He only remembered that they were fighting with the soul body, with heavy casualties, and when they collapsed, the soul body did not take advantage of the situation to kill them, but left instead.

At that time, he was still thinking about what happened to cause these soul bodies to leave, but just as he started to think about it, he lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he found that everything was over and the soul bodies were gone, like a nightmare.

But the more than forty soldiers who died around him and more than twenty other people reminded him that this was not a dream. There was indeed a tragic battle just now, but it ended inexplicably for some reason.

In fact, Fang An and the others fainted because of Ruan Bing's soul storm, because they were ordinary people, and within the scope of the soul storm, the soul storm would more or less have some negative effects on them.

"What are you doing? Don't move!" When Fang An was lost in memory, he suddenly heard a dispute at the door. It seemed that Ruan Bing and the people from the Blackstone Consortium wanted to leave, but the soldiers who had just entered refused to let them because they Before they could figure out what happened, the two sides actually confronted each other with guns.

Seeing this, Fang An suddenly burst into an unknown fire, and directly yelled, "Put down the gun! You bastards! Are you blind? You can't tell friend from foe, are you? You can’t open any doors, so come in to show your prestige now that the matter is over?”

The lieutenant who led the soldiers to confront the Blackstone Consortium heard that Fang An seemed to be scolding them, so he could only put down his gun in embarrassment, and moved out of the way. The sisters were fine, and thought there was a story in it.

So I decided to ask the ins and outs of the matter on my own initiative. Who knew that the people from the Blackstone consortium not only refused to cooperate, but also wanted to go out. He raised his gun when his head got hot, and he didn't calm down until Fang An scolded him... …

"Sorry, my people didn't understand the situation. You can go up. I will deal with the mess here." After scolding the lieutenant, Fang An uncharacteristically said to Ruan Bing, or he said it to the Lu Jun beside Ruan Bing.

Although Fang An passed out just now and didn't know what happened in the grain depot, he was not stupid, and he still understood some basic speculations.

According to his guess, those monsters would definitely not let them go and disappear for no reason. It was probably related to Ruan Bing or the people around her. He even suspected that there might be a supernatural person among Ruan Bing and the people around her.

That's right, Fang An also knows the existence of supernatural beings, because their military also has a supernatural being, but this is a secret, only he and the alchemist lieutenant general know, that supernatural person is now with the alchemist lieutenant general , is their "secret weapon".

Fang Anhui suspects that there are supernatural beings among Ruan Bing and the others because, after going through such a big battle,

Almost all the people on my side died, but Ruan Bing and the others except for one injured, none of them died, which is very suspicious.

You must know that there are dozens of experienced fighters on my side who have not blocked the attacks of those monsters, but there are only five of Ruan Bing and the others, and one of them is still alive. The corpse of the monster I have seen, doesn't this explain the problem?

Lieutenant General Alchemist once said to him, if you encounter a person with supernatural powers, you must never provoke them, you can only win them over, if you fail to win them over, you must treat them with courtesy, and you are not allowed to make enemies with them.

Therefore, when Fang An was uncertain, he would naturally be polite to Ruan Bing and the others, and planned to wait for him to go back and report to the alchemist Lieutenant General before making a decision.

Ruan Bing, who didn't know what Fang An was thinking, took a deep look at Fang An. She didn't expect Fang An to be so talkative all of a sudden, but as long as there was no trouble, she nodded to Fang An and left the grain with Lu Jun and the others. library.

After Ruan Bing and others left, Fang An looked around with a gloomy expression. His personal guards almost died to protect him, but Wu Tong, who was so immortal, was still alive and well, which made him very upset. .

What bothered Fang An the most was that in the battle just now, more than a dozen forklifts were destroyed, and all the people in the forklift team were wiped out. It was a mess everywhere, and they wanted to reorganize the forklift team after being messed up by those monsters. I'm afraid it will be difficult...

However, no matter how difficult it is, the food must continue to be transported, because the food needed by the gathering place is far from enough. If the forklift driver dies, he can be replaced, and if the forklift is broken, he can be transported manually. go up.

Thinking of this, Fang An began to reorganize the food handling team, and arranged a large number of soldiers to guard the food depot, intending to let them search the food depot thoroughly to prevent another surprise attack by monsters.

Gradually, under Fang An's reasonable arrangements, the food depot was restored to order. It is worth mentioning that, for some reason, the human beings killed by the soul body showed no signs of becoming infected...

The lieutenant who hid aside after being scolded by Fang An suddenly remembered that he still had important matters to report. Seeing that Fang An's mood had improved a lot, he quickly walked to Fang An's side and said, "Commander , during your absence, something happened above..."

But after finishing all this, the army found another problem. Why hasn't the alloy door at the entrance of the grain depot been opened yet? Isn't this the work of the Terror? "Hmph, my life is gone, and I still want to run, do you think I don't know?" Lu Jun was wondering, when he suddenly heard Ruan Bing talking to himself.

As soon as Ruan Bing finished speaking, a small ball of light flew out from the broken body of the horror, trying to move to the alloy door, but Ruan Bing was already prepared, opened the cover of the lamp of the soul again, and muttered An unintelligible spell.

After Ruan Bing finished reading, the little light ball that wanted to escape seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, unable to move forward, but flew towards the position of the soul lamp.

Although the little ball of light struggled and tried to escape, it was of no avail. It was finally sucked into the lamp of the soul. Before being sucked in, everyone heard an unwilling roar from the little ball of light. It's the soul of the Terror...

Lu Jun didn't expect the Terror to have this hand, and wanted to use his soul to escape. If Ruan Bing hadn't been able to detect the location of the soul, he would have slipped away if he didn't pay attention...

After the horror's soul was taken in by Ruan Bing, the alloy gate finally opened, and the forty or so fighters and the guards of the Blackstone Consortium who had been facing the gate outside for a long time ran in with their guns in hand, looking inside. Case.

After the soldiers came in, Fang An also held his dizzy head and slowly got up from the ground. He just fainted suddenly for some reason.

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