable...

"Thank you tonight. You have really helped me a lot. When the things here are over, I can still grant you one wish, which will be regarded as a reward." Lu Jun said politely.

And the fact is almost the same, Wu Yong is fully worthy of these rewards.

Because he first helped Lu Jun and the bone dragons escape from the pursuit of the undead army, and then led Lu Jun to escape from the Ice Witch King.

"Boss Lu, I am now a member of the rebel army. Everything I do is my duty, and I dare not take credit for it." Wu Yong replied cautiously.

Although he said so, he was actually very happy in his heart, after all, Lu Jun saw his role.

"By the way, what happened to those two bottles of the fountain of life? Where did you get them? And what about Hongyue? Isn't she staying with you?" Lu Jun suddenly remembered this, and changed the subject.

He has wondered about this question for a long time, but just now he has been fighting and fleeing and couldn't find a chance to ask.

"It's like this, my lord, after you left, Lord Hongyue sent me a mission to find the watcher."

"She went to find a way to put out the fire, and I saw that the surrounding fire has weakened significantly, so she should have succeeded."

"And I also successfully found the watcher, and told her what Lord Hongyue told me. She told me to come and find you. She has already gone to find Lord Hongyue from another direction, and we should have met by now."

"As for the fountain of life you mentioned, it was given to me by the watcher privately. She told me that this kind of thing has a miraculous effect on undead creatures."

"And tell me that if I see you fighting with the Ice Witch King, I will detonate those two bottles to help you escape..." Wu Yong quickly explained to Lu Jun.

And in the next few minutes, Wu Yong also carefully explained to Lu Jun what the Watcher had told him and some details.

For example, before he left, how did the watcher stuff him with the fountain of life...

After listening, Lu Jun nodded slowly, with an expression of sudden realization, it turned out that Wu Yong had already met the watcher, which he really did not expect.

"You mean the watcher is next to the tree of life?" Lu Jun suddenly turned his head to look at Wu Yong.

If this is the case, then he just happened to be on the way, and there is no need to find anyone.

"Yes, they are all guarding there." Wu Yong nodded quickly.

"Then... is the Tree of Life okay? Has it been burned?" Lu Jun couldn't help asking again.

After all, the tree of life is the foundation of the elves, and he has to be concerned. If something goes wrong with the tree of life, it will be a big trouble.

"Uh... my lord, to tell you the truth, I actually don't know what the tree of life is, let alone what it does. If you mean the biggest tree, it's fine, the flame didn't burn there, and the watchman She wasn't hurt either, and she was in great spirits when I met her."

"It's just that I have been flying around this forest for a long time, and found that there are undead creatures everywhere, and there are very few elf creatures left."

"If we hadn't arrived in time, the elves in the Frost Forest might not even be able to survive tonight..."

When Wu Yong said these words, there was joy and regret in his words, because he saw too many corpses along the way.

"Oh, so that's the case, then I know everything, let's go and join them now, and see how we should defend against the enemy next." Lu Jun nodded slowly and said.

"Then... my lord, what about the bone dragons, I saw them flying away in another direction..." Wu Yong pointed to the opposite place.

He knew that the bone dragon was the most important thing in this battle, and without the aid of the bone dragon, there would be no need for the next battle.

"Don't worry, they will come back, it's just a detour." Lu Jun shook his head, obviously not thinking about it.

Because he has already arranged these bone dragons, it stands to reason that there will be no problems.

Seeing that Lu Jun was so sure, Wu Yong couldn't say anything more, he nodded silently, and quietly waited for the bone dragon under his crotch to take them to the tree of life.

If you look at the distant scene at this time, you will find that the surrounding flames are much smaller.

And as the wind and snow intensify, these flames are getting smaller and smaller, and it is estimated that they will be completely extinguished in less than half an hour.

This also means that Hongyue has brought the fire under control, otherwise this would not be possible.

And the undead creatures scattered all over the Frost Forest also stopped attacking, as if they had received some orders.

This is good news for both the road army and the elves, after all, it gives them a chance to breathe.

The entire Frost Forest has also regained its tranquility due to the arrival of the Lu army. Although it may only be a few hours, it is also rare...

In this way, after continuing to fly for a few minutes, the bone dragon under Lu Jun's crotch slowly stopped, because they had already arrived at their destination.

The moment he saw the bone dragon approaching, a large group of flying elf creatures rushed out from the tree of life.

They are the garrison around the tree of life, and their task is to prevent undead creatures from approaching the tree of life.

But the moment they flew up, they discovered that the one riding on the bone dragon was the Lu army, who could be regarded as their great lord.

This made them both surprised and happy, and immediately made way for the Lu army to successfully fly under the tree of life...

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