Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1732 Ready to move

"When the gushing infected bodies smell these things that excite them, they will definitely all walk out to Westwind Fortress."

"We don't need to worry about the next thing, wait for the infected body to fight with Westwind Fortress, so that we can watch the show next to it, hehehe..."

After finishing speaking, Lao Wu tapped the ground hard with his fingers. It took him three days to come up with this plan, and he seemed very confident.

"Uh, with all due respect, with your strength, you can't beat him..." Baqi added next to him.

"Heh, I am a fourth-level supernatural user, why can't I beat him? Even if he is also a fourth-level supernatural person, is he necessarily better than me? There are hundreds of thousands of people in my Apocalypse Knights, and thousands of superhumans, why should I Can't beat him? Huh?" Zhifu looked dissatisfied and turned to look at Baqi.

Because this person is always bragging about how strong Lu Jun is, which annoys him. If he hadn't had to cooperate, he would have punched this person.

"Before we left West Wind Fortress, he was not yet a fourth-order supernatural user, and his personal strength is estimated to be lower than mine." Baqi analyzed seriously.

"What's so scary? It's worse than you, so it's around the third level? I can crush him to death with one hand!" Zhifu directly interrupted Baqi, because he still had to destroy the confidence of the third-level power user. some.

"But he has a lot of monsters that exceed the strength of the fourth level, and there are two companions of the fourth level, who are several grades stronger than me, not to mention the rebel army under him, who can block hundreds of thousands of Zerg creatures for seven days. It shouldn't be a problem to attack hundreds of thousands of humans." The fifth child suddenly said softly, and told Zhifu everything he knew.

Of course, the Lu army led the rebels to repel the Zerg creatures, and also repelled the Silent Crusaders. Lao Wu didn't say anything about it, otherwise it would be bad to scare Zhihuo.

However, at the moment when these words came out, Zhihuo was stunned, after all, the description of the fifth child was really scary.

In addition, he has a little understanding of the Zerg, he thinks that the Wolf Smoke City cannot stop the attack of hundreds of thousands of Zerg creatures, even if he is given an extra 100,000 troops, it will not work.

However, the people of the rebel army were able to block it, and they were able to block it for seven days without being wiped out, which is enough to show their terrifying strength.

After a few seconds, Zhifu recovered from the astonished expression: "This... is this true?"

"There is absolutely no falsehood. We don't need to lie to you about his strength. It's not good for us, otherwise we wouldn't have to run here for a few days to ask for help." Baqi smiled wryly, and his head was dizzy after walking for three days fainted.

"Then how to fight?! How could he be so strong?! Our Apocalypse Knights are still fighting on the other side,

There is no way to mobilize many people at once! Zhifu clenched his fist and waved it, feeling a little anxious.

Let's face it, they probably won't be able to beat the opponent, losing their troops in vain, or even be defeated, and even Wolf Smoke City will be hard to protect.

Why not, he couldn't swallow this breath, after all, this person killed his own brother, and it's not a gentleman to avenge his revenge.

The most important thing is that he didn't want his father to know about it, for fear that his father would not be able to accept all this, so he directly let Zhifu fall into entanglement.

"It's not so troublesome, and it doesn't need too many troops. When we were on the road, we thought of a good plan. As long as you are willing to send troops to cooperate with us, it is guaranteed to defeat the army in one fell swoop, so that he will never be able to stand up. When the time comes, we will occupy him. Take away his supplies, kill the person he loves the most, let him experience this feeling, and then cut off his head to avenge!" Lao Wu said viciously, he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Oh? What is the solution? Let's talk about it. If it works, we will start to act today!" Zhifu made an expression of listening attentively.

"Do you know Tianhai City? It's in the middle of Qingfeng Region. It's far from here, but it's very close to Westwind Fortress." Lao Wu squatted on the ground and drew a few circles with his fingers to indicate the location of Tianhai City and Westwind Fortress.

"Get to the point! Don't keep talking!" Zhifu also squatted on the ground, a little impatient.

Because he found that the fifth child was always talking in a long-winded manner, going around and around, which almost made him faint...

But the fifth child ignored Zhihuo's urging and continued to draw his circle: "In Tianhai City, millions of infected bodies have gathered. Since the end of the world, they have not made any big moves."

"One of the reasons is that Tianhai Haicheng has not been destroyed, and it is difficult for these infected bodies to come out."

"Another reason is that the infected bodies inside are fighting with each other, and there is nothing outside to attract them, so they don't plan to come out for the time being."

"What the hell are you trying to say?" Zhifu glared at Lao Wu directly. If Lao Wu didn't get to the point, he would punch him.

"Don't worry, you answer me first, if we release these tens of thousands of infected bodies, which direction will they attack at the first time?" The fifth child comforted Zhifu, drew a line with his finger, and drew the two The two small balls are connected, the meaning is obvious.

"You want to borrow a knife to kill people? Use these infected bodies to attack Westwind Fortress?" Zhihuo's brain is better, and he immediately understood Lao Wu's plan, "But how do we release these infected bodies? You won't be Do you want us to tear down the outer perimeter of Tianhai City? This is a big project, and it won't work without a lot of manpower and tools."

"And how can you guarantee that these infected bodies will definitely attack Westwind Fortress after they come out? If they go to other places, wouldn't our work be in vain?"

To be honest, these questions raised by Zhifu are on point. No matter what step goes wrong, their plan will fall short.

But Lao Wu seems to have thought about these issues a long time ago, and he nodded first, making a confident look: "We really want to tear down the periphery of Tianhai City, which is the fastest way to release the infected body." The method can also produce a lot of sound, attracting the infected bodies behind to come over."

"But we don't need a lot of people and tools. We only need a group of superhumans with explosive abilities and dozens of mutant beasts that move faster."

"My idea is to let the mutated beasts carry our supernatural beings over there, set up the blasting point, and use the blasting ability in a unified way to destroy the periphery of Tianhai City in an instant."

"Then we can continue to retreat on the mutated beast and leave around Tianhai City ahead of time. If there is no accident, there will definitely be no casualties."

"We don't have these blasters and mutated beasts on the way, but I think you Apocalypse Knights can definitely get them together."

"As for how to attract these infected bodies to Westwind Fortress, the principle is also very simple, that is, throw blood packs and corpses of other creatures along the way."

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