Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1329 Over 100,000 infected bodies attracted

In addition, there are many wolf cavalry patrolling around the Westwind Fortress 24 hours a day. While silently protecting the Westwind Fortress, they also protect the slave workers who go to the surrounding area to collect resources. Any unknown creatures who dare to approach the surrounding area will be mercilessly killed by them .

What's more, after the full production of several orc barracks, the number of wolf cavalry in Westwind Fortress has just exceeded 200, there are more than 50 troll hunters, and there are nearly 400 frost wolves in the animal pen. Already able to assist the road army to fight in the wild.

The most important thing is that Lu Jun found that after two days of construction, his dragon nest module has built the first dragon nest, which also means that Lu Jun can put the dragon nest in the real world.

Thinking of this, the Lu army immediately looked for a location around the West Wind Fortress, preparing for Dragon Nest to transmit data.

However, due to the huge size of the Dragon's Nest, it took a long time for the Lu army to find a suitable location, which was a relatively desolate open space next to the West Wind Fortress.

Because there are no trees here, and the ground is mostly sandy soil, there are no special resources, and it is deserted, so it is best to build a dragon's nest.

When the army confirmed that the Dragon Nest was transmitting, there was a loud "boom" on the ground, and then a building composed entirely of keels rose from the ground until it filled up the open space, almost as large as a football. The field is so big.

The height of the dragon nest is close to 50 meters, and the whole body is white. Because it is made of bones, it looks very irregular, but it looks very domineering. There is a huge dinosaur skull on the top of the dragon nest, which seems to be wary of the creatures on the ground. Do not go near here.

"The first-level dragon nest has been generated, please drop the dragon eggs to hatch." The system's prompt sounded suddenly in Lu Jun's mind.

Listening to the prompt and looking at the appearance of the dragon nest, Lu Jun was very satisfied, thinking to himself that the one hundred thousand dragon coins were not for nothing.

But the strange thing is that he can't enter the dragon's nest, and he can't see what's in the dragon's nest, which is a pity.

But Lu Jun didn't think much about it, and immediately took out all the unhatched dinosaur eggs he had obtained since the end of the world, and put them into the dragon nest module for incubation. There are thousands of battle dragon eggs alone.

However, the dragon nest module can hatch 50 dinosaurs at the same time, and the hatching speed is much faster than Lu Jun's dragon training module. It is estimated that so many dinosaur eggs can be fully hatched within five days.

At that time, the army will take these dinosaurs and orc warriors out to fight, and then cooperate with the rebels with supernatural powers. This picture is exciting...

Moreover, Lu Jun found that the dragon nest module can even hatch the eggs of the digging sandworm, but it is not controlled by Lu Jun after hatching, because the dragon nest can only manage dinosaurs, and cannot control the brain waves of other creatures.

But Lu Jun is not worried about this problem. After all, he still has Xiaowan. As long as he hatches the earth-digging sandworm and gives it to Xiaowan to control, it will not only strengthen Xiaowan's strength, but also won't waste these precious insects in vain. egg.

The most important thing is that the ground-digging sandworm has the ability to explore underground, which is not possessed by the dinosaurs of the road army.

If Xiao Wan controls a large group of digging sandworms, then their rebels will have all kinds of attack methods, and their future battles will be much more flexible.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun immediately took out the eggs of the earth-digging sandworms that had been in the armed module for a long time, as well as those of the elite earth-digging sandworms and the queen of sandworms, and put them all into the dragon nest module for incubation.

After finishing all these tasks, Lu Jun looked up at the night sky still full of blood mist, sighed deeply, thinking to himself that he had struggled for so many days in the last days,

It's finally coming to an end...

While Lu Jun was working on these things, Butcher was also "visiting" Westwind Fortress with their new companions.

But the butcher didn't explain anything from the beginning to the end, because he knew that there were many secrets in Westwind Fortress that could not be known by others. He just wanted to let these people get acquainted with the road here.

And Lin Yilan and Shaqili haven't talked since they saw the wolf cavalry centurion and the supervisor, let alone those groups of slave labor, wolf cavalry and troll hunters riding frost wolves.

They originally thought that the Lu army was just an ordinary camp, but they didn't expect that this place was full of creatures they had never seen before, and they were very obedient to the Lu army, as if these creatures were "created" by the Lu army.

Especially when Lin Yilan and Shaqili saw Lu Jun casually let a bone building more than 50 meters high, the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

There is only one thought in their minds now, that is, they are betting right on the choice of going with Lu Jun. The true strength of Lu Jun is absolutely beyond their imagination.

But Lu Jun didn't know what Lin Yilan and Shaqili were thinking. After finishing his affairs, he walked directly to Lin Yilan and Shaqili and said, "I forgot to tell you that my force is called the Rebel Army. There are not many people, and you have all seen it, but almost all of them are supernatural beings."

"This is called Westwind Fortress, and it is under my control. Because it is still in the development stage, the scale is a bit small. Those big guys with fangs are called orcs, and they are also under my command. As long as you don't make aggressive behaviors, they will not malicious."

"As for how this place came here, and how those orcs came here, I will not tell you, and you should not try to explore by yourself, because as long as you dare to do this, no matter how valuable you are, I will will kill you."

Hearing what Lu Jun said, Lin Yilan and Sha Qili couldn't help swallowing their saliva. They both felt the killing intent from Lu Jun just now, which made their skin crawl.

Especially when Lu Jun said that almost all the people in the rebel army were supernatural beings, Lin Yilan and Shaqiri took a deep breath.

Because they all know how rare people with supernatural powers are, if the army's forces are all composed of people with supernatural powers, it would be too "perverted"...

"I won't make fun of my life, don't worry." Lin Yilan whispered to Lu Jun, expressing that he would never do anything that Lu Jun didn't allow.

"Me too... Me too... I will take care of the people I brought here..." Shaqiri also quickly echoed.

When he said these words, Shaqiri was really scared. He finally found a place where he could stay. If he accidentally did something wrong and was killed, then he would be at a loss...

After speaking, the butcher turned around and walked to the right, Lu Jun and others followed the butcher closely.

After walking about 20 meters, the butcher stopped next to a newly built warehouse, and took out a PG30 police pistol from it and put it in front of the army.

Looking at this very ordinary pistol, Lu Jun was very puzzled, not knowing what the butcher meant, but he still took the pistol and prepared to examine it carefully.

But the moment Lu Jun picked up the pistol, he felt that the pistol was very rough, just like those rusty iron blocks.

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