Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1352 Insufficient Troops

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When he retreated to the distance where he could use the ability, Lu Jun immediately used the blinking flash back, and came to the place Xiaowan said.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun knelt down on one knee, stroked the wet ground with his right hand, and used the ability to go back in time.

Lu Jun's idea is that no matter who the underground person is, he must first use his abilities to control the other party to prevent the other party from escaping.

The moment Lu Jun used his ability, a large amount of liquid suddenly seeped from the wet ground, and then the liquid gradually condensed into a human form, which looked like a little boy.

It's just that the little boy has been controlled by Lu Jun's ability at this time, and he can't move, which is why he will be exposed from the ground.

Seeing that Lu Jun had actually captured an unidentified little boy, the people around surrounded him one after another, and at the same time became more vigilant about the surrounding situation.

"Who is it? Where did they come from? Why do you want to eavesdrop on us?" Lu Jun canceled the effect of time regression, and narrowed his eyes slightly to the little boy.

Lu Jun was holding the little boy's cervical vertebrae tightly with his right hand while he was talking. As long as the little boy moved or wanted to escape, he would directly pinch the little boy's neck.

The little boy who had just regained control of his body heard Lu Jun's words and saw that he had been exposed inexplicably, with a frightened expression on his face and unnatural trembling of his hands and feet.

"I...I..." The little boy looked at the people around him who were staring at him and yelled at me several times, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Seeing this, Lin Yilan squatted down, looked at the little boy who was the same age as Xiaowan with soft eyes, and said, "Don't be nervous, as long as you answer honestly, we won't hurt you, are you the survivors in the Tianhai gathering place?" ?”

Hearing Lin Yilan's question and that gentle voice, the little boy finally stabilized his mood, nodded lightly and said: "My name is Wu Qi, I escaped from the gathering place of Tianhai, and I happened to see you guys here , I thought we were bad people, so we could only hide..."

Hearing the little boy's answer, Lin Yilan didn't show too much expression, and continued to look at the little boy and said, "What's going on inside? Why are you hiding underground? Is it someone with supernatural powers?"

Hearing Lin Yilan's question, Wu Qi was a little confused. He didn't know what Lin Yilan meant by the supernatural being.

"The inside is occupied by that kind of man-eating monster. No one has escaped. It is my ability to sneak into the ground. I don't know why I have this ability..." Wu Qi directly liquefied his arm,

Show it to Lin Yilan and Lu Jun.

Seeing that Wu Qi didn't look like he was lying, Lu Jun let go of Wu Qi's spine and said, "They haven't escaped yet? Isn't there another door in the Tianhai gathering place? Could it be that the door is also blocked by monsters?"

Seeing Lu Jun's question, everyone also turned their attention to Wu Qi, wanting to see how Wu Qi would answer, because there are indeed two exits from the Tianhai gathering place, and they should be able to escape under normal circumstances.

When Wu Qi heard Lu Jun's question, his face turned red all of a sudden, he danced his fist unnaturally and said, "Originally, many people could have escaped, but those men in black robes not only killed the soldiers guarding the gate, They even blew up that door so that no one could get out."

"I tried to stop them, but there were too many of them, and they were stronger than me, so I could only watch them leave. I really tried my best..."

When the little boy spoke at the end, he was still crying a little, and his eyes dimmed. It could be seen that he still had lingering fears about what happened before.

Hearing what the little boy said, Xiaowan suddenly took a few steps forward, came to Wu Qi and said, "The man in black robe? Is he a middle-aged man in black robe with one eye blinded?" ?!"

After speaking, Xiao Wan took out a small black robe from her backpack and put it in front of Wu Qi, which she took off from the body of the fourth child.

Looking at the black robe in Xiaowan's hand, Wu Qi's eyes lit up, and he nodded affirmatively, "Yes! It's this kind of black robe! It's just that they have several black robes, each of whom is very capable. The blind man in black is among them."

Hearing what Wu Qi said, Xiaowan began to feel puzzled, she bit her finger and said to herself: "How many people in black robes? Isn't there only one?"

Lu Jun ignored Xiao Wan's muttering, but continued to stare at Wu Qi and said, "Where are the people from Jun Fang? What about people from other forces? They just let the man in black blow up the other door? What information do you know?"

Hearing Lu Jun's words, Wu Qi organized his language a little bit before saying: "Most of the people from the Jun side died in order to defend Ximen. I also saw the men in black robes kill Lieutenant General Zhang Dejun with my own eyes. They are also the leaders of other forces. killed because they wanted to control the gathering place."

"And they also let the survivors in the Tianhai gathering place drink an unknown liquid. Most of them will die if they drink this liquid, and a small number of people will gain strange abilities after drinking this liquid. They call these capable people For fallen warriors."

"After becoming a fallen warrior, you will lose your memory and your own thinking, and you can only let the black-robed man control it. This is what I heard from a black-robed man named Blackbird."

After listening to Wu Qi's words, everyone around took a breath, because Wu Qi brought them too much information, which made them overwhelmed.

Especially Ruan Xue, she was trembling with anger when she heard that those men in black robes killed her father.

But it also let her know who her future enemy is, and only by knowing the enemy can she take revenge.

"The ability to drink that liquid is also there?" Lu Jun frowned and said to Wu Qi, after all, if there is no adventure, it is impossible for such a young child to have supernatural powers.

"Well, those men in black robes said that they would give me food after drinking the liquid, so I drank it. I thought I was dead, but for some reason, I came back to life, gained new abilities, and was not immune to black blood. Robe people control." Wu Qi answered Lu Jun innocently.

Listening to what happened to the little boy Wu Qi, Lu Jun couldn't help but smiled wryly, secretly lamenting that anything can happen in the last days.

"What about the family? Did only one escape?" Lin Yilan touched Wu Qi's head, trying to talk to Wu Qi more, and use this method to eliminate Wu Qi's fear of them.

Hearing Lin Yilan's question, Wu Qi's eyes dimmed and he said: "I don't have any family members anymore, they went out to find food and never came back, I've survived by relying on the subsidy from the gathering places. "

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