Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1341 Level 5 Ability User

When the rebels and orc warriors heard the Lu Jun's order, they didn't think too much about it, and they didn't think about whether they could defeat these crawling monsters. Just rush.

After everyone was ready, Lu Jun raised his hand and waved, causing the Triceratops army, which had already formed their formation, to charge.

There was only a burst of violent "dong dong dong..." sounding continuously, the whole ground trembled, and the momentum of the two hundred Triceratops charging was extremely terrifying.

Seeing that the Triceratops moved, the Velociraptor and Ankylosaurus in the rear followed closely behind, serving as the second echelon of the charge.

Under the running of these dinosaurs, a thick cloud of dust was raised on the ground, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Seeing thousands of dinosaurs rushing towards them, the reptiles in the distance roared and began to form a defensive formation.

In fact, they had already discovered Lu Jun and others, but their "boss" was attacking the magic tower, so they chose not to cause trouble.

But now that these dinosaurs dare to take the initiative to attack them, they don't have to bear it anymore. There are so many of them, are they still afraid that this little dinosaur will fail? This is what most creepers think.

With the support of this idea, a large number of B-rank crawling monsters gathered and formed a thick wall, intending to block the impact of the Triceratops group.

Although they are both B-ranks, and the number is not enough for the reptiles, the size and tonnage of the Triceratops are not comparable to the reptiles.

I saw that the crawling monsters at the front couldn't block the Triceratops for a tenth of a second, and were killed by the sharp horns of the Triceratops or trampled to death by the giant hoofs of the Triceratops.

Moreover, the Triceratops who broke through the reptile's defensive formation did not stop because of this, but activated their dragon skills one after another, rushing towards the inside of the reptile group, killing countless reptiles along the way.

Being attacked by two hundred Triceratops, the crawling monsters were a little confused, so they could only continue to block with their physical bodies and numbers, trying to slow down the impact speed of the Triceratops.

Under the desperate stop of the crawling monsters, the triceratops were exhausted after a continuous impact of nearly 300 meters, and their speed finally slowed down. They could only stop and fight the crawling monsters.

Seeing that the Triceratops finally stopped, the crawling monsters were very excited, and gathered around the Triceratops one after another, using their speed to fight as many as possible, bullying the trapped Triceratops to their heart's content, changing the situation of the Triceratops all at once. very difficult.

Fortunately, the Velociraptor and Ankylosaurus following behind also rushed in at this time. With their help, the Triceratops was able to avoid being bullied by the crawling monsters.

Although the reptiles are much faster and more flexible than the Triceratops, their speed is not enough for the Velociraptor, which is famous for its agility, and they have been played by the B-rank Velociraptor one after another. among.

As for the armored dragon, let alone, although the armored dragon is very bulky, the crawling monsters can't even break through the armor of the armored dragon.

Every time the Ankylosaurus swings its tail, more than a dozen crawling monsters will be swept away, which is very miserable...

With thousands of dinosaurs working together, they finally gained a firm foothold in the siege of the creeping monsters, and fought back and forth with the crawling monsters.

But that's all, the number of dinosaurs is relatively small after all, it is almost impossible to completely defeat these 40,000 crawling monsters, and the battle situation suddenly fell into a stalemate.

However, Lu Jun didn't intend to let the dinosaurs kill many reptiles, as long as the dinosaurs could attract the attention of some reptiles.

Now what the dinosaurs have done is better than Lu Jun imagined. Lu Jun is very satisfied, and it is time for them to act.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun immediately raised his hand and said: "It's up to us! Force me out of the crawling monster in the magic tower!"

After finishing speaking, the Lu army turned on the dragon form, and rode an ostrich equipped with a dragon saddle and rushed forward, followed by the rebel army and others.

Seeing that the army started to attack, the wolf cavalry centurion in the distance immediately raised the energy ax in his hand and shouted: "The wolf cavalry army will charge with me, for the glory of Westwind Fortress!"

The moment the wolf cavalry centurion finished yelling, the wolf cavalry centurion murmured an unintelligible ancient animal language. When the ancient animal language was finished, a golden light suddenly propped up from it, covering all Wolf Riders and Frostwolves.

With the blessing of the golden light, the morale of hundreds of wolf cavalry was greatly boosted, and they roared collectively, "For the glory of Westwind Fortress!"

After roaring, he led the surrounding frost wolves and rushed out, faster and more powerful than the rebels and others.

The rest of the troll hunters stayed in place and threw giant spears from a long distance, and were responsible for killing the creeping monsters on the periphery and clearing the way for the wolf cavalry.

As for why a troll hunter is left outside, one is because troll hunters are not assault units, and it will be more difficult to play in a tight siege.

The second is because the army is worried about accidents, so they have to leave a spare corps to ensure their retreat...

The crawling monsters who were besieging the dinosaurs saw a large group of wolf cavalry rushing over, they all felt very headache and could only turn around to resist.

However, the wolf cavalry with the blessing of golden light were not something these reptiles could resist. The reptiles standing in front were either knocked into the air, or their heads were chopped off by a sharp energy axe, and blood and broken corpses were everywhere.

Moreover, the charging speed of the wolf cavalry was not slowed down like the Triceratops, but charged faster and faster, and it seemed that they were about to kill the formation of the creeping monsters.

Being massacred like this one after another, the crawling monsters without high-level troops in charge are a little suspicious of "monsters", because they usually work together to bully others, but why can't they beat anyone today?

Just when the crawling monsters were thinking about whether to notify the high-level crawling monsters inside the magic tower to deal with the enemy, they suddenly found a group of "easy to bully" targets, that is, the road army and the rebel army riding ostriches and others.

In the eyes of the creeping demon, the number of rebels is relatively small, and they are all human beings, so they look very fragile.

Even if they can't stop the dinosaurs and the wolf cavalry, it's always no problem to kill dozens of humans together, right?

Since these human beings are so reckless, then they are impolite, the crawling monsters thought happily in their hearts.

Instigated by this kind of thinking, many crawling monsters ignored the dinosaurs and wolf cavalry, turned their heads and attacked the position of the rebels and others, intending to kill the rebels first, and give the enemy a "dismissal"...

Seeing that the crawling monster actually transferred its firepower to them, Lu Jun couldn't help showing a sneer, because this was exactly what he wanted to see.

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