Facing the menacing Abyss Demon King, the four Tyrannosaurus opened their berserk form together, their eyes and claws turned red.

Immediately afterwards, they dispersed one after another, went to four directions, and surrounded the Abyss Demon King invisibly.

The remaining Deinonychus raised its head and spit out a fiery breath, summoning a thunderstorm, causing long-range interference to the Abyss Demon King.

Immediately afterwards, it walked quickly around the back of the Abyss Demon King, leaped like a hungry tiger, bit the tail of the Abyss Demon King, and tore it vigorously.

So the next moment, Snow Bear and the elves immediately sent out an emergency signal, asking for help from the road army and watchmen staying in the middle.

Since he didn't know from which direction the Abyss Demon King would attack from the beginning, the army could only stay in the middle of the cave to command the battlefield, so that no matter where there was trouble, he could immediately support it.

When they learned that the Abyssal Demon King had launched a general attack at the north gate of the cave, the army did not hesitate at all, and directly grabbed the watchman's arm, signaling the watchman to start action.

Watcher, who had cooperated with Lu Jun many times, also understood what Lu Jun meant, and immediately turned on the flashing, leading Lu Jun to the north gate battlefield in an instant.

As for Hongyue, Lin Yilan and others, they continued to stay in the central area to wait for news, because Lin Yilan also opened the space portal, and they could reach the south gate or the north gate at any time when necessary...

As the scene changed, the road army and the watchman quickly saw the situation on the battlefield clearly.

At this time, there were about 500 casualties among the snow bears and elf warriors, most of which were caused by the Abyss Demon King. There were more than a thousand elf warriors infected with the plague virus, and the situation was very bad.

The defense line at the entrance of the cave has been opened by the Abyss Demon King, and more undead creatures are pouring in. If the army and the watchers come one step later, the battle situation will be irreparable.

Fortunately, the current situation is still salvageable. The next moment Lu Jun had a thought, he summoned four Tyrannosaurus and one Deinonychus, and stood in front of the Abyssal Demon King.

Since this is in the cave, the brontosaurus and Fengshen pterosaur will not be able to stretch here, so the Lu army didn't let them out, just to save some brain power.

Looking at the familiar dinosaurs, the Abyss Demon King immediately stopped what he was doing as if he had seen an enemy, and narrowed his eyes with a chilling intent.

It will never forget that night,

It was these abominable dinosaurs that severely injured it and made it lose face in front of the undead creatures.

At that time, it secretly swore that if it encounters these dinosaurs again in the future, it will definitely kill them for supper.

So the next moment, the abyss demon slashed at the Tyrannosaurus with a double-headed spear ignited with blue flames.

Just after using the double-ended spear to resist the flames and thunderstorms in front of him, he felt a sharp pain from his tail, which made the Abyss Demon King frowned deeply.

Now the Abyss Demon King began to regret it again. If it could come here earlier, it might be able to prevent the elves from arming their defenses, and the current situation would not be so embarrassing.

However, no matter what, it is still necessary to attack first, otherwise it can only be wasted here.

Although the sky is still bright at this time, the undead creatures under it are a little depressed, but judging by the weather, it is already afternoon, and it is estimated that it will be two or three hours before dark, so it can make a tentative attack first.

So the next moment, the Abyss Demon King sent out a brain wave, ordering the undead creatures to attack from both the south and north sides at the same time, to see how the cave's defense ability is.

Generally, the rough work of charging to death is done by a large number of weak ghouls and skeleton warriors, and this time is no exception.

I saw thousands of ghouls crowded towards the entrances of the two caves after receiving the order, densely packed, looking like they were not afraid of life and death.

But as soon as they arrived at the entrance of the cave, they were attacked head-on by the snow bears and elves, turning any undead creatures who dared to approach the cave entrance into corpses until the cave entrance was full.

Although the entrance of the cave looks small from the outside, in fact the area inside the entrance is very large.

Thousands of snow bears and tens of thousands of various elf warriors have already built a defense line inside, waiting for the undead creatures to come in.

Due to the restriction of the entrance, the undead creatures could not take advantage of the charge, nor could they use the bone dragon bombing attack, which made them unable to even enter the entrance of the cave after attacking for a long time.

Moreover, ghouls and skeleton warriors die as soon as they enter, and they cannot bring out news about the layout and structure of the cave's interior, making it difficult for the undead army to attack.

During this period, the Abyss Demon King also ordered the undead creatures to attack other parts of the cave, intending to open up another passage, and even asked the bone dragon to gather fire above the cave to see if the cave could be collapsed.

But none of these methods had any effect. One was that the periphery of the cave was covered with solid ice that had been frozen for an unknown amount of time, and the other was that the rock structure of the cave was too hard, and the attacks of ordinary undead warriors were useless at all.

Seeing that the corpses of its subordinates had piled up the entire hole, the Abyss Demon King knew that going on like this was not an option, and he had to make a move.

In the next moment, the Abyssal Demon King made the useless ghouls and skeleton warriors retreat and let out the entrance of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, it began to take the lead in the charge, letting fat plague ghosts follow behind it.

Because it takes into account that the plague ghost will explode after death, spraying out the plague virus, and the cave is closed, the plague virus will spread quickly inside, the effect must be very good.

The moment he entered the cave, the Abyss Demon King immediately used a large amount of flame rain regardless of consumption, almost covering the entire front of the cave.

Then, relying on its own high defense, it swiped left and right with the double-ended spear, rushed into the defensive formation of snow bears and elves, and opened a passage for the plague ghosts.

Although its physical strength was greatly reduced by the army and the dinosaurs two days ago, and its combat effectiveness was severely reduced, but after two days of rest, it has recovered 80% of its physical strength, which is no different from its peak period.

So being charged by the Abyss Demon King, Snow Bear and the elves didn't react immediately, and the casualties began to increase dramatically.

Although the snow bears activated their ice shields in time to resist, they also spit out a large number of blasting snowballs.

But this is not the river surface, water elements are scarce, and the ice shields of the snow bears can't hold on for a few seconds before they shatter.

And their blasting snowballs are almost ineffective against the Abyss Demon King, and can only hit the Plague Ghost.

But even if the plague ghost is dead, it can still spray out a large amount of plague virus. Once these viruses are inhaled, they will show symptoms of physical discomfort, and the defense line of the elves and snow bears will suddenly fall to the brink of collapse.

You must know that they are in a cave, and there are only one or two lines of defense. If the entrance of the cave cannot be guarded, a large number of undead creatures will flood in, and they will be finished.

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