Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1672 New Heroic Undead Creature

The last is a large mantis with a body size of two meters and extremely fast speed. There are only a few dozen in number, which seems to be a level stronger than the other two mantises.

Seeing this, Lu Jun directly opened the Eye of Data, and scanned the three kinds of praying mantises until several rows of data appeared in front of his eyes.

[Double-edged mantis, whose strength is assessed as B-level, has blade-like forearms and a flexible body, and is good at sprinting down from the air to attack the enemy. 】

[Shadow Mantis, whose strength is evaluated as A-level, can use light to hide for a short time, and is good at speeding up and attacking enemies behind. 】

[The Gale Mantis, whose strength is evaluated as S-level, has unparalleled flying speed and attack speed, and can use its forearm to create wind blades and storms to attack. 】

Seeing that the weakest double-edged mantises here have B-level strength, and there are even tens of thousands of A-level shadow mantises and dozens of S-level blast mantises, Lu Jun couldn't help but widen his eyes, with a look of not daring to Confident expression.

But what surprised Lu Jun was still to come, because a giant praying mantis with a size of four meters appeared in midair the next moment.

This praying mantis has four incomparably sharp forearms, each of which is half a meter long. It also has unusually jet-black wings and is faster than Gale Mantis. It combines almost all the characteristics of other species of mantis.

Seeing this, Lu Jun knew that this new praying mantis had extraordinary combat power, and immediately opened the data eye again, reading the information of this giant mantis.

[Blade Mantis Emperor, whose strength is evaluated as super-level, is the leader of the mantis family. It combines the excellent characteristics of all mantises, has powerful melee, long-range, and air combat capabilities, and has almost no weaknesses. It belongs to the leader of creatures of the same level. 】

Seeing that it was a super-order creature, Lu Jun was so shocked that he could not speak. If he was sure of winning a few minutes ago, then he felt that their winning rate was infinitely close to zero...

Just when Lu Jun was in shock, Xiaowan suddenly pointed at the Blade Mantis Emperor in the air and shouted: "It is it! How did it appear here! How is it possible..."

Hearing Xiaowan's incoherent words, Lu Jun immediately turned to look at Xiaowan and asked, "What do you mean? You've seen it before?"

Following Lu Jun's question, Xiao Wan nodded without even thinking about it and said, "Yes! When I was taken away by the bloodthirsty king bat last time, I encountered a nest by chance. These praying mantises are the creatures in that nest. I I remember it very clearly! I just don’t know why they came here from a distance of more than 500 kilometers..."

Hearing what Xiaowan said, Lu Jun nodded slightly. Xiaowan told him about this last time, but he didn't pay much attention to it at the time, and now he remembered what Xiaowan said.

Just when Lu Jun was about to ask about these praying mantises, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding, the real-time mission is triggered. The Zerg army is coming. Please repel the Zerg army. If you successfully repel it, you will get a huge reward. The more Zerg creatures you kill, the richer the reward you will get."

"Ding, the real-time mission is triggered, the Zerg army is attacking, and the first-level protective magic tower is threatened. Please defend the protective magic tower. If you successfully defend the protective magic tower from being occupied, you will receive a huge reward."

After listening to the specific requirements of the real-time mission, the praying mantis army in the sky also arrived within the firing range of the fire guards. There was no need for the army to issue orders, and 800 fire guards opened fire at the same time.

With the crisp "da da da..." sound, tens of thousands of energy bombs formed the first wave of fire barrage, flying towards the praying mantis army in the sky, followed by the second wave,

The third wave...

Because the army of praying mantises in the sky did not expect that human beings still have usable automatic weapons, they did not react immediately, let alone dodge.

In addition, when they were flying, they were very densely positioned, and when they were hit by the barrage of firepower, thousands of double-bladed mantises and shadow mantises were shot down in an instant.

Although the number of praying mantises is relatively large, there are hundreds of thousands of them, even 10,000 to 20,000 people will not be injured.

Then came the newly produced orc warriors, including 1,200 wolf cavalry, 700 troll hunters, and 1,900 frost wolves.

Since the road army built many orc barracks, it is normal to be able to produce a large number of orc warriors in such a short period of time.

However, the Second Dinosaur Corps, which the Army is most concerned about, did not arrive in time, and it is not known whether there was any problem on the road.

The current total strength of the Route Army is 106 members of the Rebel Army and 157 members of the Rebel Outer Legion.

The orc warriors included 1,600 wolf cavalry, 900 troll hunters, and 2,900 frost wolves.

The number of dinosaur corps is the same as before. There are 600 B-rank Velociraptors, 200 B-rank Ankylosaurus, 200 B-rank Triceratops, 20 A-rank Utahraptor, and 10 A-rank Pachycephalosaurus.

Although the total number of them is still less than 5,000, with more than 1,000 fire guards and cannons behind them, as long as there are no mistakes in command, the Route Army feels that they can still fight against the Zerg Corps.

In order to give their side more fighting power, the army also released the S-rank magic tower flying guards, A-rank magic tower melee guards and A-rank magic tower long-range guards they just obtained.

In fact, the overall data of the flying guard is similar to that of the remote guard, except that it is of a higher level and can fly.

Just when the Lu Army was about to send people back to the Healing Tower to see why the Second Dinosaur Corps hadn't arrived yet, Xiao Wan and the Bloodthirsty King Bat suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

"Brother Lu Jun! They are here! There are so many!" Xiao Wan shouted at Lu Jun before she could fly to the ground.

Hearing Xiao Wan's warning, Lu Jun's face immediately became solemn, and he stopped focusing on the Second Dinosaur Corps, and immediately gave orders to the people around him to get them ready for battle.

First, all the members of the Rebel Army and the Outer Legion of the Rebel Army entered the defensive trenches, and then the orc warriors and the Dinosaur Corps lined up. Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

As time passed, everyone who got ready soon saw a group of "black shadows" floating in the sky.

This group of "black shadows" is all composed of Zerg flying creatures, and it is not yet clear what these creatures are.

The only thing we can know is that there are at least 100,000 creatures in this "black shadow", covering the sky and blocking out the sun, like locusts crossing the border...

After the black shadow got a little closer, everyone was finally able to see the creatures inside clearly, they were all praying mantises as big as people!

Among them, the green praying mantis with two sharp forearms is the most numerous. The body length is about one meter, and the number is about 80,000.

Then there is a pointed mantis with black wings, about the same size as the green mantis, with a number of about 30,000.

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