The moment he avoided the tyrant's infected body, Mu Mu immediately used his second ability, multiple mirror images, to summon his own mirror image, and then slashed at the leg of the tyrant's infected body with the knife.

The other abilities of the rebel army were not idle either, and they directly used their own attack abilities, like galloping fire snakes, killing thousands of leaves, and shooting at the infected body of the tyrant head-on.

But it is a pity that due to the barrier of the epidermis, the attacks of Mu Mu and several other supernatural beings have no effect. After all, their attacks are still too weak for the A-level tyrant infected body...

Seeing that his attack was unsuccessful, Mu Mu quickly slashed three more times, and found that he still couldn't cause damage to the tyrant-infected body, so he retreated with his own mirror image, because the attack of the tyrant-infected body had already landed on his position And Mu Mu knew that even if he continued to attack, it would not be effective.

The Lu army on the ground beside him also found that Wood's attack was blocked. Fortunately, he had already loaded the Situ 8000 at this time, so he directly lifted the Situ 8000 and aimed at the tyrant's infected body not far away.

Only the sound of "bang bang bang bang" continued to be fired, and Lu Jun slammed the trigger of the Death Tu 8000, blasting all the bullets on the protective skin of the tyrant's infected body.

Although the huge recoil of the Death Tu 8000 pulled Lu Jun's wound very painfully, but after he finished shooting seven bullets, the skin protective layer of the tyrant's infected body also showed signs of breaking. This is the powerful single body of the Death Tu 8000 destructive power.

Seeing this, Mu Mu and other supernatural beings knew that the opportunity to attack the tyrant's infected body was coming, and they all exerted their strength again. Anan, who had been waiting for the opportunity, also activated his own animalization ability, and rushed towards the tyrant's infected body like desperately.

After some attacks from the crowd, the epidermal protective layer on the infected body of the tyrant finally shattered, revealing his strong muscles and rough skin, which looked extremely scary.

Seeing that his side had finally worn away the annoying protective layer of the tyrant's infected body, Lu Jun excitedly waved his fist and said, "Hit! Now we can hit it!"

After shouting, the army endured the pain in the wound and reloaded the Situ 8000 with bullets, and everyone who heard the order from the army no longer hid their strength, and began to attack the tyrant-infected body with all their strength, and fought with the tyrant-infected body in an instant. Together.

The corpse controller hiding in the distance saw that the road army still had so many reinforcements, and the battlefield situation changed again, so he quickly ordered all the ordinary infected bodies and mutant infected bodies to support the tyrant infected body. After all, if the tyrant infected body died, it would There is no such strong combat power at hand.

Hearing the order of the corpse controller, all ordinary infected bodies and mutated infected bodies took action, and ordinary infected bodies no longer attacked West Wind Fortress and Wolf Cavalry,

Qi Qi turned around and came to support the tyrant's infected body.

The mutated infected bodies continued to advance against Lin Xiaobai's firepower, even if they would be blown up by the crossbow bolts, they looked like they wanted to support the tyrant infected bodies even if they died...

But Lu Jun is no longer alone. Besides Mu Mu Anan and other supernatural beings behind him, there are also a group of rebels and the Blackstone Consortium to support him.

When the butcher realized the intention of the infected group, he led the convoy to the route army's position and helped a group of supernatural beings clean up the mutated infected bodies around them.

But the tyrant-infected body just glanced at Xiaowan and the bloodthirsty king bat flying above, and then refocused on Lu Jun, because it knew that Xiaowan wanted to attract its attention, so it would not be fooled ...

Seeing that the tyrant's infected body was still walking towards the Lu army, Lin Xiaobai and Xiaowan felt anxious. After all, it would be difficult for them to get close to the Lu army, let alone save the Lu army from the tyrant's infected body...

Just when the tyrant's infected body was about to approach Lu Jun, there was a sudden roar of locomotives in the distance, and it sounded like several locomotives were approaching quickly.

Hearing the sound of the locomotive, the infected body of the tyrant raised his head suspiciously, and at a glance saw four off-road locomotives approaching 300 meters ahead, and the person sitting on the off-road locomotive was a rebel with abilities.

Just when the tyrant's infected body couldn't figure out where these people came from, it saw a convoy following the locomotive. There were nearly twenty vehicles of various modifications in the convoy, and the people were quite mixed. In addition to the rebels, there are also some members of the Blackstone Consortium, including Ruan Bing and Ruan Xue. It seems that Xiao Wan also asked Ruan Bing and Ruan Xue for help just now, otherwise it is impossible for them to know what is going on here...

Seeing this, the tyrant's infected body couldn't help speeding up the movement of its hands, and continued to wave its fists at the Lu army, because it knew that if it didn't do anything, it would have no chance when the Lu army's teammates came to support it.

But just as the tyrant infected body swung its fist halfway, Lu Jun used the flash again, and moved it to a place five meters away from the tyrant infected body, so that the attack of the tyrant infected body failed again, because his flash had already cooled down .

Seeing that the army dodged again, the impatient tyrant-infected body was ready to continue chasing after it, but before it had time to chase a few steps, the rebel army's motorcycle team arrived. Jump up and down, surround Lu Jun, and then under the leadership of Mu Mu, Qi Qi rushed towards the infected body of the tyrant...

Seeing that his own reinforcements had arrived, Lu Jun was very excited. He struggled to sit up, and then found his Situ 8000 from the muddy ground, and began to reload the Situ 8000, because he wanted to use this gun Help Wood break through the protective layer of the tyrant's infected body, otherwise it will be difficult for Wood and the others to harm the Tyrant's infected body.

Seeing that the rebels finally arrived, Xiao Wan breathed a sigh of relief, so that she would not have to worry about the safety of the road army, and could fight with all her strength, otherwise she would always be timid in the battle and would not be able to exert her full strength.

When the infected body of the tyrant saw the supernatural beings of the rebel army rushing towards it, it couldn't help feeling angry, and waved its thick arms to sweep towards Mu Mu and the others.

Because it feels that its authority has been challenged, which is the most intolerable thing it can bear, and it has to kill the people standing in front of it to attack the route army, otherwise all its previous efforts will be in vain...

Seeing the oncoming attack of the tyrant's infected body, Mu Mu immediately shouted to the people behind him, "Don't block it hard! You can't stop it! Get out of the way!"

After shouting, Wood rolled forward, narrowly dodging the attack of the tyrant's infected body, and the rebel's supernatural powers did the same. They did not choose to block the tyrant's infected body's arm, and avoided several positions...

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