Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1827 Main Battlefield

You must know that the elves at the first line of defense were almost wiped out, but why did the elves at the second line of defense become fierce again?

But they soon realized that this was due to the good command of the Route Army. If the Route Army hadn't anticipated all possible situations and responded in advance, the battle process would not have been so smooth.

This made them admire Lu Jun even more. They couldn't imagine how Lu Jun knew the characteristics of elves and was so good at commanding...

And Hongyue has been paying attention to the battlefield. Although the battle situation is developing in a favorable direction, she is still a little uneasy.

Because she always feels that this is not the full strength of the undead creatures, it is very likely that these undead creatures are hiding something.

Just when Hongyue was thinking about this, she suddenly noticed an abnormal fluctuation on the battlefield, which came from the very center of the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, the undead liches were seen waving bone staffs in unison, transmitting a black gas to the bone fragments on the battlefield.

When this gas touched the bone fragments, these bone fragments seemed to come alive, and began to rise into the air, condensing towards the center of the battlefield.

With the condensing to the end, a 20-meter-high bone-crushing giant appeared in the center of the battlefield, which was very similar in appearance to the skeleton warrior, except that everything was much bigger. It is estimated that all the broken bones on the battlefield were on it .

After condensing the bone-crushing giant, the undead liches seemed to be seriously injured, and they couldn't even stand still, and they collapsed on the ground one after another.

But the staghorn eagle and the raptor druid didn't dare to take this opportunity to attack the necromancer, because the aura of the bonebreaker giant completely frightened them, making them dare not even breathe.

The entire battlefield also fell silent the moment the Bonebreaker Giant appeared. Neither the undead creatures nor the elf creatures moved, and all attention was focused on the Bonebreaker Giant.

Lu Jun immediately opened the Eye of Data and scanned the bone-crushing giant until a line of data appeared in front of his eyes.

[Bone spirit evil body, the strength is evaluated as super-level, it is composed of millions of broken bones, and can reorganize the broken bones infinitely. 】

Seeing that this was actually a super-level monster, Lu Jun suddenly felt his scalp tingling. If he had known this would happen, he should have killed those undead liches in advance.

It's a pity that it's too late to say this now, because the undead creatures cheered in unison at the next moment. It seems that the appearance of the evil body of the bone spirit gave them hope of victory.

And the Bone Spirit Evil Body didn't make any extra moves,

Holding a nearly ten-meter-long bone knife and bone shield, he rushed towards the second line of defense.

And also brandishing a bone knife and a bone shield, ready to chop at the place with the most elf creatures.

According to the length and weight of the bone and the bone shield, no matter if it is cut by the bone knife or hit by the bone shield, it is estimated that it will definitely die.

The remaining undead creatures followed excitedly behind the bone spirit evil body, pretending to be a tiger, planning to break through the second line of defense in one fell swoop.

"Withdraw! Withdraw! Don't force it!" Lu Jun gave the order to retreat without hesitation, and the man in black who understood Elvish language translated it.

The elf warriors on the battlefield also knew the seriousness of the matter, and retreated frantically to distance themselves from the evil body of the bone spirit.

"The aura of this monster is too terrifying! Do you want to use my abilities to deal with it?!" Hongyue said suddenly.

She really didn't expect that after the bone dragon, there would be an evil bone spirit body. At the same time, she was amazed at Lu Jun's foresight, allowing her to keep her abilities, otherwise no one would be able to use the evil bone spirit body now.

"No! This monster is super-level, stronger than you, and big in size. Your abilities can't seriously damage it, and it will be wasted!" Lu Jun directly denied Hongyue's idea.

Seeing Lu Jun still told her not to use the ability, Hongyue couldn't figure it out, after all, now is the most critical moment...

Although he knew that Hongyue was anxious, Lu Jun didn't explain too much, but turned over and rode a black panther, and rushed to the front of the battlefield.

Since the strength of plague ghosts and ghouls is not at the same level as that of skeleton warriors, after they joined the battlefield, the battle on the elves' side suddenly became difficult.

Some of the weaker Druids of the Claw also suffered casualties, putting the entire line in danger.

Fortunately, the deer demon and ballista, who had readjusted their positions, made another move, and began to work together to suppress the ghouls and plague ghosts, ensuring the integrity of the defense line.

But these are only temporary, because a new batch of skeleton warriors and gargoyles are coming, and there will still be loopholes in the defense line.

However, at the same time as the undead creatures began to attack, the army raised their hands again, and the next moment the raptor druids and antler eagle warriors behind them also started to move.

I saw them flying high, bumping into the oncoming gargoyles, and fighting with hundreds of gargoyles.

Although their numbers are about the same, their actual quality is much higher than that of Gargoyles, so the air battlefield is one-sided, and it is only a matter of time before they win.

The rest of the panther warriors swam to the flanks of the undead creatures, and began to use their speed to contain the Cave Spider and the Undead Lich.

Although they are inferior to each other in terms of number and strength, these are not important, as long as they can delay the time a little bit and help their companions share the pressure, this is the strategy told to them by the road army.

The Cave Spider and the Undead Lich were annoyed by the Panther Warriors, and wanted to kill them quickly, but the Panther Warriors didn't charge at all, and just shot arrows from a distance, driving the undead creatures in the back row crazy. And helpless...

Without the cover of the Cave Spider and the Undead Lich, the pressure on the Ghouls and Plague Ghosts began to increase.

Coupled with the continued strength of the rock giants, the casualties of ghouls and plague ghosts began to increase sharply.

The most important thing is that the battle in the sky above was decided at this time, the gargoyle was almost wiped out, and the raptor druid and staghorn eagle were free to fly to the cave spider and necromancer.

The Cave Spider and Undead Lich had been severely pinned down by the Panther Warriors, but now a group of raptor druids and staghorn eagles flew in, leaving them almost no room to survive.

Fortunately, the cave spider can spit out spider webs, which can slightly restrict the movement of flying creatures, and it can persist a little longer.

However, the situation of the undead creatures is already very difficult at this time. The ground troops can't beat them, and the air troops have been wiped out. It seems that they are not far away from their complete defeat.

In this way, with the passage of time, the overall number of undead creatures was killed to only one thousand, but even the second line of defense could not get close.

Seeing them will usher in victory immediately, and the elves are as if they have been injected with chicken blood, and their attack speed becomes faster.

The men in black robes who had been staying behind saw how powerful these elf fighters were, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

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