In this way, everything made sense, and he probably understood why the corpse controller knew the location of Westwind Fortress, and it was probably related to the bone key.

The only thing that surprised Lu Jun was that he really didn't expect that corpse controller to be so persistent, walking hundreds of kilometers on his legs to attack Westwind Fortress...

However, these are not important now. The choice before the army is very clear, either kill the corpse controller, repel the infected group, defend the West Wind Fortress, and obtain the legendary level reward of the legendary real-time mission.

Either he was killed by an infected body while defending the West Wind Fortress, or he was killed by an infected body if he couldn't defend the West Wind Fortress.

Although this legendary real-time mission will not be punished even if it fails, which means that Lu Jun can just slip away and let Westwind Fortress fend for itself, but Lu Jun will not slip away. He has already made a decision a few minutes ago. This time He wants to stick to it, not giving up an inch of ground!

Thinking of this, Lu Jun lowered his head and said to Xiao Wan who was beside him, "We have to go over there now, Xiao Wan, please lead the way."

After speaking, the Lu army summoned an ostrich-like dragon to ride on it, and also summoned one for Xiaowan, then waved to the surrounding wolf cavalry, signaling them to mount the frost wolf and prepare to set off, he had to rush over to see Take a look at the terrain to make a corresponding strategy.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, Xiaowan nodded, and immediately turned over and rode on the ostrich next to her, intending to lead the way at the front.

But at the next moment, she suddenly thought of something, she turned her head and pointed at the Bloodthirsty King Bat who was still lying on the ground beside her and said, "Brother Lu Jun, what about the Bloodthirsty King Bat? Leave it here?"

Hearing what Xiao Wan said, Lu Jun scratched his head. If Xiao Wan hadn't reminded him that he had forgotten that the Bloodthirsty King Bat hadn't woken up yet, this is an important combat power. He would definitely use the Bloodthirsty King Bat later. , but what should the bloodthirsty king bat do in this state...

When Lu Jun was distressed, the bloodthirsty king bat who was in a coma seemed to feel that Xiaowan and Lu Jun needed it, and suddenly opened his closed eyes.

Then it struggled to stand up, flapping its four wings and flew upwards, as if telling Lu Jun and Xiao Wan with actions that it could participate in the battle.

Although the wound on the bloodthirsty king bat has not fully recovered, it has just rested for more than two hours during the coma, and the wound has recovered about 40%. As long as it is not a high-intensity melee combat, it can handle it.

Seeing that the bloodthirsty king bat is so desperate and so spiritual, Lu Jun was a little moved, and had the idea of ​​feeding the bloodthirsty king bat another A-level spar.

Because he felt that the bloodthirsty King Bat was more pitiful, first he and Xiao Wan beat him to death, then he was chased and beaten by the leader of the mantis, and then he was beaten by the twin eagle demon, which caused the wound to not heal for several days , back full of scars.

But even so, the bloodthirsty king bat is still not lazy. When Lu Jun and Xiaowan need it, it will stand up without hesitation, or this is a kind of responsibility that belongs to it...

After confirming that the bloodthirsty king bat was fine, Lu Jun stopped hesitating, patted the back of the ostrich, and rushed with the wolf cavalry to the place where the infected group was found, following Xiao Wan and the bloodthirsty king bat.

In the case of riding an ostrich-like dragon, it only took about 20 minutes for the road army to cover a distance of 10 kilometers. This was due to the delay due to the complicated terrain on the road.

After arriving at the location pointed by Xiao Wan, the Lu Army and the others stopped moving forward, because they were on a small hill at this time, and they could see that there were infected bodies walking below the hill.

A mighty piece, very spectacular.

Judging from the formation length and density of the infected bodies, their number is estimated to be 70,000 to 80,000. The three huge tyrant infected bodies in front of the team are extremely conspicuous.

Seeing that the situation of the infected group was similar to what Xiao Wan said, Lu Jun took out a high-powered telescope and looked carefully at the center of the infected group, trying to try his luck and see if he could find the corpse controller by this method , if the corpse controller can directly kill the infected group, the threat will be much smaller.

But Lu Jun's luck today was obviously not very good. Apart from a pile of ordinary infected bodies whose faces were rotten enough to grow bugs, he found nothing else.

Seeing this, Lu Jun was not in a hurry, thinking carefully about the next strategy against the enemy. Anyway, he was just trying to find the corpse controller just now, and didn't have too much expectation. After all, if the corpse controller is so easy to find , then it is not called a corpse controller...

The wolf cavalry on the side looked at the almost endless infected bodies below, with surprised expressions on their faces, because it was the first time they saw the infected bodies, and there were still so many.

And they can imagine that if these infected bodies are allowed to attack Westwind Fortress, 99% of the defense capabilities of Westwind Fortress will be impossible to defend, and the infected groups must be blocked from Westwind Fortress.

As for how to block them, the wolf cavalry don't know, they can only follow the arrangement of the road army. After all, they are the most basic fighting arms of the orcs, and they don't have this kind of overall situation and strategic deployment capabilities. The Centurion of the Wolf Cavalry is now also thinking of "paste".

And Lu Jun, who was thinking with a telescope, looked at the slightly open terrain below the hill, and immediately had some simple and crude plans in his mind that could delay or block the infected group.

That is to fight with these infected bodies first, and then create a movement to attract their overall attention, so that they will not move forward. As long as the time is delayed, it will be beneficial to the army. If the corpse controller can be tricked out better...

Thinking of this, Lu Jun began to assign tasks. First, he took out more than 30 special grenade bags and put them on the ground and said to Xiao Wan, "Xiao Wan, you and the bloodthirsty king bat will be in a group later, and the task is to fly over the infected group , throwing a grenade down randomly at a distance of about ten meters, the main purpose is to create noise, cause confusion, and contain the infected group, and the secondary purpose is to use the grenade’s range of damage to kill the infected as much as possible, understand?”

After speaking, Lu Jun was afraid that Xiaowan would not know how to use these grenades, so he took a few out and introduced them to Xiaowan.

After listening to Lu Jun's words, Xiao Wan nodded excitedly. She liked this relatively violent task very much. She immediately bent down and put all the special grenade bags on the ground on the back of the Bloodthirsty King Bat, and was going to bombard them indiscriminately later. field.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, Wolf Cavalry Centurion nodded, but it immediately asked in doubt, "But Lord Lord, if the infection doesn't come back later, can we just stay and watch?"

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