Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1747 Self-defeating

Can I ask you one last thing. "Lin Yi suddenly raised his head again, as if remembering something.

"You say, as long as I can do it." Lu Jun looked at Lin Yilan seriously, and everyone around him also focused on Lin Yilan.

Because in everyone's impression, Lin Yilan rarely spoke to Lu Jun like this, and they all wanted to know what Lin Yilan's request was.

"That is, if we capture the city of Ori, can you treat the people of the Tomahawk Legion well? They really paid a lot for this operation..." Lin Yilan said while lowering his head, as if he was a little embarrassed.

After all, she personally felt bad for making such a request in front of so many people, but she had to say it.

"Don't worry about that, he helped us, he is a friend of our rebels, and I will definitely treat them kindly."

"Even if our attack fails tonight, I will not leave them alone. This is my promise to you." Lu Jun kept looking into Lin Yilan's eyes when he said these words, and he will definitely do what he said .

"Thank you, really." Lin Yilan raised his head slowly, his face full of sincerity, and he didn't put his head down until he felt that there were too many people here and the atmosphere was not right.

But no matter what, one of her heart settlements was resolved, and the sadness on her face returned to normal.

In this way, in the next period of time, everyone spent discussing the details without any problems.

And in a large basement a few kilometers away from the inner city, thousands of people are gathering here.

This basement was a parking lot before the end of the world, capable of holding hundreds of cars.

It's just that after the end of the world, all the cars have been turned into scrap iron, and this place has been transformed into a gathering place by the big forces.

And the forces occupying here are none other than the Tomahawk Legion that intends to cooperate with the Route Army to attack the inner city.

Through the fireworks shaking on the torches around, it can be clearly seen that in the middle of the basement, a middle-aged man wearing a headscarf is sitting on a chair and taking a nap.

Many members of the Tomahawk Legion stood around him, but none of them dared to make the slightest sound.

The aura of the middle-aged man also crushed the surrounding members, and it was obvious that he was different.

"Leader Lin Zhan, our brothers are all here, a total of 4,000 people, all the elite of the regiment, came in batches, and did not attract the attention of the Silent Crusaders.

Everyone's tone is also very tight, and they haven't talked to anyone, just waiting for your order. "A young man with a scar on the corner of his mouth suddenly walked to the middle and reported to the middle-aged man respectfully.

A few seconds later, the middle-aged man known as Lin Zhan slowly opened his eyes and scanned his surroundings: "Everyone is here? What time is it?"

Looking at Lin Xiaobai who changed a set of equipment in an instant, everyone secretly became excited and understood what Lu Jun was holding.

Ten seconds later, everyone put on the black titanium combat uniform, including the short Xiaowan, who had a chilling air on the whole.

"Thank you, Boss Lu..." Big Bear looked at his body and said cheerfully.

He really likes this gear, it refreshes him immediately.

"Don't get too excited, if you don't perform well in the next action, I will take back this set of equipment." Lu Jun said with a slightly teasing tone.

The people around also laughed lightly at the silly bear, without the slightest sense of tension before the battle.

Only Lin Yilan was still frowning, staring at the map below, as if he had something to say.

"Do you have any doubts? Let's talk about it while you have time. Let's discuss it together." Lu Jun also saw Lin Yilan's expression.

"I have a different opinion on the battle plan you just mentioned." Lin Yilan pointed to the location of the Silent Camp and said, "This place is very big, and the top brass of the Silent Crusaders will indeed escape from other directions when fighting. Multi-directional interception is very useful. necessary."

"But now the defense strength of the inner city is really much higher than before. A team of two or one is very dangerous."

"If we encounter a large group of supernatural beings, we may not even have a chance to send out a call for help. Wouldn't it be too hasty to act like this?"

After speaking, Lin Yilan raised her head and looked into Lu Jun's eyes. She said that it was not because she was afraid, but because she didn't want Lu Jun to be careless.

"Well, I know your worries and the risks involved, but we only have one chance to attack. If we can't directly capture the top leaders of the Silent Crusade, the subsequent battle will become more difficult."

"During our absence recently, everyone's strength has improved to varying degrees. Even if they can't fight, escape is still no problem."

"Moreover, the number of people is small, and it will be very convenient to move. My Fengshen pterosaur will always pay attention to the battlefield below. If there is any problem, it will rush over within ten seconds." Lu Jun explained to Lin Yilan with a serious face with.

He really didn't mean to be careless or inflated, but the strength of the key members of the rebel army is no longer what it used to be.

Let's not talk about Ruan Bing and Xiao Wan, for example, fourth-order supernatural powers whose brain domain value exceeds 50%.

Even Lin Xiaobai, Ruan Xue, and Butcher, who started relatively late, had reached the ranks of third-order supernatural beings a few days ago.

Li Feng and Goshawk have been third-order supernatural beings for a long time, and are moving towards fourth-order.

Only Big Bear, Beishi, and Anan have Tier 2 strength, but they also have a strong body as a guarantee, and they are worth fighting against ordinary Tier 3 abilities.

Among these people, Lin Yilan was the only one who didn't have much fighting ability. Her abilities were all functional, so Lu Jun asked her to follow the mighty Ruan Bing.

As for Lu Jun, let alone, he has too many means, and even he himself doesn't know where his limit is.

The most important thing is that the Army has just replaced these people with new combat uniforms, which can help them withstand a lot of damage, which is why the Army can rest assured...

"What about me? Brother Lu Jun, what should I do after I cut off all the power facilities in the inner city?" Xiaowan suddenly asked from the side, because Lu Jun didn't seem to assign her any subsequent tasks.

"You can come directly to the silent camp at that time. I want you to use your powers to control all the small animals around you, attack the silent crusaders within the range, and try to make the commotion bigger." Lu Jun pointed at the small Wan smirked...

"I'm the best at this, Brother Lu Jun, don't worry." Xiao Wan also smirked.

Seeing the expressions of the two people, one big and one small, all the people around had goosebumps, thinking to themselves that the Silent Crusaders might have a hard time this time...

"Okay, then I'm fine, I hope everything goes well." Lin Yilan nodded slightly, still with a trace of concern in his expression, but much better than before.

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