Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1904 Magma Monster?

Since Xiao Wan has just learned this ability, the mutant beasts she can summon are limited, and the ranks are also limited to below S rank.

However, it was terrifying to be able to call so many mutant beasts at once. With the assistance of the mutant beasts, the orc warriors and dinosaurs instantly regained their disadvantage.

Even the army of praying mantises in the sky couldn't take advantage of the tens of thousands of mutated birds of various types, and the air battlefield was able to stalemate.

Seeing the mutated beasts one after another, Sivak felt a big headache, and couldn't figure it out. Why are these people so difficult to deal with?

As the number of dead Zerg creatures increased, Sivak could only soar into the air, using its strongest ability in this form, brain wave control.

When a wave of brain waves swept through the surrounding air, bursts of sonic booms sounded continuously, like the sound of fireworks.

Immediately afterwards, the mutated beasts who had just come to support from a distance were covered, and they were under the control of brain waves.

In the face of the ultra-level attack, neither the mutated birds in the air nor the mutated beasts on the ground could stop them, and all of them burst their heads and died.

Since the rebels had already suffered an attack of brain wave control, they had taken precautions in advance and retreated far away, just escaping the catastrophe.

However, a large number of mutated beasts died, and Xiao Wan in mid-air was also severely injured, interrupting her fourth ability from being cast.

This also means that the hope that Xiao Wan finally brought to everyone has been shattered.

Although the mutated beasts had just killed no less than 30,000 Zerg creatures in a short period of time, this was far from enough for the more than 100,000 Zerg creatures.

Without the support of the mutated beasts, the orc warriors and dinosaurs faced being surrounded by Zerg creatures, and the number of deaths also expanded from five hundred to one thousand, and then to fifteen...

Feeling the hell-like battlefield on earth and the continuous death of his own side, the fallen wood couldn't help moving his fingers, slowly raised his head, and struggled to stand up from the ground holding the Raikage horizontal knife.

Noticing that the wood still had the strength to stand up, Sivak smiled cruelly, like a cat catching a mouse, with a joke.

Immediately afterwards, Siwak flew in front of Mu Mu, with the look of "I'll give you a chance, come and hit me".

Seeing that Siwak was only more than ten meters away from him, Mu Mu of course rushed forward without looking back.

But he was just getting close,

He was kicked down by Siwak, and Siwak's insect hands also tied Wood's head, knocked down Wood's weapon, and made Wood unable to breathe.

However, Siwak did not intend to kill the wood directly, but started a "game" with the wood, controlled the wood and dragged it hard.

When the slightly rough skin rubbed against the ground full of branches and stones, the wood couldn't help screaming, and the skin was also worn out, and a lot of blood oozes out.

Looking at the wood tortured by Siwak in the distance, Ruan Bing, who also fell on the ground, wanted to go to support him.

But what can she do now that she has neither brain power nor soul body reserves? Run to save the wood? No, she can't do anything.

Moreover, the battlefield at this time was completely out of their control, and there were Zerg creatures everywhere, maybe everything would end like this.

"Lu Jun, we tried our best. If you are still alive, I hope you will be well in the future." Ruan Bing still lowered her head, looking at the ground-binding ring Lu Jun gave her and murmured.

They did try their best, and almost every rebel army used up their brainpower and drained their potential.

The orc warriors and the dinosaur corps also gave their all and shed the last drop of blood.

But this can't change the situation of the battle, let alone kill Sivak, after all, the strength gap between them is still too great...

As the ball of light shone on Ruan Bing, the Soul-devouring Beast disappeared instantly, and Ruan Bing also fell down, life and death uncertain.

This means that the high-end combat power of the rebels will all fall to the ground, and the rest will not be able to compete with Sivak.

Everyone knew this very well, and there was a trace of despair in their hearts, so they could only cast their own abilities desperately, making the last resistance.

But without the high-end combat power, let alone resisting Sivak, they couldn't even defeat the two super-level Zerg leaders.

I saw that under the leadership of the Zerg leader, the orc warriors and dinosaurs were constantly injured and even died, and the front line was also facing defeat.

Looking at the fallen Ruan Bing and Mu Mu, and the battlefield that was beneficial to them, Sivak was in a good mood. After all, they were only one step away from winning this battle.

Thinking of this, Siwak continued to control Tengfei's body and flew forward.

But at this moment, Siwak suddenly heard a collective running sound similar to mutant beasts and the singing of mutant birds from a distance.

Although it is normal to hear or see mutant beasts in the wild, the appearance of mutant beasts at this time still gives Sivak a bad feeling.

In the next moment, the vibrating and chirping sound became more and more intense, and then a large group of mutant beasts and mutant birds appeared all around.

The number of these mutated beasts is about 30,000, and there are all kinds of them, and they are mixed with each other.

Although most of their strengths are at B-level or A-level, so many mutated beasts gather together, it is quite spectacular from a distance.

Originally, Siwak thought that these mutant beasts were just passing by, but when he saw the mutant beasts approaching, he realized that these mutant beasts were coming for them.

Because these mutated beasts only attack Zerg creatures, they don't even touch the orc warriors and dinosaurs, and some mutated beasts even go out of their way to help the dinosaurs out.

But what Sivak couldn't figure out was, why did these mutant beasts attack them? You must know that mutant beasts will run away when they meet them...

The rebels also wondered why so many mutant beasts came to help them, because as far as they knew, the route army did not train these mutant beasts.

Just when everyone was wondering, Lin Xiaobai suddenly raised his finger and pointed to the air: "Look! It's Xiaowan!"

Hearing Lin Xiaobai's prompt, everyone immediately looked up to the sky, which was Xiaowan's position.

At this time, Xiaowan was stopped at a height of more than 50 meters, her eyes were tightly closed, her four wings were constantly flapping, and there was an enchantment around her body.

Although many praying mantises were attacking Xiao Wan, with the existence of the enchantment, Xiao Wan didn't suffer any harm, instead, she was constantly sending brainwaves to her surroundings.

If Lu Jun is here, he will find that Xiaowan has grown to a fourth-order brain domain superpower, and it is estimated that she broke through in continuous high-intensity battles.

What Xiaowan is using now is her fourth-level ability, Embrace of Ten Thousand Beasts. The effect is to send brainwaves to the surroundings, ordering mutant beasts within tens of kilometers to come to support, and the duration is one hour.

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