If you have to compare it, it is that the loss of Zhihuo is ten times more serious than that of Baqi.

Because he not only wasted a lot of time, but also killed tens of thousands of subordinates.

Although the infected group attacked Westwind Fortress, the losses on his side were obviously greater than that of Westwind Fortress.

This also happens to verify an old saying, don't harm others, because harming others will eventually harm yourself...

As for the departure of Baqi and Zhifu, the survivors in Beizhai were the most confused.

They were all debugging the final defense facilities and were ready to fight to the death. Why did these people outside go away?

However, they soon fell into excitement and cheered in unison.

Because they successfully defended the enemy's attack when their own defense force was weak and lacked supernatural powers.

This is a victory with less, a very remarkable victory, enough to make them proud...

At the same time, on the other side, the battle between the army and the Zerg creatures continued.

During this period of time, the army of the army was constantly consuming each other with Sivak and the spiked ant emperor, and there was no major damage between the three parties for the time being.

But the situation on Lin Xiaobai's side was different. She and the Bloodthirsty King Bat were directly defeated by the powerful Blade Mantis Emperor from the air.

If Ruan Xue, who had settled Xiaowan and Ruan Bing, came back in time and used her supernatural power to save her, she would have fallen to her death.

But once Lin Xiaobai and the Bloodthirsty King Bat were defeated, the other Fengshen pterosaurs couldn't restrain the Blade Mantis Emperor. After all, there were still a large group of praying mantis creatures making trouble around.

Seeing that there was no human being able to stop it, the Blade Mantis Emperor didn't leave any ink marks, and flew directly above the West Wind Fortress waving his sickle.

Any flying creature that dares to approach it will be split in half by it in an instant, and die tragically in midair.

The most frightening thing was that from time to time, the Blade Mantis Emperor would condense a blade attack on the defensive buildings of the West Wind Fortress.

With the continuous death of flying creatures, the air supremacy of the West Wind Fortress was continuously lost.

Coupled with the destruction of the defense facilities, the countermeasures of Westwind Fortress became weaker and weaker.

If there were not groups of dinosaurs and orc warriors standing in front,

Maybe the Zerg creatures have already entered.

However, this is not a long-term solution, because without the air supremacy, the Mantis army is also freed up.

At this time, they have already begun to fly to the main battlefield to attack dinosaurs and orc warriors.

Originally, the army on the road army was exhausted after continuous battles, so they could only hold back the marching ant army a little bit.

Now being besieged by the praying mantis army, their disadvantages have become enormous in an instant, and it is only a matter of time before they are completely defeated.

If he can quickly kill Sivak and the Spiky Ant Emperor in the real form of the tyrannosaurus, return to the West Wind Fortress, and deter other Zerg creatures, then their talents will have a chance, otherwise everything will be over.

It's just that their main force hasn't come yet, and they are all defending Black Rock City and organizing the retreat at the Black Cliff Domain.

Just take Zhihuo's father as an example, he is a supernatural being who is close to the fifth level or even already fifth level.

There are more than five Tier 4 abilities under him, and hundreds of Tier 3 abilities.

If all this force comes to Qingfengyu, it's hard to say whether the army can stop it.

"Okay, I will also gather my subordinates, and then we will stop playing these tricks and gather all our strength to overthrow the Lu Army and West Wind Fortress in one fell swoop!" Baqi echoed from the side.

If it weren't for the high-level leaders of their eight tribes who didn't put the strategic core here, and were also busy fighting elsewhere, the power of the Route Army might have been uprooted long ago.

"Then let's divide into two groups now. You go to your people, and I will report back what happened here. We will gather in Wolf Smoke City in seven days!" Zhifu turned to look at Baqi, and said his idea.

If he was in a desperate situation, he would definitely bring his subordinates to fight for Beizhai, and he would eat a piece of meat from the army's power no matter what.

But now they still have a way out, or the initiative to advance and retreat is in their hands, there is no need to fight with their lives.

After all, this is just a small Beizhai, even if it is eaten down, it will not hurt Lu Jun.

On the contrary, it is difficult for their members to be replenished after the loss, and it is not worthwhile to fight their lives.

"If it takes seven days, the time may be too late, but I will try my best. If the West Wind Fortress is not destroyed, I will never give up!" Baqi and Zhifu hit it off.

"Okay, then it's settled, there will be a later date!" Zhifu cupped his hands at Baqi, and walked back without looking back.

But Baqi stopped him suddenly, and pointed at the fifth brother awkwardly: "Can I ask you something? Just take care of my fifth brother for a while, because the road we are going to take is very dangerous, and his actions are not good. Convenient, and there is no means of transportation..."

"What a big deal, I'll leave it to me." Before Baqi finished speaking, he agreed.

At the same time, he also felt Baqi's sincerity. After all, being able to keep Lao Wu with him was a sign of trust in him.

"Uh, Brother Fifth, I did this for your own good. There is absolutely no other meaning. You know who I am." Baqi patted himself on the chest while explaining to Fifth Brother, "When the time comes, I will definitely go to Wolf Smoke City to pick you up, unless I die."

This is indeed Baqi's sincere words. This place is very far away from his previous stronghold, even if he walks back and forth at the fastest speed, it will take several days.

With Lao Wu's current physical condition, he would have problems even traveling normally, let alone tossing around like this.

So it's best to stay in Wolf Smoke City, where there is food, drink and protection, the fifth child will definitely not have any problems.

"Stop talking, Lord Baqi, I know what you mean, then I will make a new plan in Wolf Smoke City and wait for you to come back. I hope you and your brothers can take care of themselves!" The fifth child nodded heavily.

He knew that Baqi would not lie to him about this kind of thing, and to be honest, after the death of the fourth child, only Baqi made him feel a little warmth in the apocalypse.

"Okay, then there's no more ink marks, let's just leave it alone." Baqi cupped his hands at Laowu and Zhifu.

Immediately afterwards, he waved the black robe and disappeared into the night with a group of surviving black robes.

Their backs look lonely, but their steps reveal firmness, because they still have a long way to go...

In this way, after Baqi left, Zhifu and Lao Wu also left from another direction, and they walked in the same hurry.

The Apocalypse Knights took away their own wounded, leaving shocking corpses all over the floor.

In general, both Baqi and Zhifu suffered huge losses this time, and did not get much benefit.

Those who left were not even willing to look back, for fear of seeing the corpses of their teammates.

It's a place where they feel defeated and a sad place...

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