Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1718 Embarrassed on four sides

After a while, Hongyue finished communicating with the elves, and she came back with a cloth bag in her hand, which contained some glass bottles.

"Here, here it is for you." Hongyue suddenly handed Lu Jun six small glass bottles.

Although he was puzzled, Lu Jun took the glass bottle over, opened one of them and took a look.

When Lu Jun discovered that it was actually the fountain of life, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and looked at Hongyue.

"Hee hee, I didn't expect that, this is the reward given to us by the elves. They are very grateful for everything we have done, so they provided us with 6,000 milliliters of the fountain of life. Excluding the 2,000 milliliters used to save people, I have the rest Four thousand milliliters, I will give you 1,200 milliliters, the rest I have to restore my brain power, I am sorry I can't give you more." Hongyue's voice was full of complacent playfulness and a little apologetic .

"It's okay, these are enough, you mean this thing can also be used as a one-time consumable to restore brain power on the spot?" Lu Jun couldn't help asking.

"Yes, it is very effective in detoxification, healing, or restoring mental and physical strength, so this thing is so precious." Hongyue explained to Lu Jun seriously.

After she finished speaking, she picked up a bottle of the fountain of life, opened the bottle, drank it all at once, and distributed the rest to the men in black.

The moment she finished drinking, Hongyue's aura rose rapidly, and it could be seen that her mental and physical strength had recovered by about eight levels.

The same is true for the people in black robes. They only need to drink more than 100 milliliters of the fountain of life, and their state can be quickly restored, whether it is physical or spiritual.

Seeing how effective this stuff was, Lu Jun licked his lips and handed Lin Yilan a bottle, which was 200ml, to Lin Yilan who was still in a state of collapse.

Looking at the fountain of life in front of him, Lin Yilan shook his head, and said in a weak voice: "I can hold on... Let's save these and go back to Xueyue City to exchange crystals... Then we might be able to go back It's..."

Hearing that Lin Yilan was almost speechless and still thinking about it, Lu Jun was a little distressed, and directly poured 200ml of the Fountain of Life into Lin Yilan's mouth, saying, "Don't I'm stupid, let's get back to the state first, I will find a way about the spar."

Under Lu Jun's forceful pouring, Lin Yilan could only drink the fountain of life down to the last drop.

Immediately afterwards, she felt that her brain power quickly returned to its peak state, which was like drinking the brain power reagent given by Lu Jun.

It's just that the effect of the fountain of life is much more than that of the brain reagent, and Lin Yilan even feels that his brain is about to make a breakthrough.

Lu Jun could also feel Lin Yilan's state, and secretly sighed in his heart that the Fountain of Life is really a good thing. It can have the effects of mental reagents and physical reagents at the same time, but the quantity is too small...

Hearing Hongyue's words, Lu Jun fell into short-term thinking, as if considering the feasibility.

Hongyue and the people in the black robe looked at Lu Jun quietly, and they hoped that Lu Jun would nod in agreement next moment.

However, they secretly vowed in their hearts that if they encounter these humans again when attacking the elves' territory, they must smash these humans to pieces!

After entering the space portal, Lu Jun and others regained consciousness after falling into a brief dizziness, and found themselves back in the hidden stronghold as soon as they opened their eyes.

In addition to the familiar environment, there are also elves full of astonishment, because they can't understand why Lu Jun and others appeared out of thin air...

Lin Yilan was lying in Lu Jun's arms in a collapsed state, teleporting back so many people in one breath, almost exhausting all her strength.

If Lu Jun hadn't pulled her just now, she might not have been able to enter the space portal, so it was really thrilling.

Looking at the familiar hidden stronghold, Hongyue and the people in black robes also looked shocked, completely unexpected that they could really escape from death.

"Unexpectedly... actually came back..." Hongyue looked at her hands and couldn't help muttering.

Although she couldn't see the expression on her face, her shock and excitement could be heard from her voice.

"How on earth did you do it?! Teleporting so many people at the same time must be a very powerful ability?! Why don't you use this ability to teleport back to Qingfengyu?!" Hongyue asked several questions in a series, but This time she was talking to Lu Jun and Lin Yilan.

"Uh, the teleportation distance of this ability is limited, and you can't return to Qingfengyu, otherwise you won't see us. As for other issues, I don't know how to explain it. Let's talk about it later. Now our mission is completed, right? Lu Jun replied casually, and changed the topic elsewhere.

Seeing that Lu Jun didn't seem to want to say more, Hongyue didn't ask any more questions, and nodded silently.

They have indeed completed the task of rescuing the elves this time, and it has been successfully completed. Not only have they rescued the elves, but their people have also returned safely, and they have also killed many undead creatures. There is no better result than this.

"Well, it's done, thank you for saving us." Hong Yue suddenly said to Lu Jun, with gratitude in her tone.

The other men in black robes directly bowed to Lu Jun, thanking Lu Jun for their timely support, with respect on their faces.

If it was said that their respect for Lu Jun was pretended by Hongyue's order, then it was from the heart at this time.

Because Lu Jun saved all of them, helped them complete the mission, and conquered them with their brains and strength, they felt that Lu Jun was a strong man, so they would naturally respect him.

In other words, dignity cannot be given by others, but must be earned back by one's own efforts.

"It's fine to thank you. I don't like to owe favors to others. You guys rescued me outside before, and now we're both settled." Lu Jun spread his hands and said indifferently.

Although there are so many Lu Jun, Hongyue still feels that they owe Lu Jun a lot.

But before Lu Jun could speak, a group of elves riding strange birds flew over from a distance and landed directly in the hidden stronghold.

After all, they only saved two people from Lu Jun, but Lu Jun saved more than 30 of them.

However, Hongyue is not an inkblot person, she has some gratitude in her heart, and it will be fine in the future, so there is no need to keep mentioning it.

"Well, let's talk about it later, I'll go and communicate with those elves first." Hongyue pointed to the direction where the elves were, and those elves were waiting for her to pass by.

"Well, you can do whatever you want." Lu Jun nodded, and helped Lin Yilan to sit aside.

Seeing this, Hongyue didn't say anything more, and walked aside with the black-robed man who could speak Elven language, and communicated with the elves.

Although he couldn't hear what Hongyue was saying, he could roughly tell from the shape of his mouth that Hongyue was asking the elves about the teleportation array and the fountain of life.

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