Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1783 Searching secretly

Just when Lu Jun was about to look for the exit, he suddenly saw a small khaki light ball hidden in the stone pile on the ground. The photosphere is exactly the same, only the color is different.

Seeing this, Lu Jun bent down, held up the small khaki light ball, and put it in his palm, thinking to himself that it might be the supernatural light ball left by the lava beast, but because of the system failure, As a result, he could not receive the prompt of the ability module in the ruins.

Seeing this, Lu Jun searched the surrounding ground to see if there were any other supernatural light spheres. You must know that the lava beast is an S-level creature, and the supernatural light spheres it left must be very special. Awesome, if I miss something, Lu Jun will be heartbroken to death...

It wasn't until Lu Jun searched for several minutes without finding any other supernatural light balls that Lu Jun stopped what he was doing and put the supernatural light ball in his palm into his pocket.

Although Lu Jun is very curious about the power in the power light sphere, and is looking forward to it, but he can't use the power module now, and he can't detect the power in the power light sphere, so he can only wait until he walks out of the ruins.

And after Lu Jun finished the task at hand, Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai also absorbed the powers. They are very lucky. The powers in the two inheritance stones are brain powers, which are just suitable for them. , They did not live up to Lu Jun's expectations, and completed the absorption of abilities alone.

Seeing Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai standing up, Lu Jun walked over excitedly and said, "How is it? You succeeded? What is the ability you absorbed? Let me see..."

Hearing Lu Jun's question and seeing Lu Jun's anxious expression, Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai smiled at each other, using their brain power to use their abilities in front of Lu Jun.

The ability inherited by Ruan Xue is the power of wood, which controls the power of the wood system. It is characterized by recovery and control. The ability currently possessed is the recovery of wood, which can quickly recover the injuries of a single target or a group of targets. The recovery speed depends on the development value of the brain domain. With the increase of the number of people, more wood-type abilities Ruan Xue will be able to develop in the future.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of ability with recovery ability is very rare, at least Lu Jun has not encountered it yet. This type of ability person can help other ability users recover from injuries in a short time, which will be extremely Minimize team casualties.

The ability inherited by Lin Xiaobai is the power of ice, which controls the power of the ice system. It is characterized by explosion and control. The ability he currently possesses is the ice shield, which can resist any form of damage. It can be applied to himself or his companions. The strength of the ice shield increases with the development value of the brain domain, and Lin Xiaobai will develop more ice abilities in the future.

Although it seems that this ability is nothing for the time being, Lu Jun knows that all inheritance abilities are very powerful, and the specific strength will be reflected in future battles.

In general,

These two inheritance abilities and Ruan Bing's soul power are probably of the same type, they both master the power of a certain department. I don't know if all inheritance stones are like this, or these few inheritance stones are special.

However, no matter what, now Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai also have abilities, and they are relatively powerful abilities. The rebel team has two more ability users...

Moreover, after Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai absorbed the abilities, a inheritance stone tablet suddenly cracked, revealing a portal emitting blue light. According to Lu Jun's guess, this is the teleportation that allows them to leave the ruins Door.

Seeing this, Lu Jun gathered the people who were still looking for the exit in the distance. Now that the things in the ruins are done and they have gained a lot, it is time to leave here.

However, before leaving, Lu Jun suddenly realized that there were many Hammers and Shields of the Guardian missing in the stone room in front. These are all A-level equipment, and it would be a pity if they were left here.

Lu Jun knew that the brain-enhancing reagent had worked, so he immediately sat on the ground in pain, resisting the uncomfortable feeling in his head, because he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it later and fall down.

The people who were watching Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai absorbing the supernatural power noticed Lu Jun's strangeness, but they didn't know what happened, so they could only look at Lu Jun nervously.

Seeing that the people around him were all focused on him, Lu Jun waved his hands to the people around him, signaling that he was fine and reassuring them.

But just after Lu Jun finished waving his hands, he felt a pain in his head, as if someone had chopped his head with a knife. Now Lu Jun couldn't bear it anymore, and rolled over on the ground covering his head.

At this time, Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai, who were standing to absorb the ability, also began to show painful expressions, fell to the ground and twitched, just like Lu Jun absorbing the ability for the first time.

The people around saw Ruan Xue, Lin Xiaobai and Lu Jun falling down one after another, they couldn't stand anymore, they wanted to go over to see what happened, but Mu Mu stopped them, because Mu Mu knew that it was absorbing aliens. normal phenomenon.

As for why Lu Jun would do this, Mu Mu didn't know, but based on what Mu knew about Lu Jun, he felt that Lu Jun would definitely be able to recover on his own, and they were likely to be a disservice in the past.

In this way, in the next time, everyone waited nervously. It was not until half an hour later that Lu Jun was the first to recover. At the moment of recovery, Lu Jun first smiled wryly at the people around him looking at him Once, to show that I'm fine.

Then Lu Jun checked his body, wanting to see if his brain development value had improved. After some inspection, Lu Jun found that his brain development value had indeed reached 33%, which made him feel relieved Tone, after all, he has suffered so much pain, if there is no effect, he will probably be pissed off...

As for the other elementary body domain improvement reagent, Lu Jun has not planned to drink it for the time being. First, he is afraid that his body will not be able to bear it. Second, he is going to wait for his own body development value to reach 29% before drinking it. The value of body domain reagents.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun patted the dust on his body, stood up and said to the people around him, "Did you see anything like a portal? Or some messy exit, if you can't find the door How should we get out..."

Hearing Lu Jun's words, everyone shook their heads. They had been focusing on Ruan Xue, Lin Xiaobai, and Lu Jun just now, and didn't pay attention to other scenes in the stone room at all.

Seeing this, Lu Jun scratched his head and said to the people around him, "Search separately, there must be an exit, probably hidden in a relatively hidden place, we have entered the ruins for a long time, wait for Ruan Xue and Xiao Bai to absorb We are ready to go out."

Hearing the Lu Jun's order, everyone dispersed, and followed the Lu Jun's request to find the exit of the ruins, leaving only the Lu Jun standing in place.

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