It's just that this sentry tower is also made of ice, about eight meters high, and there are more than a dozen humans on it who are alerting the surrounding humans, which looks like a small team.

Although the eight-meter-high sentry tower sounds very powerful, compared with the tens of meters high fence, this sentry tower is inconspicuous...

"Who! Stop now!" At this moment, a sentry on the sentry tower noticed Lu Jun and Lin Yilan and shouted.

At the same time, the other sentries immediately turned around, took out the recurve bows in their hands, drew the Tie Ye arrows, and aimed at Lu Jun and Ruan Bing below.

Seeing that these sentinels can each hold a recurve bow, Lu Jun became more interested in the industry of this Xueyue City, thinking to himself that if there is a chance, he must figure out the way...

"We are survivors, and we fled here. Is this Xueyue City?" Lu Jun loudly replied to the sentinel above.

But the sentries did not relax their vigilance because of Lu Jun's answer, but continued to hold their recurve bows high: "This is Xueyue City, have you been infected?"

Seeing how vigilant the sentries were, Lu Jun understood very well: "No, we didn't encounter infected bodies along the way, otherwise we wouldn't have survived."

After speaking, Lu Jun led Lin Yilan around the place below, expressing that he was healthy.

Although it seems a bit stupid to do so, but people are under the eaves, as long as they can enter Xueyue City, they should be stupid...

Seeing that Lu Jun and Lin Yilan were indeed normal humans, the sentries above looked at each other, as if they were discussing something.

After a few seconds, three sentries slowly climbed down from the height and quickly walked to Lu Jun and Lin Yilan.

But judging from their expressions, they were still vigilant, for fear that the army would suddenly attack them. It was estimated that similar incidents had happened to the previous survivors.

"Uh... Where is the gate of Xueyue City? We want to go in." Lu Jun said helplessly, after searching for a long time, he couldn't even find someone else's gate, which is indeed a bit embarrassing.

As time passed, more and more monsters from the two sides died, and the blood they produced dyed the surrounding snow red.

If you look from a distance, you will find that within an hour, this place has become like a sea of ​​blood, which is frightening.

However, Lu Jun was ecstatic when he saw this situation, because the more intense the fight between the snow monster and the wolf, the greater their chance of survival.

Although he and Lin Yilan were buried in the snow,

It's freezing cold, but it's all worth it if you can survive.

Lin Yilan looked at the battle taking place in the distance and felt terrified, but when she thought of Lu Jun by her side, she would gain unprecedented peace...

After the battle on the battlefield entered a fierce stage, Lu Jun knew that he couldn't wait any longer, turned over immediately, took Lin Yilan out of the snow pit, and ran towards Xueyue City.

Because now is the best time to leave here, the snow monster didn't notice them, and the gray wolf didn't notice them either.

Some monsters may have noticed, but in the battle, they will not leave the battle for two humans.

Although they will continue to stay in the snow pit, after the monsters are finished fighting, the army can go to search for those corpses.

But Lu Jun didn't dare to do this, and there was no need to do that. After all, the value of those corpses was too low for him, and life was more important.

And if they continue to stay, there may be accidents later, so Lu Jun decisively took Ruan Bing away.

However, the facts proved that the road army's decision was extremely wise, because they had just left the battlefield a hundred meters away, when more wolves and more snow monsters came from afar, joined the battlefield, and escalated the battle.

Originally, the snow monster and the wolf are the two overlords of the Wucangyu after the end of the world, and they generally don't provoke each other.

But today, because of Lu Jun and Lin Yilan, the snow monster accidentally stepped into the wolf's territory.

And the wolves mistakenly thought that the snow monster was invading deliberately, so they called up their companions in this area and prepared to fight back.

Lu Jun didn't know that his arrival had provoked a war between the wolf and the snow monster. At this moment, he was still thankful for his wit.

After all, if it was one step later, the two of them would really be unable to escape. At the same time, Lu Jun also thanked the Canglang clan for their unintentional help.

What he thought was that if he regained his strength in the future, he would definitely come back to help these wolves defeat these hateful snow monsters...

In this way, after getting rid of the battlefield, Lu Jun led Lin Yilan slowly towards Xueyue City.

They walked very slowly. First, the continuous fighting and running just now consumed a lot of their physical strength.

The second is that they have to walk slowly in order to identify the direction and discover the possible dangers around them in the wind and snow.

But fortunately, the road army's bad luck seemed to have run out, they didn't encounter any monsters along the way, and walked safely to the vicinity of Xueyue City.

As for why Lu Jun was sure that this was Xueyue City, it was because he saw a tens of meters high ice wall separated by hundreds of meters.

The wall is white all over and stretches for an unknown number of kilometers. It looks like a mountain range from a distance, and it doesn't look like something that the human world can build.

"It's too did they build it..." Lin Yilan couldn't help sighing.

"Who knows... It seems that Wu Ren and his son didn't lie to us. This Xueyue City can indeed house millions of people. If there are enough weapons, it is no problem to resist tens of millions of infected bodies. Coupled with the extremely dangerous geography here The environment is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the safest city in the last days." Lu Jun also responded to Lin Yilan.

Although what Lu Jun said sounds exaggerated, in fact it is not an exaggeration at all. If Lu Jun can have such a city and cooperate with his system, he is confident to build a "Garden of Eden" belonging to the end of the world.

However, all of this is just his imagination, let alone occupying such a city, it is very difficult for him to survive, so let's figure out how to get back...

"Well, when we return to Westwind Fortress, we will also build a city wall like this." Lin Yilan seemed to be able to guess Lu Jun's thoughts, and said with a smile.

"Don't think stupidly, let's find the entrance of Xueyue City first, this place is so big, we found some." Lu Jun patted Lin Yilan's head, pulled Lin Yilan's ponytail and walked forward go.

Under Lu Jun's violent "abuse", Lin Yilan could only protect her ponytail and continue walking with Lu Jun.

As time passed, the army walked several kilometers around the ice wall in front of them.

And the wind and snow near the wall seemed to be much smaller, and even allowed the army to see the long-lost sky.

It just so happened that the sky was gradually getting brighter at this time. Under the natural light, Lu Jun and Lin Yilan could better appreciate the magnificence and magnificence of the city wall.

After walking another two kilometers, the army finally saw a building similar to a sentry tower in front of them.

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