Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1398 Overall Strength

"Close the city gate! Close the city gate quickly! Don't let them in!" Seeing that the guards outside the city were almost dead, and there were still three or four hundred mutated infected bodies, Zhang Chuanhao quickly raised the walkie-talkie and ordered, fearing that the mutated infection would experience Taking advantage of the situation, he broke through the city gate and slipped into the gathering place.

To be honest, Zhang Chuanhao regretted it in his heart now. He had an unshirkable responsibility for the death of the 900 city guards. This was the consequence of his serious mistakes in command.

Some grassroots officers and soldiers around were also dissatisfied with Zhang Chuanhao, because when they watched nearly 900 of their comrades in arms being massacred by mutated infected bodies below, and they were helpless, their hearts were extremely painful.

But what made them even more annoyed was that Ruan Bing had reminded them ten minutes ago that the defenders below would withdraw before the mutated infected body attacked.

But even with the reminder, Zhang Chuanhao still insisted on going his own way and made wrong decisions. This was the most unacceptable thing for them, and their morale dropped all of a sudden.

On the battlefield, if a commander makes some relatively low-level and fatal mistakes, it will cause a major blow to the confidence of his soldiers.

After all, any order of the commander is related to the safety of the soldiers and whether the battle can be won. If the commander of one's own side is found to be stupid, even the most elite soldiers will hardly have the confidence to win...

However, due to the problem of military rank and military literacy, the grassroots officers and soldiers did not respond to Zhang Chuanhao. Now is not the time to pursue responsibility, because the mutated infected body has not been resolved, and the battle must continue.

Moreover, because the city defenders poured all their firepower on the mutated infected bodies, the ordinary infected bodies also broke through within 100 meters of the gathering place. Tens of thousands of ordinary infected bodies approached the gathering place, densely packed, which was a suffocating sight.

The most frightening thing was that the tyrant's infected body saw that the weapons of the city defenders could not do anything to it for the time being, and stepped on the human corpses to charge towards the city wall. Hundreds of surviving mutant infected bodies still followed behind it.

The repelling horses and a series of blocking facilities placed in front of the city wall by the city guards were useless to the huge tyrant infected body, and they were all washed away by it.

Hearing the sound of "Boom", the infected body of the tyrant who rushed over slammed into the city wall. The power was no less than a few rockets, and directly knocked out a big hole in the middle of the city wall.

After hitting the city wall, the tyrant's infected body still used its thick arms to grab the city wall, trying to climb up the city wall and destroy the defenders above it.

Fortunately, the city wall was nearly ten meters high, and the tyrant's infected body was only about five meters tall. It couldn't climb up smoothly, so it could only continue to hit the city wall with its head or body.

However, there is no height limit for the black thorn infected body. After they followed the tyrant infected body to the bottom of the city wall, they began to climb up the city wall, using both hands and feet, at a very fast speed.

Seeing that the black thorn infected body started to climb the wall, without Zhang Chuanhao's order, the soldiers immediately aimed their guns at the black thorn infected body below to stop the black thorn infected body from continuing to crawl.

Many soldiers also took out the explosion-proof net guns, slammed the trigger on the groups of blackthorn infected bodies below, and shot down several large nets to restrict the movement of the blackthorn infected bodies.

Under the desperate blocking of the soldiers, the black thorn infected body was struggling. From time to time, it would be killed by bullets from top to bottom, or was covered by the large net of the explosion-proof net gun. Few of the black thorn infected body could successfully climb up.

The elite infected body and the double hammer infected body can't climb the wall, they can only hit the city wall with their bodies together with the tyrant infected body,

It's just that their destructive power is relatively limited, and they will not be able to cause damage to the city wall for a while.

When the mutated infected body is not covered by the normal infected body and is forcibly attacking the city, it seems that the human side has suppressed the mutated infected body, and the number of mutated infected bodies is decreasing. Killed all.

Unfortunately, this suppression did not last long. A few seconds later, the mutated infected body found that the firepower of the defending troops was too fierce, and they were temporarily unable to climb the city wall, so they retreated collectively and retreated behind the tyrant infected body.

Just when the defending troops thought that the mutated infected body was going to retreat, the elite infected body suddenly took the remaining black thorn infected body in their hands, and then threw it against the city wall with all their strength, and hundreds of black thorn infected bodies flew across it. The arc crossed a distance of nearly ten meters and flew towards the top of the city wall.

Seeing the infected black thorns flying up from the ground, before the guards on the city wall had time to take precautions, the infected black thorns flew in front of them and landed on the city wall.

The tyrant infected body and a group of elite infected bodies no longer competed with the city wall. They turned their heads and walked towards the city gate under the firepower, trying to break through the city gate and rush into the gathering place.

Fortunately, the city guards reacted quickly, and immediately drew out their sabers to fight the blackthorn infected bodies on the city wall. There were more than 2,000 heavily armed soldiers on the city wall, and it was no problem to deal with nearly a hundred blackthorn infected bodies caught in the crowd. of.

There are also dozens of people from the logistics corps behind the city gate who are using solid objects to resist the city gate to prevent the city gate from being breached by the tyrant-infected body and the elite-infected body. They can still withstand it in a short time.

However, after falling into the city wall, the blackthorn infected body did not choose to fight head-on with the soldiers, but used its own speed to try its best to delay the soldiers' time.

Because they also know that it is very unrealistic to attack the city wall with nearly a hundred blackthorn infected bodies on their own side. They just need to delay the time and let the tens of thousands of ordinary infected bodies below approach the city wall safely, or drag the tyrant infected body to break through the city gate That's it.

Now the city defense troops in the gathering place are completely caught in a dilemma. They have to deal with the black thorn infected bodies above the city wall, deal with the tyrant infected bodies below, and prevent nearly 10,000 ordinary infected bodies from approaching.

As long as one of these places is not dealt with properly, the city wall will be breached. Once the city wall is broken, the gathering place will be in danger...

"Commander, the common infected body below is coming, what should we do now?!"

"Commander, the ammunition of the city wall in section B1 is urgent, please support!"

"Commander, many people on the city wall in section B3 were scratched by mutated infected bodies, please help!"


After the black thorn infected body attacked the wall, many grassroots officers called for help from the public channel of the walkie-talkie, because Zhang Chuanhao hadn't given them accurate instructions during this period, and they didn't know what to do.

Although he could hear calls for help coming from the intercom, he didn't know what to do now to save the situation.

He didn't think that there was still a way to repel the infected bodies and keep the city wall. After all, when tens of thousands of ordinary infected bodies approached the city wall, the city gate would inevitably be breached.

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