Latest URL: When the sand and dust cleared, the phantom bone shield was completely shattered, turning into bone scum all over the place, and all the clones of the crawling demon emperor disappeared, probably shattered together by Wanhun Slash.

As for the crawling demon emperor lying on the ground more than three meters away, there were many holes in his body, which was a bit miserable. It can be seen that the phantom bone shield just now did not completely block Wanhun Slash, and the crawling demon emperor was also affected...

Seeing that Ruan Bing knocked down the strongest crawling demon king of the opponent with one blow, the rebels and other people in the distance boosted their morale, and even cheered while fighting. They felt that victory was leaning towards them.

However, Lu Jun's frowning did not dissipate because of this scene, because he felt that things were not that simple. As an S-level creature, the crawling demon king was absolutely impossible to be so fragile.

The wood next to him also had the same feeling as Lu Jun. Although the crawling demon emperor seemed to be defeated, the aura of the crawling demon emperor was actually stacking, which made Mu Mu unable to understand.

Just when Lu Jun and Mu Mu were both puzzled, they saw that the crawling demon king suddenly got up from the ground, his body size increased by another three points, and his eyes became more bloodthirsty. It seemed that being injured could make it more excited and violent.

Seeing the appearance of the crawling demon emperor, Ruan Bing did not panic at all, and continued to concentrate his brainpower, preparing to give the crawling demon emperor another blow.

However, this time Ruan Bing's Ten Thousand Souls Slash could not be cast, because the moment she lifted the Soul Devouring Scythe, the crawling demon emperor, who had become huge in size, suddenly jumped up from the ground and flew into the midair in an instant, making Ruan Bing lost his attack target.

Just when Ruan Bing looked up to see where the crawling demon emperor jumped, Xiao Wan, who had been observing the battlefield in mid-air, suddenly shouted loudly: "Be careful! It's behind you!"

Hearing Xiao Wan's reminder, Ruan Bing turned around immediately, and saw that the crawling demon emperor who jumped up just now ran behind her at some point and was rushing towards her, which Ruan Bing did not expect.

In this case, even if Ruan Bing wanted to dodge, she would be too slow, and her speed was no match for the crawling Demon Emperor.

When Ruan Bing was about to raise the soul-devouring sickle and summon a large number of soul bodies to bear the blow of the crawling demon emperor, the soul-devouring beast under her crotch suddenly moved.

It's just that the Soul-devouring Beast didn't choose to run left or right, but knelt down directly on the ground, allowing itself and Ruan Bing to move down a position.

Because it knows that it is useless to run left and right, the speed of the crawling demon king is there, and only by moving down can it escape the attack of the crawling demon king.

The crawling demon emperor who was jumping into the air had no idea that the Soul-devouring Beast would suddenly "kneel", causing it to be stunned for a moment.

When it finished being stunned and wanted to change the angle of attack, it was too late, so its claws could only scratch against Ruan Bing's scalp without hurting Ruan Bing at all.

After leading Ruan Bing to avoid the crawling demon emperor's attack, the soul-devouring beast immediately got up from the ground and quickly turned back, exposing the crawling demon emperor's back to Ruan Bing.

Seeing that she narrowly escaped the attack of the crawling demon king and the opportunity created by the soul-devouring beast, Ruan Bing certainly would not miss it. Immediately, holding the soul-devouring sickle with both hands, he chopped at the creeping demon king's back with the sharpest end. superior.

Hearing a "chi", the red skin and muscular back of the crawling demon emperor were quickly cut open by the soul-devouring sickle, and the wound was so deep that the bones inside could be seen.

"Roar!!!" The injured crawling demon emperor roared even more miserably, because the blow just now not only hurt its body, but also hurt its soul, making it extremely painful...

However, Ruan Bing's hasty blow could only do so, and the crawling demon emperor quickly separated himself and Ruan Bing.

Immediately afterwards, he activated his own ability, phantom raid, and summoned dozens of clones that were exactly like him to besiege Ruan Bing.

On the way, there are many crawling monsters who want to stop Ruan Bing's progress, because Ruan Bing is left alone, and they feel like "bullying".

But Ruan Bing didn't even look at these crawling monsters, and kept waving the soul-eating sickle, summoning a series of soul bodies, killing the crawling monsters approaching her on the road.

As for why Ruan Bing didn't directly use Soul Storm and Soul Funeral to kill these crawling monsters, it was because Soul Storm and Soul Funeral were abilities that didn't distinguish between friend and foe.

Once she uses it, both Lu Jun and the others and the crawling monster will be affected, so Ruan Bing can't use this ability that kills one thousand enemies and self-damages eight hundred unless it is extremely urgent...

The crawling demon emperor in the distance also saw Ruan Bing rushing towards it again, and at the same time it also felt the dangerous aura on Ruan Bing.

However, the crawling demon emperor didn't pay attention to Ruan Bing immediately, but turned his eyes blood red first, and activated its berserk ability.

The moment the crawling demon emperor turned on his berserk, its size suddenly increased, its muscles became stronger, and its claws became longer.

Moreover, the crawling demons near the magic tower seemed to have also been boosted, their eyes turned blood red, and the physical changes were exactly the same as the crawling demon emperor.

After possessing the increase of berserk ability, both the speed and attack power of the crawling monsters increased by about 30%, their morale soared, and their attacks became even sharper.

Seeing that the crawling demon king can strengthen so many crawling demons with a simple move, Lu Jun frowned even deeper.

While ordering the rebels and others to strengthen their firepower, the Lu army was also keeping a close eye on Ruan Bing's situation. As long as Ruan Bing was in danger, he would go to support him.

However, the dangerous situation that Lu Jun was worried about did not happen. I saw that the moment Ruan Bing got close to the crawling demon king, he immediately condensed a slash of souls and attacked the crawling demon king's position.

Although Wanhun Slash consumes a lot of soul body, Ruan Bing absorbed the souls of tens of thousands of crawling monsters here just now, so it's okay to use a Wanhunslash to test the crawling demon king's strength first.

Seeing the Ten Thousand Soul Slash, which can even split the air, attacking it, the crawling demon emperor only felt that the space around him was blocked, as if it couldn't dodge this blow with speed at all.

After learning about this situation, the crawling demon emperor immediately activated his own defense ability, the phantom bone shield.

When this ability was used, more than 20 virtual clones suddenly appeared around the crawling demon emperor, and then all of these clones tore apart their own muscles and skin, allowing all the bones inside to protrude.

It only took two seconds for these bones to gather together, forming a bloody solid bone shield, directly blocking the crawling demon emperor's body.

A second later, only a "boom!" was heard, and Wanhun Zhan collided with the phantom bone shield of the crawling demon emperor, setting off a large amount of dust and bone fragments.

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