Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1915 Night Devil's Rescue

But if the fight continues, the route army will definitely be defeated, because the dinosaurs need to consume physical strength to fight, while the physical strength of the mutated infected bodies is unlimited, and they can fight here for a year without getting tired.

Moreover, the duration of Abeliron's clone will soon be up. Without an A-level clone that can take damage and fight, the pressure on the Lu army will undoubtedly double, and maybe it will be his fall in a few minutes. When defeated.

The worse situation is not only that, the corpse controller hiding in the distance saw that Lu Jun and the mutated infected bodies were entangled, so they "touched" them from behind, and they were going to get closer and use their powerful mental power to kill the giant monsters. The protective cover of the protective device was destroyed, so that its army of infected bodies could drive straight in and attack Westwind Fortress.

Lu Jun, who was struggling to deal with the mutated infected body, didn't notice that the corpse controller had sneaked up, but even if he found out at this moment, he couldn't do much.

Because he had to avoid the attacks of hundreds of mutated infected bodies, command the dinosaurs, and protect the protective shield behind him, he was so busy...

Seeing that no one found it, the corpse controller became more daring, walked straight to the protective cover supported by the giant protective device, and then used its most powerful mental attack, bombarding the protective cover to the ground in just ten seconds. smash.

Seeing the tyrant's infected body rushing towards him, Lu Jun didn't panic too much. He first gave up attacking the lickers, and then led the dinosaurs into the protective cover supported by the giant protective device, because he couldn't fight the tyrant yet. The infected body is tough, so you have to continue to preserve your strength to kill other mutated infected bodies.

The two tyrant-infected bodies saw that Lu Jun hid in a place where they couldn't pass, so they roared angrily twice, then stayed next to the lickers and continued to slap the protective shield.

Although they can't attack the Lu army temporarily, they think that protecting the lickers will make the Lu army uncomfortable. As long as they can make the Lu army uncomfortable, they are "comfortable".

However, Lu Jun's IQ is different from these tyrant infected bodies. When he saw that the tyrant infected body was protecting the lickers, he immediately shifted his target and ran to the elite infected body with the Chinese Raptor and Utahraptor. Start slaughtering elite infects.

Seeing that the Lu army ignored them and ran to the other side, the two tyrant infected bodies felt anxious for a while, and then continued to run to the other side, trampling to death several other mutated infected bodies on the way...

Seeing that these two silly tyrant infected bodies were attracted by him again, Lu Jun shrank back without thinking, and continued to attack the lickers and other mutant infected bodies on the other side.

Under this back and forth involvement, Lu Jun didn't even lose a single hair. Instead, the tyrant infected body was played around by him, and nearly 200 other mutated infected bodies also died.

And the two tyrants infected saw that they had been tricked by Lu Jun again, and their heads were about to explode. Obviously Lu Jun was right in front of them, but they just couldn't catch Lu Jun. At this moment, their hatred for Lu Jun was over. Words can't describe it...

While the army and the mutated infected body were fighting, the battle between the wolf cavalry and slave labor against the common infected body also began. Because the number of common infected bodies was too large and densely packed, the wolf cavalry and slave labor could not rush out , can only use the protection of the protective cover like Lu Jun to chop down the ordinary infected body in front of him one by one.

Although the combined number of wolf cavalry and slave labor is less than 150, their attacks are not weak. Whether it is wolf cavalry or slave labor, each ax can split the head of one or two ordinary infected bodies.

After all, their size and strength are there. If it is in an open area, ten ordinary infected bodies can't beat a slave worker. Therefore, under the protection of the protective cover, they can kill ordinary infected bodies at an extremely fast speed, every three seconds. Nearly two hundred ordinary infected bodies fell under their axes.

The corpse controller hiding in the distance saw that the attacks of the common infected body and the mutated infected body were frustrated, and immediately thought about the countermeasures in his mind.

After thinking about it, the corpse controller immediately ordered the infected group to stop paying attention to the road army, and just attack the protective cover with all their strength, because it can see that the protective cover is shrinking, as long as this annoying cover is broken, the infected body will be attacked by them. The power of a group can destroy West Wind Fortress in an instant.

Hearing the order from the corpse controller, the tyrant infected body ignored the road army, and the infected body with the double hammer waved their arms to continuously attack the protective cover, speeding up the speed of destroying the protective cover.

The lickers and other mutated infected bodies were not idle either. They each used their own attack methods to hit the protective cover of the giant protective device, causing the protective cover to become smaller and smaller. The road army and the orc warriors could only retreat again and again. .

Although the army and dinosaurs killed nearly 200 mutated infected bodies during the period, and the wolf cavalry and slave laborers also hacked to death more than 10,000 ordinary infected bodies, the energy of the giant protective device was constantly being consumed. no.

Seeing that the infected body group is only a few tens of meters away from the Westwind Fortress, if you don't do anything at this time, the protective shield will be broken. The army no longer hesitates, and orders the clone of Abelisaurus to rush towards the infected body of the tyrant In the past, he and other dinosaurs followed suit.

The corpse controller hiding in the distance was very excited when he saw that the Lu army and the dinosaurs were ready to come out to fight for their lives. It knew that this was the best chance to kill the Lu army, so it ordered the tyrant infected body and other mutated infected bodies to ignore the Lu army. The dinosaurs of the army can directly attack the army.

This is because the corpse controller can't tell which is the real Abelisaurus and which is the fake Abelisaurus, so he doesn't want to put firepower in unnecessary places. It will all be over.

Hearing the order of the corpse controller, the mutated infected bodies will ignore the dinosaurs of the route army, and all attacks are directed towards the position of the route army, such as the big tongue of the licker, the infected body of the double hammer and the infected body of the tyrant fist, and the sneak attack of the black thorn infected body, etc...

Seeing that the mutated infected bodies were all targeting him, Lu Jun knew that this must be the order of the corpse controller. It seems that the corpse controller has learned to be smart and will no longer be fooled by him.

However, in the face of the attacks of many mutated infected bodies, Lu Jun did not choose to retreat this time, because he had no way to retreat, and behind him was the protective cover. He could no longer let the mutated infected bodies pour their attacks on the protective cover. He could only use the two abilities of time regression and flash to avoid the attack of the mutated infected body, and it was dangerous for a while.

The dinosaurs of the Route Army saw that the mutated infected bodies ignored them and were attacking the Route Army. They became anxious and used their powerful bodies to attack the enemies around the Route Army and defend the Route Army from damage.

In this way, the mutated infected body, the army and the dinosaurs of the army started a scuffle in this open space. For a while, it was impossible to tell which side was the advantage and which side was the disadvantage.

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