Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1715 Undead Creatures Taking the Opportunity to March

Although he didn't know what the specific effect of the Fountain of Life was, this feeling was enough for Lu Jun to understand that the Fountain of Life was a good thing, and there would definitely be nothing wrong with collecting it.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun put the Fountain of Life in his underwear pocket like a treasure, walked to Lin Yilan, and joined Lin Yilan.

After Lin Yilan collected for a period of time, he almost picked up all the iron birch arrows on the ground. There were hundreds of theirs and those of the elves.

There were more than 120 damaged ones that were too dirty to use, which was enough for the army to squander.

"What should we do now?" Lin Yilan suddenly looked around and asked.

Because since they were captured by the elves, they don't know where they are, let alone how to get out. It seems that there is no other way except to use the space portal.

Lu Jun also knew what Lin Yilan was thinking, and shook his head directly: "I can't say what the next step is, but I'm sure we're in the middle of the Frost Forest, and there seem to be many secrets here. I don't want to just go out in front of the A-rank spar."

After speaking, the army tied up the iron birch arrows on the ground and carried them on their backs. At the same time, they also changed to a larger recurve bow and picked up two wooden knives, making preparations for a protracted battle.

"Okay, then let's continue searching around." Lin Yilan replied.

In fact, she originally wanted to persuade Lu Jun to go out first. After all, this place is too messy, such as these elves and these undead creatures, which made her completely confused.

But seeing the resolute Lu Jun, Lin Yilan didn't say what was on her lips. After all, she knew that the things Lu Jun decided would be difficult to change, so she could only walk with him...

After the preparations were completed, Lu Jun planned to take Lin Yilan to the right, because there was a small path there, which looked like the direction elves would often go.

But before he had time to leave, there was another "swish" sound from around, and then dozens of gargoyles flew out from above.

At the same time, a small undead creature appeared in front of the army, followed by some plague ghosts.

Seeing so many undead creatures popping up unknowingly, Lu Jun and Lin Yilan were shocked, and they didn't know where these ghosts came from.

In fact, the main reason is that the wounds caused by the iron birch arrows are too small. If you can use the ice blade to cut a few times, the effect may be much better, Lu Jun thought to himself.

Just when Lu Jun felt that he couldn't beat these two fat undead creatures,

When he was about to climb up the iron birch tree and Lin Yilan used the portal to leave, he suddenly noticed a lot of wooden knives left by the elves on the ground.

This kind of wooden knife is also made of iron birch, a product of elves, and the cutting effect may be better than ice skates.

So after thinking for a while, Lu Jun directly picked up a few wooden knives, turned around and threw them out at the position of the undead monster.

There was only a sound of "whooping" piercing through the air, and the wooden knife continued to circle in the air, creating a lot of impact until it was deeply inserted into the head of the undead monster.

Suffering this kind of attack, the undead monster seemed to be in pain. It wailed, spewed out a large amount of green gas, and rushed towards the road army at a faster speed.

Seeing that the attack had an effect, he had completely irritated the undead creatures. Lu Jun smiled wryly and became excited at the same time. He kept picking up the wooden knife on the ground and threw it at the undead creatures.

With enough wooden knives, the two undead creatures were hit with more than ten knives and a dozen arrows in a short period of time, and finally fell down unbearably.

Following the death of the two undead creatures, their bodies suddenly expanded rapidly, like a bulging balloon.

Seeing the changes of the two undead creatures, Lu Jun also knew that these monsters were about to explode, so he immediately lay down on the ground with his head in his arms to prevent being affected by the explosion.

The moment Lu Jun got down on his knees, only two sounds of "Boom!!" were heard, and the corpses of the two undead creatures exploded completely, spewing out a large amount of toxin, which filled the surrounding area.

Fortunately, both Lu Jun and Lin Yilan were far away from the toxin, so they were not affected by the toxin and escaped by luck.

"The hunting mission is completed by killing the A-rank plague ghost. The rewards are dragon title value*500, dragon coins*300, and A-rank dragonrider supply box*1."

Hearing the sound of the task being completed, Lu Jun clapped his hands and got up from the ground, thinking to himself that these undead creatures were really difficult to deal with, and almost killed him.

However, fortunately, he won the victory in the end, and now it is time to collect the fruits of victory.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun raised his head and waved to Lin Yilan, signaling Lin Yilan to come down, because there was no threat around him for the time being.

Seeing this, Lin Yilan canceled the space portal, crawled out of the cage, and came to Lu Jun's side.

Seeing the corpses of elves and undead creatures all around, Lin Yi swallowed lazily.

Although she didn't know why the two creatures were fighting, judging from the situation on the battlefield, the battle was really tragic.

Lu Jun didn't have any special feelings about this, he directly asked Lin Yilan to collect the Tiehua arrows that fell on the ground.

He started to inspect the heads of undead creatures and elf creatures with an ice knife, trying to find crystal nuclei from inside.

But the strange thing is that neither the undead creatures nor the elves have a crystal nucleus in their brains, and only the black panther has a C-rank beast crystal in its brain.

This disappointed Lu Jun greatly. After all, if the corpses here had crystal nuclei, he would be rich, and the "travel expenses" for returning would probably be enough.

But now all this has come to naught, he only has more than thirty C-rank crystals in his hand, which is not enough for even half A-rank crystals, and it is still far away from twenty A-rank crystals.

After shaking his head and sighing for a while, Lu Jun began to search for the corpse of the elf, as well as the bottles on the ground containing the fountain of life.

If there is no crystal nucleus, then a few small bottles of the Fountain of Life would be fine, this is not a small fortune, Lu Jun thought to himself.

However, what happened next hit him once again, because every bottle was empty, and the fountain of life inside was drained to nothing, all wasted on the undead creatures.

Seeing that he had been busy for a long time and almost lost his life, but he didn't gain anything at all, Lu Jun was so angry that he was stupid.

In the following time, the Lu army, who was unwilling to accept the facts, directly began to search the village, not letting go of every place, in order to find something useful.

In the end, after hard work, Lu Jun still found a small half bottle of the fountain of life that was not used up. Although it was less than 100 milliliters, Lu Jun was already very satisfied.

Lu Jun, who was a little curious about the Fountain of Life, first sniffed the smell of the Fountain of Life, and found that there was no special smell, so he poured out a drop, put it in his hand and licked it lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun felt a coolness spread from the tip of his tongue to his whole head, which made him sober all of a sudden.

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