Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1909 New Strategy

My lord, this person works under me. I don't know his specific strength, nor his real name. He personally doesn't like to participate in messy things, and he is obsessed with construction. We all call him Icesmith. Do you want to call him Come to see you? "Gao Tian whispered in Lu Jun's ear.

"How mysterious? Forget it, don't bother him, see you later, but I appreciate his ability, you have to win him over, don't let him run away." Lu Jun was discussing with Gao Tian.

"Don't worry, my lord, he can't run away. He has family members, and I control them all. Even if I let him run away, he won't run away." Gao Tianyin replied to Lu Jun with a smile.

But Lu Jun slapped Gao Tian on the forehead with a backhand, with a little anger on his expression: "Hurry up and let his family go, you have to work hard to win people over, just like making friends, you can't use these despicable methods, otherwise he will have nothing to do with you." I will definitely betray you one day."

To be honest, Lu Jun was very disgusted with Gao Tian's actions, because the former Baisha Consortium did the same to him.

But ever since he betrayed the Baisha Financial Group, he knew that this approach was wrong, so he has been treating people with heart since the end of the world, so that he can get to where he is today.

"Yes, sir, I was wrong. I will release his family immediately when I go back, and apologize to him..." Gao Tian quickly admitted his mistake, not even daring to dodge Lu Jun's slap on his head.

"Remember, no matter where you are in the future, be cruel to your enemies, or they will ride on your head, and be friendly to your own people, or they will leave you, or even become yours. Enemy." Lu Jun said earnestly.

This sentence was said to Gao Tian, ​​and it was also said to the people behind him.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, everyone nodded one after another, fell into deep thought, and sighed secretly that Lu Jun really had the demeanor of a general.

But what Lu Jun didn't know was that his inadvertent words changed the fate of many people invisibly, and made more people give up on him in the days to come.

This also just proves that if you want to win someone over, relying on chains is only temporary, and only sincerity and friendship can achieve eternity...

As time passed, Lu Jun and others soon arrived at the east gate, where many elf warriors were waiting, all of whom rushed over from the Frost Forest yesterday.

Originally they thought that there would be a fierce battle in Xueyue City, but they didn't expect that the road army and the undead warriors had already settled everything, and they were not needed at all.

And they were "invited" into Xueyue City to have a good rest for the night,

This is something they couldn't have imagined before they came...

Seeing that the Lu army had brought their companions back, the elf warriors breathed a sigh of relief, so that they would not have made this trip in vain.

After the city gate was fully opened, Lu Jun led the crowd out to meet the undead creatures outside.

"My lord, do you want me to escort you with a team? Bring them back when you come back." Gao Tian suddenly proposed.

"No need, even if I'm in danger, you guys can't protect me. What's more, this road is much safer, and there are no creatures that can threaten me." Lu Jun directly refused, because he didn't want to bring these unfamiliar people back to the cold. frost forest.

"Well, my lord, please pay attention to safety, we will wait for you to come back." Takata bowed deeply and cupped his fists to show respect.

"Bon voyage, my lord!" The city guard commander and a group of city guards half-kneeled on the ground with their heads bowed.

Seeing these people making such a big salute, Lu Jun smiled bitterly, ignored it, and raised his hand to summon three Fengshen pterosaurs, and let Lin Yilan and others go up.

And the man in black can only ride stag eagle or raptor druid, after all, there are not so many Fengshen pterosaurs in the road army.

Just as Lu Jun was about to let the Fengshen pterosaur take off and set off with the elves, Ye Mo suddenly fell from the sky riding the bone dragon and stood in front of Lu Jun.

"My lord, we have cleaned up the snow monsters outside, and there will be no traces of snow monsters around. We have done everything according to your instructions. What is my next task?"

After speaking, the bone dragon next to Night Demon spat out a huge head from its mouth, which belonged to the snow monster.

He returned to the Frost Forest mainly for the Tree of Life, because he was thinking that the Tree of Life would probably be out of its infancy soon.

"Alright sir, I will definitely make arrangements in advance to ensure that you can use the teleportation formation as soon as you arrive." The captain of the city guard replied with a serious face.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Lu Jun nodded, waved his hand, and signaled the people in black robes and elves to go to the east gate of Xueyue City.

Gao Tian and the city guard followed closely behind with a large group of guards, and they must have sent the Lu army away.

Since it was morning, there were still quite a lot of pedestrians on the road, the order of Xueyue City was not affected by what happened last night, on the contrary, everything became better.

But if you look carefully, you will find that there are twice as many city guards patrolling the streets, and there are still many supernatural beings belonging to the city guards hiding in the crowd.

This is because Takata is afraid that the remnants of the major forces have not been cleaned up, and they will jump over the wall in a hurry, so he sent more people to maintain order.

Pedestrians saw the top leader of Xueyue City and so many city guards following behind the Lu army, they gave way one after another, still secretly guessing the identity of the Lu army.

You must know that Gao Tian is the number one person in Xueyue City, both in terms of strength and status, and it is rare to see him in normal times.

But now he is following a young man respectfully, and this young man is accompanied by a large group of men in black robes and some strange creatures. This is really too mysterious.

Buffy, who just came out of his tavern, also saw this scene, which made him stay in place for an instant.

Because Lu Jun was a survivor who had nowhere to go a few days ago, how could he be treated like this today?

Also, Lu Jun just asked him about Gao Tian's Lu Jun yesterday, it sounds like he wants to kill Gao Tian, ​​why did he get mixed up with Gao Tian today?

All this is so strange that Buffy can't figure it out...

Lu Jun also noticed Buffy's existence, and blinked at Buffy's position.

In fact, he is still very grateful to Buffy. Without Buffy, his actions in Frost Forest and Snow Moon City would not be so smooth.

However, Lu Jun's move frightened Buffy immediately, and he immediately lowered his head and retreated into the crowd, not continuing to watch the fun.

This made Lu Jun chuckle, suddenly remembered something, and turned his head to Gao Tian: "By the way, I heard that the buildings and walls of your Xueyue City were made by a supernatural person. This person is Who? Why isn't it by your side?"

Lu Jun is still very curious about this supernatural person. It is definitely not easy for someone who can create this kind of project.

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