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"There are quite a few of them in the fourth-order abilities alone. I told you this, and the overall strength is even more terrifying. You must not be careless." The third-order old man seriously reminded.

And there is no exaggeration in his words, the real strength of the Apocalypse Knights is that strong.

"If you know their power so well, do you know where they will go after they evacuate from here? I want the specific location." Lu Jun paused before speaking.

He believed what the third-tier old man said, and there was no need for the other party to lie to him.

But this does not mean that he would dare to take advantage of the chaos to attack because of this enemy who let him attack, that would be unforgivable anyway.

"Wolf Smoke City, they will definitely go to Wolf Smoke City after they retreat. This is the only stronghold of the Apocalypse Knights in the Qingfeng Region." The old man thought for a while before speaking. He was very cautious about any problems with the army.

"Okay, then lead the way, I want them to taste what it's like to be attacked!" Lu Jun clenched his fists with a grim expression.

"Ah? Boss Lu, don't you want to call there right now? It's hundreds of kilometers away from us..." Li Feng was stunned for a moment before he said.

Originally, he thought that Lu Jun would not care if there was nothing wrong with Beizhai, but who knew that Lu Jun was much more crazy than he imagined.

"Is there any reason not to fight back after being beaten? It's only a few hundred kilometers, not far away, we'll go there now." While talking, the Lujun summoned the Fengshen pterosaur and motioned for the old man to ride on and lead the way.

"Uh... Boss Lu, in fact, we don't need to go to Wolf Smoke City at all." The old man suddenly boldly mentioned.

"Why?!" Lu Jun stared at the old man with his eyes. If this man can't give a reasonable explanation, then he will be rude.

"Because they don't have any means of travel. With their speed, they will never be able to return to Wolf Smoke City within a day. We can intercept them halfway and launch a surprise attack in the air. They will never think of it!" The old man said hurriedly.

"I think it's feasible. I'll go with you too. We'll come back when we run out of brain power." Li Feng expressed his approval of the old man's plan.

Coupled with the fact that they now have the cover of night, it might not be difficult for them to sneak up.

"That's it, let's go now, and we'll talk after we find them." Lu Jun nodded, and after speaking, he spread his wings and flew up.

Li Feng and the old man also seized the time to climb behind the Fengshen pterosaur,

Prepare to keep up with the road army.

As for other ordinary fighters, they don't plan to take them with them, it doesn't make any sense at all.

Just when Lu Jun and the others were about to leave this area, the night demon riding a bone dragon suddenly caught up in a hurry.

The moment he saw Ye Mo, Lu Jun was also a little surprised, because he had just arrived here not long ago, how could Ye Mo be so fast?

"Why did you follow me?" Lu Jun stared at the night demon who was approaching him.

"It's like this, Lord Lord... I went back to Westwind Fortress and found that you were not there, so I asked someone... Then a woman said that you are here and asked me to come and help. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I ran away Here we come..." Ye Mo's voice was a little low, for fear of offending Lu Jun.

And the person who made it come over was none other than Lin Xiaobai who was in charge of staying behind.

When she saw the night devil came back, she felt that there was free "coolie" available, so she "tricked" the night devil over.

"Hey, you are very concerned about my affairs, did you bring the bone dragon army?" Lu Jun teased Ye Mo, as long as Ye Mo can speak well, then he and Ye Mo can still communicate.

"No... I didn't bring... I was faster than them... I let them stay at Westwind Fortress..." Night Demon said weakly.

"Then hurry up and call them to follow, I'll take us to do great things." Lu Jun waved his hand, ready to bring the Night Demon with him.

Originally, he thought that the manpower was a bit small and the strength was insufficient, but now that there is an army of night devils and bone dragons, it must be no problem.

"Yes, my lord..." Ye Mo agreed to Lu Jun while using brainwaves to issue orders to the bone dragon army in the distance.

In this way, after making sufficient preparations, the group of them set off with Night Demon.

Since the leaving Apocalypse Knights left a lot of traces on the ground, they can be easily tracked.

After receiving the order from the night demon, the bone dragon army quickly caught up and followed the road army.

Fortunately, they are undead creatures, tireless, otherwise, who can stand up to so many places in one day...

With the passage of time, Lu Jun and others, under the force of the flight, only took two hours to catch up with the Apocalypse Knights who had been running for most of the day.

After all, they have so many bone dragons, it would not be difficult to find a target as big as the Apocalypse Knights.

Originally, the Apocalypse Knights were still camping, and they were going to get some food and rest.

When they saw so many bone dragons above their heads, they were stunned for an instant, not knowing what kind of creatures these were.

Zhifu and Lao Wu were the two who reacted the fastest, and immediately put their team under cover.

Because they felt that the bone dragon above was just passing by, as long as they hid, there shouldn't be any danger.

But they were obviously very wrong, Lu Jun came to find them on purpose, how could he let them go.

So the next moment, the Lu army ordered the bone dragons to attack, not giving the people below a chance to escape.

Under the orders of Lu Jun and Night Demon, the bone dragons went crazy and began to dive downward, spewing out one after another of frost abilities.

"Damn it! We've been discovered! Run!" Zhifu roared.

Because he knew very well that he could not deal with these creatures, and it would be a dead end if he wanted to resist.

However, it was too late for him to issue the order now. In front of tens of thousands of bone dragons, the soldiers of the Apocalypse Knights had no time to resist.

And even if they react, they have nowhere to escape in an emergency, they can only stay in place or become a mess.

But in this case, no matter what you do, it's useless. As the bone dragons' frost ability fell, a large number of soldiers of the Apocalypse Knights died instantly, and even their bones turned into "popsicles".

This scene scared everyone on the field, and the overall formation became even more chaotic.

But apart from speeding up their death rate, it has no other meaning.

"Quickly disperse and counterattack! Counterattack!" Lao Wu also shouted beside him...

The moment the fifth child finished speaking, the ability user of the Silent Crusader came to his senses, condensing his ability and smashing towards the bone dragon army.

Their abilities are very diverse, and they can cover a large area of ​​airspace, which is the only way they can deal with bone dragons.

It's a pity that in front of groups of bone dragon creatures, their number and abilities are still too small, and they can't pose any threat to the airspace at all.

Instead, some useless abilities exposed their positions and made them fall into the siege of the bone dragon army.

"Where did these ghosts come from?! Come up with something! Otherwise we're all going to die!" Zhifu roared in despair.

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