Don't...don't kill me...I'll give you whatever you want..." the person in charge of the scientific research institute said in a trembling voice.

He had seen the scene of Lu Jun's murder just now, and now he couldn't muster up any courage to resist.

Hearing the begging of the person in charge of the scientific research institute, Lu Jun still didn't speak, but took out a cold light stick to illuminate the surrounding environment.

It was only after the lights came on that Lu Jun discovered that the person in charge of the scientific research institute was a fat man with a fat head, and it was really rare for people to remain so fat in the last days.

"Are there any other supernatural beings in the scientific research institute? Where is the place where you specialize in researching things? There are also warehouses and so on, tell me everything." Lu Jun put the cold light stick in front of the person in charge of the scientific research institute and said softly.

Although Lu Jun's voice sounded soft, the person in charge of the scientific research institute could feel a chilling killing intent from it, which made his hairs stand on end.

"Yes... yes... there are still a lot of supernatural beings... they are rushing over... I guess they will arrive soon... As for the location of the warehouse, I can take you there... as long as you don't kill me..." The person in charge moved back a bit, his small eyes kept looking around, as if he was thinking about some plan.

However, Lu Jun saw through the thoughts of the person in charge of the scientific research institute at a glance, directly raised his right foot, stepped on the left knee of the person in charge of the scientific research institute, and stepped on the entire left leg of the person in charge of the scientific research institute into a distorted shape. There was a crackling sound of broken bones.

"Ah!!!" The person in charge of the scientific research institute felt a burst of suffocating pain before he knew what happened, which almost made him faint.

But the pain kept stimulating the nerves in his brain, making him faint even if he wanted to, so he could only hold his trampled knee and howl desperately.

"I don't want to hear this, tell me the truth, otherwise I will have to cripple all your limbs before asking you." Lu Jun looked at the person in charge of the scientific research institute who was in pain under his feet and said softly, his face was still expressionless. Too many expressions, seems to have become accustomed to the corpses and stumps around...

"I said... I said..." Hearing Lu Jun's threatening words and feeling the killing intent coming from Lu Jun, the person in charge of the scientific research institute knew that he had been spotted, so he immediately held back the pain on his knee. Pain Road.

The person in charge of the scientific research institute showed a confident smile, because he already felt that Lu Jun would not be able to hold on any longer, and as long as Lu Jun died, they would soon usher in victory.

Although he still doesn't know what the road army is doing behind them, this is not important anymore. He only needs to win to restore the dignity of their city guards.

However, the person in charge of the scientific research institute soon discovered something was wrong, because he suddenly saw the blisters in front of him solidify, and even some white ice crystals emerged.

"Not good! She is using the ice ability to freeze my ability! Get rid of her quickly! Otherwise my ability will be invalid!" The young ability user next to the head of the scientific research institute shouted loudly.

He knew very well that his abilities were composed of water elements, and his defense was so strong because of the flexibility of the liquid.

However, Lin Xiaobai's ability is ice-type, and water will turn into ice when it is cold, so if his ability is frozen, the nature of the liquid changes, and the flexibility loses, it will be easily broken, and naturally It will lose its defensive effect.

Hearing what the young supernatural being said, the person in charge of the scientific research institute turned pale with fright, and immediately asked the surrounding supernatural beings to come back, intending to gather all their forces to besiege Lu Jun and Lin Xiaobai.

Because he knew that if the blisters in front of them were broken, they would lose their means of protection, and it was absolutely impossible to stop the dinosaurs of the Lu army.

But Mumu and the others did not allow the supernatural beings of the city guards to return to defense. Even though they were restricted by various supernatural powers and had several wounds on their bodies, they still firmly restricted the supernatural beings of the city guards and fought for Lin Xiaobai. time.

In this way, without the support of supernatural beings, the person in charge of the scientific research institute failed to break through the particle shield of the army in time, and also failed to interfere with Lin Xiaobai. The whole blister was frozen.

Seeing this, Lu Jun knew that the opportunity had come, and immediately stepped forward, kicking the frozen blisters in front of him.

There was only a sound of "呯呯啪啪..." sounded, and the huge water bubbles shattered like glass under Lu Jun's fierce kick, and ice slag fell all over the ground.

Seeing that the person in charge of the scientific research institute and a group of supernatural beings were exposed in front of him, the first thing Lu Jun did was not to attack, but to use his own time-reversing supernatural power, covering an area more than ten meters ahead .

The person in charge of the scientific research institute looked at Lu Jun who was close at hand, secretly glad that Lu Jun did not attack him, and immediately stepped back a few steps, even throwing the loudspeaker on the ground.

The young man wearing sunglasses and the young supernatural being next to him were firing lasers crazily, and the other was trying to condense the blisters again.

But at this time, Lu Jun's time regression has begun to take effect. The person in charge of the scientific research institute and the supernatural being next to him only feel that their bodies are getting heavier and heavier until they can't move at all.

Seeing this, Lu Jun sneered, and directly turned on his own dragon form. With two claws, he instantly killed the supernatural being wearing sunglasses and the supernatural being who could use water bubbles, without giving them a chance to stand up , leaving only the head of the scientific research institute without any special abilities in place.

The few supernatural beings who were still entangled with Mu Mu and others saw that their leader was captured, and knowing that the situation was over, they retreated one after another, trying to escape from here.

But besides Mu Mu and others beside them, there was also an Abelisaurus who was watching fiercely, how could they escape so easily.

In the end, with the assistance of Abeliron, the city guards on the battlefield died one after another, and several of them died in an extremely miserable state, never returning to their previous glory.

The ordinary city guards around saw the battlefield where the situation suddenly turned upside down, and they were frightened and fled in all directions, shouting. After all, even their superhumans were dead, so there was no need for them to stay here and struggle.

Lu Jun didn't pay attention to those fleeing people around, because they were all small fish, they were of no value to him, and they weren't worth chasing after him at all.

"Boss Lu, all the city guards have run away, what should he do?" Anan walked up to Lu Jun, pointed at the person in charge of the scientific research institute who was still motionless, and asked.

Hearing Anan's words, Lu Jun didn't answer, but silently released the time backtracking, allowing the person in charge of the scientific research institute to recover his mobility.

The moment he regained his mobility, the person in charge of the research institute's legs went limp, and he collapsed on the ground, looking at Lu Jun tremblingly.

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