Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1503 Falling into a Swamp

The latest website: Because if you want to kill these blood rock creatures quickly, you must summon dinosaurs.

Otherwise, with the speed of Ruan Bing and others and various creatures, it would be difficult to kill the blood rock creatures outside within ten minutes.

After all, there are quite a lot of blood rock creatures, and they are not so easy to deal with.

If it can't be solved in a short time, then the method Ruan Bing just thought of is meaningless.

Immediately afterwards, the army let the dinosaurs rush forward and came to the position where the blood rock creatures were the most. There was no trace of ink, and the collective was a violent attack.

Since it was a close combat, they didn't even need to use their dragon skills, they directly bit their claws and teeth.

Ruan Bing and the others were not idle, and it was a storm to bring the creatures under their control.

Because they didn't know what happened to the companions on the high tower, the blood rock creatures below were extremely worried.

Now that he was besieged by the Road Army and others, he was naturally invincible, and there were signs of defeat within ten seconds.

In desperation, the blood rock creatures below could only urgently send out various signals for help, asking the blood rock lord to save them.

At the same time, it also shrinks the line of defense, so that the creatures of one's own side can be tightly condensed together, so that they can withstand the pressure to the greatest extent.

The blood rock lord hiding above also knew that the creatures below him were under siege, and he was very troubled.

After all, logically speaking, it should do something now, or let the blood rock creatures return to the tower for defense.

It's a pity that it can't do this, because the towers can't stay anymore, and it doesn't make any sense for their creatures to come in at this time.

But it's not safe outside now, and leaving their creatures outside is also sending them to death.

At present, there is only one way, that is, it takes all the creatures of its own to go out and fight desperately, so maybe it can save the battle.

However, Lord Blood Rock is guilty, he knows that there must be ambushes outside, and the enemy is waiting for him to go out.

Today it can be said to be caught in a dilemma. Whether it goes out or not, it may be a fatal existence for it.

Finally, after thinking about it,

Lord Xueyan still decided to go out and fight Lu Jun and others to the death.

After all, if they continue to stay here, they will almost suffocate, let alone have to persist for ten minutes, which is simply fatal.

More importantly, if all the blood rock creatures below died, Lu Jun and others would definitely rush in.

At that time, with their combat power, they will definitely not be able to defeat them, and the tower will still be lost.

That being the case, it might as well go out and fight to the death, so maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

After the decision was made, the Great Lord of Blood Rock issued its order to let the blood rock creatures in the high tower go out collectively, and have a decisive battle with Lu Jun and others.

After receiving the order, all the blood rock creatures breathed a sigh of relief. They really couldn't hold back any longer, and felt that life would be worse than death.

Now they would rather go out and fight for their lives than hide in the tower and be aggrieved...

So the next moment, the blood rock creatures rushed out collectively with their remaining consciousness, and all gathered under the tower.

The blood rock lord followed closely behind, leaving the tower with a group of blood rock creatures, and came to the outside together...

Although at this time, most of them were confused by the dust and mist inside, and it was even difficult to distinguish east, west, north and south.

But they still stood resolutely in front of the tower, showing the dignity of their blood rock clan.

"No! The special grenade is effective! Because the blood rock creatures on the tower have not shown their heads to attack for more than 20 seconds, they are fighting hard!" Ruan Bing said suddenly, telling everyone the details she found.

This made both Lu Jun and Xiaowan's eyes brighten. Indeed, they hadn't been attacked for a while.

There is only one possibility for this to happen, and that is that the blood rock creatures have lost most of their fighting power, otherwise there is no reason for this to happen.

"Great! We can go straight in, and we can kill the Lord of Blood Rock in just three rounds, and the victory will definitely be ours!" Xiao Wan said eagerly.

She has always advocated rushing in to fight, but the Lu army blocked her, making her unable to perform...

"No, no matter what, you can't rush, because apart from losing combat effectiveness, there is also an extremely slight possibility that these blood rock creatures are playing tricks and trying to trick us into fighting them."

"If we fall into the trap and find that they have not lost their combat effectiveness after entering, then we must be invincible."

"And even if they lose part of their combat power, as long as they retain a little bit, it will be extremely difficult for us to defeat them in the tower."

"The most important thing is that the smoke and poisonous mist in the tower have not dissipated. If we rush in, how will we be prepared? It is very likely that even the Lord of Blood Rock will not be killed, and we will also get in." Ruan Bing continued to shake Nodding his head, he explained to Lu Jun and Xiaowan.

In fact, she and Lu Jun have the same idea, they just don't want to be too risky, after all, in other people's territory, you can't make a wrong move.

"Then what should we do? Are we just waiting here... But our time is running out..." Xiao Wan still frowned.

She already had some trouble understanding what Lu Jun and Ruan Bing were thinking. Since time was short, she should hurry up...

Lu Jun was also thinking hard about the solution. He knew that Ruan Bing's words made sense, but he didn't have a better way, so he was very distressed.

At the same time, he also felt that his brain was not enough recently, probably because he had been thinking too much recently and couldn't get a rest.

"Don't worry, we don't have to wait here, and we don't have to go in. I have a way to make them have to come out."

"Just take this opportunity to kill all the blood rock creatures they placed outside, and then let our creatures surround the entire tower and rush in directly from the entrance."

"Now the blood rock creatures in the tower cannot be defended. It is our best time to attack. The blood rock creatures outside are absolutely unstoppable."

"At that time, we can send our creatures to explore the way, and we will naturally know if the Lord of Blood Rock is cheating."

"And I conclude that if there are ghosts inside, the Great Lord Blood Rock will definitely not watch his subordinates being slaughtered outside."

"If they are just holding back, they won't last long, because the outer line of defense and the tower are closely linked. If the outside is lost, the tower will surely die."

"So as long as we massacre the blood rock creatures outside now, the blood rock lord will come out to help no matter what. There is absolutely no second possibility." Ruan Bing continued for a long time, telling all the things that will happen next over again.

"Very good, I think there is no problem, let's do it this way." Lu Jun nodded, and summoned more than 20 dinosaurs of various kinds while talking.

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