Scarface wiped the blood on his face, picked up Nandi's head from the ground, turned around, and looked at the Baishacai people who were still fighting: "Nandi is dead! Those who surrender will not be killed!"

Hearing Scarface's roar, everyone in the battle immediately reacted and looked at Scarface's position.

When they saw that Nandi really died at the hand of Scarface, they couldn't help feeling mixed feelings.

Those who belonged to the Southern Emperor's side showed disbelief, while those who betrayed the Southern Emperor showed excitement.

So the next moment, the voice of "The Southern Emperor is dead! Those who surrender will not be killed!" echoed continuously on the battlefield.

As the roar grew louder and covered a wider area, everyone on the battlefield stopped fighting, dazed, and surrendered.

It can only be discovered after the battle is stopped. At this time, the battlefield is full of corpses.

Because in less than 30 minutes of shopping, Nandi and Scarface each lost thousands of people, and there were thousands of wounded.

From the original population of nearly 30,000, the number of people still fighting is less than 20,000, and the casualties are terrible.

And the next thing is simple, once the Southern Emperor died, his subordinates lost the desire to fight, turned around and took refuge in Scarface.

Although it is very immoral to do so, but now is the end of the world, it is good to be able to live, there is so much morality.

Therefore, the members of the Baisha Financial Group who had just worked so hard just now became companions again in a blink of an eye, and began to clean up the battlefield and carry the leftover supplies.

After finishing all this, Scarface waved his hand, signaling everyone to go on the road, head to Amano Town, and start their new life.

"I was the one who really killed your son. I attacked him from behind. I killed his confidantes first with a gun, and then killed him with my own hands, hahaha..." The scarred face lay next to Nandi's ear, controlling The volume at which the sentence is spoken.

"Why... why! Why..." Nan Di's eyes were dull, and he kept repeating this sentence.

He has been thinking about this question countless times these days, and he has thought about any possibility, but he just never thought that his son died in the hands of Scarface.

Because the scar face was disguised so well that even he, who was experienced in society, couldn't see the slightest flaw.

Now that he knows that the person he hates the most is by his side,

And after so many days of hibernation, Nandi couldn't accept it all at once, and his mind went blank.

If he had directly killed Scarface at that time, he would rather kill the wrong one than let it go, maybe none of this would have happened. Unfortunately without these if...

"There are so many reasons. If I have to say one, it is that you two treat me like a dog. I am unwilling, so I can only sharpen my fangs and wait for the day to bite you to death."

"Fortunately, I have waited for this day. Although I paid a price with a finger, although I haven't had a good night's sleep in this month, I am always worried that I will be discovered by you."

"But now that I've done it and succeeded, it's all worth it. I've held back these words for a long time, and I can finally say them..." Scarface returned to a normal expression, staring at his severed finger.

"I'll kill you!" Nandi, who had been sluggish before, suddenly became crazy, opened his mouth, and wanted to bite his scarred face with his teeth.

But his limbs were all bound, and he had nowhere to exert strength, let alone move, and naturally he couldn't bite.

"Hey, don't struggle, there is something else to say before you die, hurry up, I'm in a hurry." Scarface patted Nandi's cheek again, and said with a look of enjoyment.

It's not that he talks too much nonsense, but that he has planned so many days to achieve something, which makes him feel very fulfilled, and he wants to humiliate Nandi for a while.

Seeing that he really couldn't do anything about his scarred face, Nan Di gradually regained his composure, and smiled wryly: "You killed me, how do you explain to the Babu people? You don't naively think that the Babu people will cooperate with you Bar?"

"Hey, old man, it's the end of the world now, why do you still look at things from a pre-apocalyptic perspective? What is impossible in this end of the world?" Scarface mocked Nan Di.

"What do you mean?" Nan Di had a bad premonition in his heart, as if he had guessed something.

"Now I don't need to lie to you. In fact, people from the Babu people planned to come to support today, but I refused them and told them not to come, because I have some private matters to deal with with you."

"They also acquiesced to my approach. They also said that as long as I can kill you, they will support me, let me be the leader of the Baisha Financial Group, and even let me join the Eight Parts."

"The reason for this is simply because you are too stubborn and your ideas are too old, and they can't cooperate with you more."

"But I'm different. As long as it's what they want, I will provide it. I was able to become a third-level supernatural being so quickly because of the help of the eight tribes."

"Of course, all of this is a secret deal between me and them. You have been busy with your son's affairs, and you don't know about it. It's normal." Scarface happily told Nan Di these secrets that belonged to him .

"Hehe, you keep saying that I will be a dog for the Babu people. It turns out that you are the one who wants to be a dog, haha...that's ridiculous..." Nandi raised his head and laughed, anyway, he doesn't care about anything now Yes, even if he dies, he will die with a smile on his face.

"If you don't say that, how can you let your subordinates betray you with me?" Scarface pointed at the people of the Baisha Consortium who were still fighting in the distance, "See, these are all your subordinates, but they were killed by me." How do you feel now that you lied so much and helped me catch you?"

Hearing this, the face of Nandi, who was originally indifferent to life and death, changed drastically, and he was almost pissed to death by Scarface's words.

But he kept telling himself not to be angry, not to be angry, because Scarface was trying to make him angry on purpose.

Seeing that Nandi closed his eyes directly without saying a word, causing Scarface to not see what he wanted, he couldn't help but feel a little bored: "Well, since you don't want to talk anymore, I'll give you a ride. It may be very painful, please bear with it, goodbye, Nan Di 'sir'."

"Let's do it, paper can't cover fire. Someone will know everything you do and avenge me. I'll wait for you below, hahaha..." Nan Di showed a relieved expression, and said again. Laughing up to the sky...

"That's for the future, let's wish your dreams come true first." Scarface shook his head indifferently, and began to use his brainpower to shrink the chains tied to Nandi's body.

In the next moment, Nandi's body was twisted into a deformity, and the skin began to crack, with blood gushing out from inside continuously.

Under such circumstances, Nan Di couldn't bear it any longer, and screamed frantically, the blood flowing from his mouth never stopped, and his eyes almost protruded.

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