Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1924 Transferring

Then, the Chinese Raptor activated its dragon skill of freezing the skin, and began to run at the fastest speed. During this period, as long as the members of the scorpion group were close to it, they would be directly frozen by it, like statues one by one.

After freezing a large group of people, the Chinese Raptor immediately condensed the dragon skill of Gale Claw Blade, smashing the frozen human bodies into "fragments", and the scene was extremely bloody and violent.

In this way, the elite members of the Scorpion Group couldn't stop the brutal killing of Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor.

Even after the death of Black Scorpion and Bing Scorpion, they didn't even have a person in charge of commanding them, and they didn't know how to run away. They were in a mess like headless flies, and died under the attacks of Abelisaurus and Sinoraptor one after another.

Looking at the battlefield full of corpses and without suspense, the girl in red couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She knew that the Scorpion Group's situation was over, and maybe after today, the Scorpion Group would really become a second-rate force in Ori City.

Because the Scorpion Group killed four supernatural beings, more than 500 elite members, and more than 400 ordinary members in this battle, this kind of loss is a traumatic existence no matter which force it is placed on.

The most frightening thing is that these members of the Scorpion Group were all killed by Lu Jun alone. Perhaps the senior management of the Scorpion Group did not think that the Lu Jun they provoked would be a "pervert"...

As the battle drew to a close, there was not even a single living member of the scorpion group on the battlefield, except for the burning vehicles and a pile of corpses.

Although some people from the Scorpion Group ran out during the chaotic battle, the number would definitely not be many, and the army didn't bother to let the dinosaurs chase them.

After confirming that there were no enemies around, Lu Jun slowly walked to the corpse of the black scorpion, and picked up the two supernatural light spheres on the ground.

Then he walked quickly to the corpse of Bing Scorpion, and picked up a supernatural light ball dropped by Bing Scorpion.

Some people may wonder why the black scorpion dropped two supernatural light spheres. It is because the black scorpion is a second-level supernatural power user with two supernatural powers, so it will drop two.

As for what the supernatural powers in these supernatural light balls are, Lu Jun didn’t have time to look at them. After finishing these, he returned to the girl in red and looked at the girl in red and said, “We have already killed it, so we are gambling I won the appointment, you have no objection?"

While Lu Jun said this, Abelisaurus and Sinoraptor also returned to Lu Jun. Abelisaurus still had the corpse of the black scorpion in its mouth and was about to swallow it, because the black scorpion was a second-order alien. Those who are capable, the corpse can bring a lot of energy to Abeliron.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, and looking at the two terrifying big dinosaurs behind Lu Jun, the girl in red swallowed her saliva, and immediately shook her head, expressing that she had no objection and was willing to admit defeat.

Although the girl in red is still a little unwilling to go with Lu Jun deep down, because she doesn't know Lu Jun's identity at all, she doesn't know who Lu Jun is, and her status in the Tomahawk Legion is very special. The Legion of Tomahawks brings turmoil.

But due to the strength of the Lu army and the pressure brought by the two dinosaurs, she dared not refuse to agree to the Lu army. What if the Lu army started a fire and let the dinosaurs eat her, so she could only express her obedience ...

What's more, she agreed to bet with Lu Jun herself. Lu Jun didn't force her, nor did he play tricks. Lu Jun won the bet with his own strength, so the girl in red is still very convinced by Lu Jun.

Seeing that the girl in red was fine, Lu Jun didn't care what the girl in red was thinking, but immediately continued to say to the girl in red, "Then my companion is in trouble, time is urgent, can you use your ability to get us out of here?" Take it with you?"

Lu Jun didn't know what the girl in red was thinking. He saw that Abelisaurus and Sinoraptor were actually playing a game of killing, so he snorted lightly and signaled the two dinosaurs to stop playing. He rushed to support Mumu and the others. .

Hearing Lu Jun's humming, Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor also understood what Lu Jun meant, and immediately used their sharp minions to dismember the dying black scorpion on the ground.

Just like that, the poor Black Scorpion hadn't had time to show the strength of his abilities,

Before he could use his second ability, he died directly under the attacks of Abelisaurus and Chinese Raptor...

Seeing that the black scorpion died without any resistance, the entire battlefield in front of the building became completely silent. The elite members of the scorpion group were speechless, let alone making that meaningless attack. After all, the black scorpion The death of the scorpion dealt a huge blow to them.

"Quick! Get out! Let's get out!" The desperate Bing Scorpion yelled at all the elite members of the Scorpion Group on the field, telling everyone to give up their mission and leave here, because even the Black Scorpion is dead, and they don't need to stay here.

Although removing him like this would not lead to good results, and their scorpion group would be made fun of by all the forces in Ori City.

But compared to these, Bingxie wants to live with the hundreds of elite members of their scorpion regiment.

Because the casualties of their scorpion regiment were already high enough that no one could die. As for what happened next, Bingxie didn't care so much...

Hearing Bingxie's order, the elite members of the Scorpion regiment started to disperse and retreat if they encountered an amnesty. Those who could get in the car got in the car, and those who couldn't get in the car ran with their legs. Anyway, they planned to leave here first.

In normal times, the members of the Scorpion Group would never run away, after all, this would mean an indelible shame to them.

But in front of Lu Jun and the two big dinosaurs, they couldn't bring up the idea of ​​resistance at all, because the strength of Lu Jun made them terrified, and made them fear from the bottom of their hearts...

Seeing that the people of the Scorpion Group were about to retreat, Lu Jun sneered, and immediately took out an anti-tank bazooka from the armed module, and aimed a rocket at a truck. It was impossible for him to let these people leave .

Only a sound of "Boom!" was heard, and the truck exploded in an instant, igniting raging flames, and the dozen or so members of the scorpion group inside also turned into "burning men" one by one.

Hearing the sound of the rockets, Abelisaurus and Sinoraptor also knew that the Lu army did not intend to let the group of people in front of them go, so they immediately readjusted their attack posture and prepared to attack.

First of all, Abelisaurus directly aimed at the soldier scorpion in the distance and used a deadly dash, and it came to the soldier scorpion in an instant, and crushed the soldier scorpion with its thick hind legs in the blink of an eye, and the soldier scorpion even died I don't even know what happened...

After killing the Bing Scorpion, Abeliron immediately opened its bloody mouth and spit out streams of flames, aiming specifically at the trucks that were starting up, destroying all the trucks brought by the Black Scorpions , and also burned to death more than a hundred elite members of the Scorpion Corps.

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