Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1723 Multiple Traps

The surrounding resistance army and orc warriors also rode ostriches or frost wolves respectively, followed closely behind the road army, and went north together to look for Ruan Bing.

As for those members of the Blackstone Consortium, they have nowhere to go, they can only ride on the few remaining trucks and follow the army...

In this way, in the following time, Lu Jun and others have been chasing Ruan Bing's leaving figure.

It's just that this "journey" is a bit long. It took them nearly three hours to chase from nine o'clock in the morning to noon, and they traveled about 200 kilometers before they could barely keep up with Ruan Bing.

This also means that Ruan Bing's Wanhun Slash killed a corpse controller and dozens of mutated infected bodies in an instant.

Although this corpse controller has just completed the A-level evolution, he is still a bit dull and lacks combat experience, but no matter what, the power of Wanhun Slash is beyond description, and it has completely reached the S-level attack standard.

After killing the corpse controller, Ruan Bing showed a ruthless smile, as if she was satisfied with the attack just now, then she ignored the infected bodies in the Tianhai gathering place and continued to absorb the remaining soul bodies.

It's a pity that ordinary infected bodies have no souls and are not affected by the soul storm. Otherwise, the soul storm that Ruan Bing unintentionally released would have slaughtered more than half of the infected bodies in the Tianhai gathering place...

While Ruan Bing killed the mutated infected body, Lu Jun's mind also sounded a reminder that the hunting mission was completed.

Seeing that Ruan Bing was able to instantly kill so many high-level infected bodies with just a few gestures, and even the corpse controller died, Lu Jun couldn't help but sigh that Ruan Bing was really "perverted".

However, Lu Jun didn't have time to think too much, because they were also affected by the soul storm.

Even though they were far away from Ruan Bing's position and were not in the center of the soul storm, the tingling sensation from their brains forced them to retreat.

Lu Jun also knew that Ruan Bing in this state was abnormal, but he didn't know exactly what was going on, and he couldn't contact Ruan Bing, so he could only set up a particle shield to protect everyone from being accidentally injured by Ruan Bing .

Fortunately, Ruan Bing's soul storm didn't last very long, and it stopped automatically after about a minute.

At this time, Ruan Bing also absorbed all the souls of the entire Tianhai gathering place. The dark clouds in the sky had dispersed, revealing a blood-red thick fog, and the surroundings gradually fell into calm. Only the infected bodies in the Tianhai gathering place could be heard. bursts of roaring.

After absorbing all the soul bodies, Ruan Bing's pupils became more blood-red, and the energy around his body became more violent, and bursts of crackling sounds could even be heard in the air.

Ruan Bing in this form, combined with the nearly two-meter-long Soul Eater Sickle, made Ruan Bing look like a god of death, which was frightening.

But Ruan Bing did not make any more attacking moves, but controlled his body to leave above the Tianhai gathering place, came to the bombed west gate, and looked at Lu Jun from a distance of tens of meters.

Seeing Ruan Bing's cold eyes, as if he didn't know him, Lu Jun felt a chill in his heart.

"Ruan Bing, are you... all right?" Lu Jun took a step forward, keeping his eyes fixed on Ruan Bing.

But Ruan Bing didn't answer Lu Jun, but swung the soul-eating sickle violently, as if warning Lu Jun not to approach again.

Looking at Ruan Bing, who was a little strange in front of him, Lu Jun's eyes turned cold, and his face became serious: "Have you forgotten me? Or are you planning to attack me?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Jun continued to walk towards Ruan Bing's position, but before he took a few steps, his shirt was torn apart by the violent energy around Ruan Bing, revealing his muscles full of explosive power.

Ruan Bing also gathered all his coercion on Lu Jun's side, as if he didn't want Lu Jun to get closer.

However, Lu Jun did not stop because of this, and there was no trace of fear on his face. Instead, he directly activated his dragon form, and continued to walk towards Ruan Bing against the violent energy around him.

Although Ruan Bing's current brain development value has reached 56%, and with the blessing of the Soul Eater Sickle, he has a pressure that can make people breathless.

But the aura of the Lu army at this time can compete with Ruan Bing, even better than Ruan Bing, but no one knows where the aura of the Lu army comes from...

Seeing Lu Jun's insistence, a trace of tenderness flashed in Ruan Bing's eyes, as if he remembered something, and the coercion showed signs of weakening.

But the next moment, the soul-devouring sickle glowed with black light, and after the black light flashed, Ruan Bing's eyes became cold again, and he could no longer see that touch of tenderness.

Immediately afterwards, Ruan Bing also mobilized his own violent energy, and abruptly sent Lu Jun who was in the dragon form more than two meters away.

Everyone in the rebel army saw that Ruan Bing really attacked the Lu army, fearing that Ruan Bing would make another move, they immediately gathered around the Lu army to protect the Lu army.

Especially Mu Mu and Lin Xiaobai, they stood on the left and the right respectively, one of them pulled out the Thunder Shadow Crossbow, and the other raised the Explosive Crossbow, ready to launch a fierce attack on Ruan Bing.

However, Ruan Bingzhen didn't make any more attacks after flying off the road army. Instead, he used his brainpower to summon a soul-devouring beast with three horns, four legs, and a height of about two meters.

Just when everyone couldn't understand what Ruan Bing was going to do, Ruan Bing suddenly turned over, mounted the Soul-devouring Beast, bypassed everyone's position, and left towards the north.

Due to the extremely fast speed of the Soul-devouring Beast, everyone only saw a black shadow flash past, and Ruan Bing disappeared.

Seeing that Ruan Bing left just like that, everyone was taken aback for a moment, not knowing where Ruan Bing was going or why Ruan Bing did this.

Fortunately, Lu Jun stood up from the ground at this time, and looked at the position where Ruan Bing left, and answered to everyone: "She has grown too fast, which has caused side effects, and she is a little dazed now. She definitely doesn't want to be like this, but Unable to control herself, we have to help her get back to normal."

Hearing Lu Jun's words, everyone nodded silently, because Lu Jun's words did have some truth, and they were very similar to Ruan Bing's behavior.

"Boss Lu, please give an order! We will do what you say!" A member of the Thunder Team shouted to Lu Jun, which was also the voice of all members of the rebel army.

Hearing what the members of the Lei team said, Lu Jun didn't respond, but thought for a while before saying: "Xiao Wan, you go up into the sky immediately, keep an eye on the trajectory and direction of Ruan Bing's departure, and fly ahead to lead us, we will catch up together !"

After speaking, Lu Jun turned over and rode on the ostrich, and took the lead in the direction where Ruan Bing left. On the wet ground, the footprints left by the soul-devouring beast could still be seen.

When Xiaowan heard Lu Jun's order, she nodded immediately, used her brainpower, opened her third form, grew four wings, and flew into the air to find Ruan Bing's leaving track, so as to guide everyone in the direction.

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