Because the next moment, a few Fengshen pterosaurs in the air came back again, and poured their long-range attacks such as flying wings and destroying light on the abyss demon king from the air.

The Watcher, Hongyue and others beside Lu Jun were not to be outdone, they kept throwing short daggers and using abilities, and focused all their attacks on the Abyss Demon King.

Although the Abyss Demon King is very strong, he is considered to be the strongest super-order creature Lu Jun has ever encountered, but no matter how strong he is, he is only himself. He is really unable to withstand attacks from all directions, and wounds appear constantly on his body.

Fortunately, its healing ability is extremely strong, and all wounds are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. It only needs to consume some physical strength, and it can last for a short time.

However, the Abyss Demon King didn't expect this kind of situation at all. Originally, it planned to come over to delay the time, because it thought that it was invincible.

But the sudden emergence of dinosaurs disrupted its plan, and it was trapped in a tight siege, unable to escape.

While the Abyss Demon King was besieged, the situation of other undead creatures was also very bad.

Because the Abyss Demon King didn't play a role in restraining the elves, they were still struggling and were stuck on the opposite bank. They couldn't even cross half of the river, and the casualties changed from a few thousand to tens of thousands, and they were still moving towards 20,000.

Seeing that the battlefield was completely under their control, Lu Jun showed a satisfied expression.

In fact, all of this was arranged by him. He had already prepared to lure the Abyss Demon King here, but he did not expect that the Abyss Demon King would cooperate so well and fell into his trap.

Although they will not be able to kill the Abyss Demon King for a while, this situation is enough. As long as the undead creatures cannot cross the river, the Abyss Demon King will not be able to turn over any big waves.

With the passage of time, the Abyss Demon King's physical strength was exhausted by 30%, and the dinosaurs were also injured, and the two sides fought back and forth.

Most importantly, the undead creatures crossing the river were still stuck in the middle of the river, and half of the river was filled with dead bones. The scene was very spectacular.

At this time, the sky also appeared a touch of fish belly white, which means that day will soon come, which greatly reduces the combat effectiveness of some undead creatures who are afraid of light.

Seeing that it was almost impossible for them to successfully cross the river, the Abyss Demon King, who was still entangled with the dinosaurs, let out a deep breath, no longer hesitated, and directly issued an order to retreat.

Although this is very shameful, it has no other way, because it is impossible to breach the river bank when it is dark, and it is even more impossible to wait until daytime, so there is no need to continue to consume it.

As for why it didn't use its strongest abyss gate to fight, it was because it didn't have this opportunity, and the situation on the battlefield didn't allow it.

You must know that the Gate of the Abyss can only be summoned once a week, and it consumes a lot of energy. If it doesn't make good use of it, it will have to wait another week. It doesn't want to do this.

So it plans to retreat first and continue to wait for reinforcements, at least until their new batch of air arms comes to support, otherwise it will be too difficult to attack...

After receiving the order from the Abyss Demon King, the undead creatures didn't stop for a moment, turned their heads quickly, left the river, and withdrew in the direction they came from.

In fact, they wanted to leave a long time ago, but there was no order from the Abyss Demon King before, so they didn't dare to mess around, so they could only continue to die.

Now that the order finally came, how could they stay here, each of them wished they could grow two legs and run away...

After the undead creatures had almost retreated, the Abyss Demon King shook the ground violently,

Repel all dinosaurs around it.

Immediately afterwards, the Abyss Demon King activated his leaping ability, jumped from one side to the other side of the river bank in an instant, and left the battlefield.

Seeing that the Abyssal Demon King ran away like this, the watcher planned to start his own flickering pursuit.

After all, the current Abyss Demon King has consumed a lot of stamina, and it is the best time to kill it when the combat power is insufficient.

But Lu Jun quickly reached out to stop the watcher, and shook his head faintly: "Don't chase it, it hasn't used its full strength yet, we don't have a strong control ability, even if we catch up, we may not be able to beat it. There's no need to take that risk."

Hearing this, the watcher immediately stopped thinking about chasing, and looked up at the Lu army: "Did they really retreat? Could it be pretending? I always feel that they won't give up so easily..."

"They have retreated, but only temporarily. They are probably waiting for reinforcements or something. They will cross the river for the second time when it gets dark." Lu Jun analyzed carefully.

After all, he has been fighting with undead creatures for so long, and he has roughly figured out the fighting and command ideas of undead creatures, so he can always restrain the undead creatures.

"Then shall we continue to stay here?" Lin Yilan interjected.

"No, we have to plant the tree of life quickly, or we will run out of time." Lu Jun shook his head and said, "There is no need to guard the river, let them come over, let's find a suitable place to plant the tree of life, in the Arm your defenses over there."

At this time, Centurion Snow Bear, who had been soaking in the river, just came up and heard what Lu Jun said.

"Lord, if you are looking for a place for the elves to re-campaign, I have a better place..." Centurion Snow Bear shook the water droplets on his body, and spoke to Lu Jun in ancient animal language.

Although it doesn't care about the life and death of these elves, Lu Jun's affairs are its business, as long as Lu Jun asks, it will definitely help.

"Okay, let's leave here first, and we'll discuss it carefully on the way, leaving a few staghorn eagles to investigate the situation and report to us at any time." The army directly issued an order to retreat.

Then he called back all the dinosaurs outside and let them rest slowly in the dragon training module to recover from their injuries.

Although the retreat of the undead creatures is still unstable, they should stay for a while longer.

But the time limit for planting the tree of life is only a few hours, if you don't find a good place, you will be in big trouble.

And Lu Jun believed that the undead creatures would not return so soon, at least they had to wait until night, when they had already found a place to plant the tree of life.

Following the route army's order, the elves and snow bears tidied up the battlefield as quickly as possible, and retreated with some new wounded to join the wood elves who had left before.

Because there was the Snow Bear Centurion who was familiar with this place to lead the way, Lu Jun and the others were not worried about getting lost, and moved forward very smoothly.

Along the way, the Route Army also explained to Centurion Snow Bear the specific situation of West Wind Fortress and what happened to the elves.

The people who received the order immediately made arrangements. Some of them hadn't closed their eyes for several days and nights. Without thinking too much, they went directly to the snow bear's cave and fell asleep.

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