Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1371 The 4 Hour Attack

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"Okay, then I will authorize it now." Lu Jun said while entering the system, consuming a lot of strategic points, adding thousands of orc huts to Westwind Fortress, and changing the slave labor production limit to 40,000.

This also means that from now on, as long as their supplies are sufficient, slave labor and orc huts can be produced and built without restraint.

Moreover, the Route Army has invested 80% of its research points in the development of West Wind Fortress.

With the support of these research points, both the production and construction of Westwind Fortress will be further accelerated, and the overall speed is 20% faster than before.

In this way, the matter of Westwind Fortress is temporarily completed, and the rest can be discussed after the slave labor and orc huts are produced.

And Lu Jun didn't stay here for too long, and walked outside quickly, keeping his eyes on the various buildings in Westwind Fortress.

Originally, he wanted to go and see Ruan Bing and Xiao Wan. The two had been in a coma for three days, and Lu Jun was worried that something else might happen.

However, he happened to meet Ake on the road, so he simply asked about the magic tower, intending to ask Ake to give him the exact location.

Because the magic tower needs to be activated before it can be used, only he knows the activation steps at present, and he must go there in person.

And if Lu Jun remembers correctly, he has an unfinished real-time task of collecting magic towers.

I don't know what the progress of that mission will be after he activates all the magic towers this time.

At the beginning, Lu Jun planned to go there by himself, and just let Ake tell him the location.

But Ake was obviously free, and insisted on going there with Lu Jun, saying that he wanted to learn the procedure for activating the magic tower, so he didn't have to trouble Lu Jun to go himself next time.

At Ake's insistence, the helpless Lu Jun could only summon a Fengshen pterosaur for Ake to ride on, and began the journey of activating the magic tower.

Since it happened to be early in the morning, the view was sufficient, and the weather was not a problem, so the two of them did not make any mistakes along the way, and quickly found the first magic tower.

From a distance, the army can tell that this is a low-level magic tower, and there are people from their rebel army defending below, preventing other creatures from entering.

Seeing the road army coming, the members of the rebel army were very excited. They hadn't returned to Westwind Fortress for a while.

Originally, they were worried about whether there would be any problems at Westwind Fortress.

All doubts are now cleared.

And the road army didn't have too many ink marks. After greeting the garrison personnel of the rebel army, they took Ake into the magic tower and started to activate directly.

Although it seems troublesome, in fact, only two steps are required to activate the magic tower. One is to find the main control room of the magic tower, and the other is to put the magic tower stone into the energy tank, and the magic tower will be activated directly.

Since Lu Jun had activated it several times, he moved very quickly and completed everything in less than five minutes.

Ake has been studying hard by the side, and she will be responsible for this work in the future.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun and Ake hurriedly left the magic tower and rushed to the next location.

Of course, before leaving, the Route Army left enough food boxes and ammunition in this location for the convenience of the garrison personnel.

After all, it has been very hard for these people to come here from a long distance, and the material conditions must not be left behind too much.

Seeing that the Route Army did not forget them, the members of the rebel army were extremely satisfied, and the slightest bit of dissatisfaction in their hearts caused by being stationed for too long also disappeared.

In this way, in the next few hours, Lu Jun and Ake began to activate the magic tower for a long time.

They often stay in one place for less than ten minutes and rush to the next place until all the occupied magic towers are activated.

Finally, after statistics, among the eight magic towers activated by Lu Jun and Ake, there are two middle-level magic towers and six low-level magic towers.

The effects are treatment, damage reduction, acceleration, high temperature resistance, long-range resistance, life recovery, control resistance, and low temperature resistance.

Although the bonus of each one is not a lot, but all of them can be added together, which can be regarded as a considerable bonus, which is better than nothing.

And after the activation of all the magic towers, plus the ones acquired before, the number of magic towers controlled by Lu Jun now reaches ten, and the long-silent task reminder sounded in Lu Jun's mind in time.

"Ding! The real-time task is completed, occupy three magic towers within three months, and reward dragon title value * 20000, dragon coin * 10000, strategy point * 200, research point * 50."

"Ding! The real-time mission is completed, occupy five magic towers within three months, and reward dragon title value * 1,000,000, dragon coin * 100,000, strategy point * 600, research point * 200."

"Ding! The real-time mission is completed, occupying seven magic towers within three months, rewarding strategy points * 1000, research points * 400, random magic tower guards * 10, magic tower stones * 20."

"Ding! The real-time task is completed, occupying nine magic towers within three months, rewarding strategy points * 2000, research points * 800, random magic tower guards * 20, magic tower stones * 40, supply boxes for ultimate dragon riders * 3 .”

Seeing that the rewards are so generous, and the strategic points alone have increased by several thousand, the Lu army was stunned.

Not to mention the addition of dozens of magic tower guards and dozens of magic tower stones, which are urgently needed by the road army.

In this way, the Route Army can replenish dozens of orc barracks in the West Wind Fortress, and the strategic points are completely sufficient.

The moment Lu Jun had just completed the authorization, another reminder sounded in his mind.

"Western Fortress has produced 5,000 buildings and buildings to be produced. Upgrades are allowed. Does it cost 2,000 strategic points and 1,000 research points to complete the upgrade? It will take three days. After the upgrade, new arms and buildings will be available."

This news stunned Lu Jun again. He didn't know that Westwind Fortress could still be upgraded.

But seeing that new arms and buildings will be opened, the Army Army confirmed without hesitation. Anyway, there are not many strategic points and research points needed, so there is nothing to hesitate.

As for the effect of the upgrade, Lu Jun is not sure now, let's just wait until three days later...

After all this is done, the mission of the army outside will be completed, and they will start to return to Westwind Fortress with Ake.

When passing through some magic towers on the way, he will also place the magic tower guards he just obtained.

I believe that with the assistance of the guards of the magic tower, the pressure on the personnel stationed here will be much less.

After one or two hours of continuous driving, the two of them finally returned to Westwind Fortress before two o'clock in the afternoon.

And the night devil seems to be back, as can be seen from the flying bone dragon creatures in the midair.

"After three hours of continuous fighting, we have cleared the infected bodies inside. Except for the infected bodies hidden in the building, there is no threat outside..." Ye Mo quickly reported to Lu Jun.

It can be heard that its speech has become very normal. It seems that he has learned a lot during the few days in Westwind Fortress.

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