Although he couldn't see the face of the man in red robe, Lu Jun could hear the voice of a young woman, which made him slightly surprised.

"We are survivors nearby. We lost our way in the snow and strayed into this forest. Who knew that we were caught suddenly and met these monsters..." Lu Jun raised his bloody right hand and pointed to the cage above. Responding to the man in red.

"Oh, how did these monsters die on the ground, did you kill them?" The red-robed man pointed to the corpses of elves and undead creatures on the ground, with doubts in his tone.

"No... I don't have this ability... It's because they suddenly fought, and they all died, so I had a chance to escape from the cage. Who knows, I encountered a group of monsters again. Fortunately, you showed up in time... " Lu Jun said truthfully.

As for why Lu Jun told the truth, it was because he found that these men in black seemed to have no malice towards him, or they didn't know his identity at all.

This made Lu Jun see the hope of surviving. If he pretended to be an ordinary survivor, he might be able to deceive the man in black and survive.

Although it seems a bit cowardly like this, but now he is on the weak side, and each of these black-robed men has special abilities, so he has no choice but to be cowardly...

Looking at Lu Jun's bloody arm, the man in red nodded silently, as if he believed what Lu Jun said, and didn't say anything more.

At this moment, a black-robed man who had been searching around came over, and came straight to the red-robed man, "Lord Hongyue, we searched all over the place, but we didn't find the fountain of life, only the fountain of life. bottle of spring."

After finishing speaking, the man in black handed a few small bottles to the man in red, and retreated respectfully.

Hearing that the man in red was called Hongyue and was still looking for the fountain of life, Lu Jun was shocked, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Have you picked up this bottle or the liquid in it? If you have any, give it to me, and I can help you heal your hand injury." Hongyue shook the glass bottle in front of Lu Jun.

"No, what are these? Are they precious?" Lu Jun asked directly, trying to divert Hongyue's attention.

Because no matter what the purpose is, it is impossible for him to hand over the small half bottle of the fountain of life in his arms.

Seeing Lu Jun's puzzled expression, Hongyue sighed, did not answer Lu Jun's question, and threw all the bottles containing the fountain of life on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Hongyue turned her head away, looked at the black-robed humanity beside her and said, "Damn it! The elf village here has also been destroyed.

We're running in vain again, and we have to keep looking. "

While Hongyue said these words, Lu Jun had been listening carefully. He could guess that Hongyue and these men in black had been looking for the Fountain of Life. As for what they were looking for, he was not very clear.

"Yes, Master Hongyue, what should we do with the two of them?" The man in black nodded, pointing at Lin Yilan of the Lu Army, as if asking how Hongyue should deal with it.

"It's just an ordinary survivor, there is no threat, heal his hand and let them go." Hongyue's tone was indifferent.

Hearing this, the man in black nodded, pulled over Lu Jun's injured arm, and poured some scarlet liquid on it.

When the liquid touched Lu Jun's muscles, Lu Jun only felt a burning sensation, as if to melt his entire arm.

This made Lu Jun mistakenly think that these men in black robes wanted to attack him and were just about to resist.

But in the next moment, Lu Jun found that the skin on his hands began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and half of it recovered in an instant.

Although it was still painful, if he could recover from his injury, it would be worth the pain. Therefore, in the next ten seconds, Lu Jun has been "painful and happy".

As soon as the twenty seconds came, Lu Jun's arm, which was bleeding profusely just now, was as good as ever, without even a scar.

This made Lu Jun overjoyed. At first he thought his hand was useless, but he didn't expect Hongyue to help him.

"Hmph, boy, you're lucky, let's go." The man in black snorted coldly, let go of Lu Jun's arm, and waved his hand.

Seeing that these people really wanted to let him go without paying any price, Lu Jun's face was full of surprise, "Uh...thank you...but why are you helping me?"

Hearing Lu Jun's question, the man in black turned his head to look at Hongyue. In fact, he didn't know why Hongyue would waste precious recovery reagents to help a stranger.

"Go as soon as I tell you, don't ask so many questions, or I will change my mind later." Hongyue said impatiently.

In fact, she was willing to help Lu Jun and let Lu Jun go, not out of good intentions, but seeing the scene of Lu Jun peeling her skin alive with ice skates touched her.

Although she couldn't feel that Lu Jun had the aura of a supernatural person, she always felt that Lu Jun had a very special temperament and shouldn't die here.

As for why they appeared in the Frost Forest, it was because Hongyue was crushing the teleportation ball two days ago, and after creating the teleportation array, they were directly teleported here.

At the beginning, Hongyue didn't know that they had arrived in the Wucang Realm. After experiencing successive attacks from elves, undead creatures and humans, they finally figured out the situation...

Seeing that Hongyue was chasing him away, Lu Jun scratched his head, gave a wry smile, and prepared to take Lin Yilan away. Since these men in black robes were willing to let him go, he must leave.

But at this moment, Lu Jun realized that Lin Yilan's complexion was very bad, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he was closing his eyes tightly, as if he was in some kind of pain.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jun realized that Lin Yilan seemed to have been silent just now, could something have happened?

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Lu Jun touched Lin Yilan's forehead with his hand, and shook Lin Yilan's body.

But before Lu Jun figured out what happened, Lin Yilan suddenly collapsed. Fortunately, Lu Jun reacted quickly and hugged Lin Yilan.

However, in the next ten seconds, no matter how Lu Jun shouted or slapped him, Lin Yilan didn't open his eyes again, and seemed to have passed out.

Seeing this, Hongyue next to her realized something, and immediately squatted down, checked Lin Yilan's breathing, and looked into Lin Yilan's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Hongyue shook her head, "She should have inhaled the toxins from those monsters' bodies, and the symptoms were the same as my companion's."

Hearing that Hongyue seemed to know something, Lu Jun immediately raised his head and stared at Hongyue, "What? What poison? What symptoms? What's wrong with him?"

"It's the toxin that almost destroyed your entire arm just now." Hongyue pointed to Lu Jun's arm that had just recovered, "It's just that you were stained with the toxin, and she sucked it in."

"How do you know these things? Is the information accurate?" Lu Jun asked Hongyue again.

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