Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1610 slipped away

Although it is difficult to kill the Boneless Dragon and the Plague Ghost with the attack of the Son of Vengeance, they are superior in their numbers. There are so many ants that they can kill an elephant...

Looking at the completely uncontrolled battlefield, Ye Mo only felt a headache and a feeling of being at a loss.

Because it found that the more intense the battle, the more corpses there were on the ground, and the more Avenging Sons were produced, and their battle became more difficult.

For example, they just killed hundreds of elf fighters of various types, and their own side lost thousands. From the perspective of the situation, it is not a loss, after all, their number is several times that of elves.

But when these corpses were transformed into Sons of Vengeance, they would suffer a huge loss, because no matter how they fought, the strength of the elves would increase.

And they will only continue to lose money. Under the ebb and flow, their strength will be weaker than the elves sooner or later...

In fact, Ye Mo's worries were very reasonable. As time passed, the number of Sons of Vengeance suddenly reached 10,000, and they began to concentrate on dealing with the bone dragon flying above.

After tens of thousands of Sons of Vengeance gathered fire, it was difficult for the bone dragons to hold back. Even though they would not be knocked down, they could not continue to attack.

After a short journey, the hellfire and bone spirit evil body finally came to the side of the Vengeful God.

At this time, the hope of the undead creatures is on their side. If they can kill the god of revenge, then the advantage is still on the side of the undead creatures.

If they can't do anything about the Vengeance God, or if they can't kill the Vengeance God in a short time, then this battle really can't continue...

Hellfire and Bone Spirit Evil Body also understood the pressure on their bodies, so in the next moment, the four of them surrounded the Vengeance God, planning to fight four against one and kill the Vengeance God.

Facing the four pseudo-ultra-order creatures, the Vengeance God didn't panic at all, as if he had expected this kind of thing to happen, and waved the phantom of the spur wheel in his hand unhurriedly.

In the next moment, the God of Vengeance disappeared from the battlefield and moved hundreds of meters away.

Seeing this scene, the hellfire and bone spirit evil body were stunned, and the night devil was also stunned, because they never thought that the Vengeful God would also flicker...

In this way, their idea of ​​​​surrounding the Vengeance God is not valid, and it will take a lot of time to continue to approach the Vengeance God.

But during this time,

The Sons of Vengeance will continue to output, and they will have to kill and injure many companions.

But no matter what, the God of Vengeance cannot continue to exist, so the next moment, the hellfire and the evil body of the bone spirit rushed towards the God of Vengeance tirelessly.

Seeing the enemy approaching again, the God of Vengeance still didn't panic, and didn't choose to run away. Instead, taking advantage of the time, he kept waving the ghost wheel phantom in his hand to kill the undead creatures in his field of vision.

Since the Vengeful Angel is a super-order creature, its attack power is very high. Even the bone dragon can't stop its attack, let alone other undead creatures.

With the cooperation of Vengeance God and Son of Vengeance, the undead creatures died in large numbers, and the number of bone dragons dropped from 500 to more than 300.

As for the elf warriors, they are well aware of the destructive power of the Vengeance God, and they know that the enemy cannot hurt the Vengeance God.

So the next moment, the giants of the mountain and rock stood in front of the Vengeful God, forming a "mountain wall" to prevent the hellfire and bone spirit evil body from approaching.

If there were only one or two bone spirit evil bodies or hellfires, the rock giants would probably be able to block them.

If Lu Jun is here, you can know that this is the strongest ability of the watcher, which is similar to the ability of the night devil, and it can summon creatures that can fight.

It's just that the creature summoned by the night devil is hellfire, and the creature summoned by the watcher is the god of revenge, which is also a super-order creature.

But Hellfire is a pseudo super-order, and Vengeful God is a complete super-order, because it has a very strong ability, that is, it can summon a son of revenge from any corpse, a creature that cannot be attacked, but can attack the enemy .

The strength of the Son of Vengeance is A-level, it looks like a miniature version of the Vengeance God, and it can attack from a distance or in close combat.

The attack ability of this thing is not strong, the biggest feature is that it will not die, as long as the revenge gods exist, they will always exist.

So the vengeful god with this ability is stronger than the watcher in a sense, and even stronger than the night devil.

The moment the God of Vengeance appeared, the Son of Vengeance also appeared, emerging from the corpses.

If it is said that the necromancer needs to summon the corpse of a non-dead creature, then the Vengeance God summons the Son of Vengeance without any conditions, as long as it is a corpse, whether it is an elf creature or an undead creature...

Seeing the appearance of new super-order creatures on the side of the elves, the undead creatures were stunned for a moment, as if they were overwhelmed by the size and momentum of the Vengeful God.

The originally huge two hellfires are also like "brothers" in front of the Vengeful God, only the bone spirit's evil physical fitness can barely compare.

And with the passage of time, more and more sons of revenge were summoned by the god of revenge, from hundreds to thousands.

Seeing this, the night demon also knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately let the undead creatures attack with all their strength, not wanting to let the sons of revenge continue to increase.

Hearing the night demon's general attack order, the undead creatures immediately recovered from their daze, accelerated their progress, and prepared to attack the Son of Vengeance.

But when they collided with the Sons of Vengeance, they discovered that the Sons of Vengeance were invulnerable to attack, and belonged to the incorporeal state, that is, no matter how they hit them, they would not be able to hit them.

Instead, the Son of Vengeance brandished the spur wheel in his hand, sending out light waves one after another, killing many fragile ghouls and gargoyles.

With the death of undead creatures, the number of corpses on the ground increases, and the number of sons of revenge that the god of revenge can summon also increases.

Three minutes later, there were as many as 5,000 Sons of Vengeance on the battlefield, and they could be seen everywhere.

You must know that the Son of Vengeance is invincible. It can hit the enemy, but the enemy cannot hit it. What is the concept of five thousand invincible creatures? That is simply the existence of destroying the battlefield.

So in the next moment, more undead creatures died at the hands of the Son of Vengeance, causing heavy losses for the undead creatures in an instant.

After suffering a lot of losses, Night Demon also knew that dealing with the Son of Vengeance was not the way to go, it had to deal with the God of Vengeance.

After understanding this truth, the night demon turned the undead creatures to change their attack targets and began to collide with the elf warriors in front.

Now the undead creatures can finally attack the elves. Both sides have damage, and the undead creatures have a slight advantage.

It's just that even if they ignore the Sons of Vengeance, the Sons of Vengeance will still attack them.

So the current situation on the battlefield is that the elves are confronting the undead army head-on, and the Sons of Vengeance are constantly attacking the undead creatures on the other side.

In this way, it is equivalent to the undead creatures being surrounded by elves, and all sides are their enemies.

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