Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1362 Resurrection

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"Er... listen to me explain, things..." Lao Wu raised his hand and made a friendly gesture.

However, Zhifu didn't finish listening to the old fifth, so he took two steps forward, staring at the fifth with his eyes tightly: "I don't want to hear any explanation! I just want to hear the truth! Tell me quickly!"

Zhifu's powerful aura suppressed Lao Wu so hard that he couldn't breathe. He stepped back several steps in a row. The place where he was injured before was also in hot pain, and the expression on his face gradually became distorted. Fortunately, the black robe blocked him people see.

"Our real purpose is to come here to find cooperation! My younger brother was killed by the Lu army! I know that I have the ability to fight against the eight tribes, but the biggest enemy now is not us, but the Lu army blocking the outside of Wolf Smoke City , if you want to go further in Qingfengyu, you must kill him!" Baqi took a step forward, held the shoulder of the fifth child, and burst out his own momentum.

Although his strength is not as strong as Zhifu's, he can't lose if he loses. No matter what, he has to shake the field, or they will really lose.

Seeing that Baqi stood up in time, the old five breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself that Baqi could solve the problem at the critical moment...

Feeling that Baqi was slightly weaker than him, Zhifu always felt that he was being provoked, and he was a little angry.

But he immediately thought that since anyone from the Eight Tribes could be similar to him, it would not be a good result to be an enemy of the Eight Tribes under the current circumstances.

So at the next moment, Zhifu took back his aura a little bit, and looked at Baqi suspiciously: "Don't push everything on us, if I guessed correctly, this army is now our biggest enemy, right? Otherwise We don't have to rack our brains so hard to get rid of him."

"But what makes me feel strange is that our eight tribes are not very strong? Why don't you even have the ability to kill an unknown soldier now? Could something have happened that caused us to die?"

Zhifu's words are very level, and there are traps everywhere. As long as Lao Wu and Baqi's answers are not rigorous enough, it is easy to be caught by Zhifu.

"Hehe, with all due respect, our eight tribes don't pay attention to a mere route army, but now our organization is busy capturing other places, and we don't have the time and manpower to deal with him, so we put this mission on Leave it to us."

"However, our strength is limited. We have fought against the Lu army for more than ten days, and both sides have suffered injuries. We have nothing to do with him for a while."

"So we came here with sincerity to cooperate with the Knights of the Apocalypse. There is no conspiracy or secret intention. I hope we can understand." Baqi calmly replied Zhifu,

In the confrontation of momentum, he did not fall too far.

Although he usually looks grumpy, like a reckless man, with a sense of no brain.

But in fact, he is very serious when he is serious, otherwise he would not have climbed to such a high position among the talented Babu.

"Oh? So you came to me for help because you couldn't beat this guy. You lied to me about my brother, right?" Zhifu narrowed his eyes slightly, with a grim expression on his face.

He hates others lying to him the most, as long as Lao Wu and Baqi dare to answer yes, then he will kill people!

"No, this is really not the case, please trust us." Baqi glanced at Lao Wu secretly, and quickly said to Zhifu.

In fact, he didn't know if Zhifei was killed by Lu Jun, but the fifth brother said so, so he could only believe the fifth.

"What about the evidence? We don't seem to be familiar enough to trust each other, right?" Zhifu asked further.

He is not a fool, it is impossible to listen to what Baqi says, and if these two people can't produce evidence today, he will still kill people.

"Er... Evidence... This..." Baqi was a little speechless, because he really couldn't come up with evidence.

"We have evidence, so I'll give it to you!" Lao Wu suddenly came up, took out a somewhat broken slate from his arms, and gently handed it to Zhifu, while explaining, "This is what I found with my supernatural power. information, so the angle of view is a little strange, and the picture is a little blurry, but it should be possible to identify who is inside."

Hearing what Old Five said, Zhifu took the stone slab suspiciously, frowned and glanced at it.

But he didn't find anything, and this stone slab was exactly the same as the other stone slabs, even with some dirt on it.

Just when Zhifu thought that the fifth child was playing tricks on him, something happened, and the slate in his hand suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards, a picture appeared in the center of the stone slab, and it continued to expand and gradually became clearer, just like watching a video.

If he didn't know that all the high-tech equipment is no longer usable, Zhifu would have thought that the fifth brother installed Tianxun in the stone slab...

"This... what kind of technology is this?" Zhifu gripped the stone slab tightly, and turned to look at the back, with a surprised expression on his face.

"It's not technology, it's my unique ability. You can see what happened at a certain time or place. Don't you want evidence? Read on, everything is in it." Lao Wu patiently explained to Zhifu with.

Hearing this, Zhifu lowered his head and stared at the stone slab in his hand in doubt, his heart beating gradually faster.

Because he had a hunch that the answer he wanted would appear in the image on this slate.

Baqi next to him gave Lao Wu a secret look, feeling a little dissatisfied, wondering what was inside the stone slab.

Because Lao Wu had never taken out the slate, this made him always feel that he was kept in the dark.

The fifth child could also feel Baqi's eyes, which made him secretly smile bitterly. He did hide something from Baqi. It seems that life will be difficult in the future, so he has to find an excuse to fool him...

But Zhifu didn't know what Lao Wu and Baqi were thinking, he kept staring at the slate in his hand, and didn't even dare to blink his eyes.

A few seconds later, a group of people appeared on the screen of the slate, which looked like they were fighting.

Although the picture is blurry, Zhifu can still recognize that one of them is a member of their Apocalypse Knights.

As for the other side, knowing the misfortune but not knowing, they can only see that these people are very strong, directly suppressing and beating their Apocalypse Knights, "pressing and rubbing on the ground", causing them heavy casualties.

As time passed, almost all the people on their side were dead, only one person was caught alone, surrounded by a group of people, as if talking about something.

"Where's the sound?! I want to hear the sound! Get it out for me!" Zhifu roared maniacally, shaking the slate continuously, as if looking for a place to turn up the volume.

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