Instead, there is an invisible zero boundary point. When the attack does not reach the critical point, it cannot be broken. Once the zero boundary point is reached, there will be no problem.

That's why the Lu army used the A-level Situ 8000 model combined with expensive special armor-piercing bullets to create an attack, which just reached the zero point of the protective layer and was able to break through it smoothly.

Just when the army was going to replace the third set of ammunition and continue to attack the unprotected tyrant-infected body, the tyrant-infected body also sensed the attack from the back, stopped what it was doing, and looked back angrily. It was unexpected that it would be broken.

The tyrant-infected body turned back and saw the Lu army on the city wall at a glance, and it felt that this person broke its protective layer.

The tyrant infected body that found the target no longer slaughtered the soldiers around it, turned around and rushed towards the army on the city wall. It wanted to deal with those who threatened it first, and leave the remaining people to the ordinary infected body to slowly deal with.

Seeing the tyrant's infected body rushing towards him suddenly, and at a very fast speed, Lu Jun subconsciously took two steps back, only had time to load two bullets, and quickly raised his gun to shoot at the tyrant's infected body.

"Bang! Bang!" Two armor-piercing bullets flew out from the muzzle of the Situ 8000, one hit the shoulder of the Tyrant-infected body, and the other missed, because the Tyrant-infected body was still running, and it was still difficult to aim. .

Since the tyrant's infected body had no protection, the bullet that hit its shoulder directly penetrated its flesh and blood, leaving a big hole in its shoulder.

It's a pity that the big hole on the shoulder is nothing to the tall and strong tyrant infected body, and it won't affect his combat effectiveness, let alone pose a threat to its life.

However, the tyrant-infected body looked at the wound on its shoulder and became even angrier. Feeling that he had been provoked, he slammed into the city wall with all his body, knocking out a big hole in the city wall.

And I don't know if this city wall is relatively weak. After being hit by the tyrant's infected body, it actually started to sag, which meant it collapsed.

Seeing this, the tyrant's infected body was overjoyed. It was still worrying about what to do with the people on the city wall. It didn't expect to find the weak point of the city wall under the crooked attack. Excited, it launched a series of attacks on the city wall.

Under the continuous attack of the tyrant's infected body, the city wall collapsed more and more seriously. The soldiers on this small section of the city wall began to stand unsteadily, desperately wanting to go to a safe place.

But before they got to a safe place, this section of the city wall collapsed with a "boom", and more than 20 soldiers and road troops could only follow the collapsed city wall and fall...

Seeing that its attack was effective, the tyrant infected body stopped attacking contentedly, and quietly waited for the Lu army to fall down. It wanted to eat the person who injured it before leaving.

But Lu Jun would not sit still. The moment the city wall collapsed, he reacted, jumped off the city wall, and went straight to the tyrant's infected body.

And his hands turned into dragon claws in the air, pointing directly at the eyes of the tyrant-infected body, after falling to the same height as the tyrant-infected body, the claws were inserted into the eyes of the tyrant-infected body, instantly infecting the tyrant The body's eyes are useless.

This is actually a matter of a split second. After destroying the eyes of the tyrant's infected body, the army is still falling. After all, the city wall is more than ten meters high, and there are still a few tenths of a second before it can hit the ground.

Seeing that Lu Jun was about to fall to the ground, if he fell from a height of more than ten meters without protection, something would definitely happen.

In the nick of time,

Lu Jun immediately used a flash to the ground, ignoring the impact of the falling, and came to the ground safely.

In fact, from jumping off the city wall, to attacking the tyrant's infected body, to using the flash to get out of danger, Lu Jun did all these actions like flowing water.

After reaching the ground, Lu Jun immediately returned his hands to normal, otherwise if he was seen, he would be regarded as a monster.

Fortunately, a small piece of the city wall that collapsed created a lot of dust, covering the area, and no one around saw the scene where the army just used the power and attacked the infected body of the tyrant.

As for the twenty or so soldiers who fell from the city wall, there is no need to say more about the consequences. Normal people would either die or be disabled if they fell from such a height...

The tyrant infected body below, before realizing what Lu Jun did to it, lost its eyesight. It took several seconds for it to realize that its eyes were broken, which made it go crazy.

Although the infected body does not feel pain, so does the Tyrant Infected Body, but the eyes are its very important organs, allowing it to find food and where the enemy is.

Now it is completely invisible, and all actions in the future can only rely on sensation and degraded hearing. Thinking about it makes me feel sad...

However, the tyrant's infected body didn't stop attacking because of this. It vowed to crush and eat the Lu army to avenge its eyes, so it waved its arms according to its feeling, and swung it around like crazy.

Lu Jun looked at the crazy tyrant-infected body and didn't choose to stop it. Instead, he walked to a safe place and slowly filled the Situ 8000 with bullets. He didn't want to be close to the tyrant-infected body now. It's going to be cold...

But the soldiers in the preparation area were uncomfortable. They had to deal with ordinary infected bodies, but now they had to be beaten by the more terrifying tyrant infected bodies than before, causing the death toll to skyrocket.

Fortunately, the attack of the tyrant's infected body didn't last long, because it couldn't see, it ran out of the preparation area all the way, came to the residential area near the preparation area, and began to attack the buildings in the residential area.

Seeing this, Lu Jun knew that the opportunity to kill the infected body of the tyrant had come. No one would know that he did it when he went there to kill the infected body of the tyrant, let alone reveal his identity.

Thinking of this, the army bypassed the chaotic preparation area and walked quickly towards the position of the tyrant's infected body.

Zhang Deshuai on the city wall saw the tyrant's infected body running there, and was at a loss, wondering why the tyrant's infected body ran there.

However, he was still very afraid that the tyrant's infection would rush into the gathering area and hurt people, so he quickly raised the walkie-talkie and said, "People around the preparation area pay attention, that big monster has run in, stop it! Don't let it in!"

But before the soldiers in the preparation area had time to respond to Zhang Deshuai, Ruan Bing's voice sounded from the walkie-talkie, "Everyone in the preparation area does not need to go over there, just do their best to defend against ordinary infected bodies. The people on my side have already gone to deal with them." ,repeat……"

When the soldiers in the preparation area heard that the orders Ruan Bing and Zhang Deshuai said were different, they were a little confused and didn't know what to do.

:. :

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