Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1936 Response to Undead Creatures

Ten seconds later, the off-road vehicle with flashing headlights stopped beside the West Wind Fortress, but for some reason no one got out of the vehicle, and there was no movement inside the vehicle.

Seeing this, Lu Jun always felt that something was wrong, so he quickly approached the off-road vehicle, stretched out his hand and opened the door of the cab.

But the moment Lu Jun opened the car door, he saw a rebel member who had fainted inside.

This member is wearing the exclusive badge of the Rebel Army, and there are two characters "Feng San" on the badge, which shows that he is the No. 3 member of the Wind Group.

The most important thing is that his right arm is covered with blood that is about to dry, and it is all over his clothes and pants. It looks like he has been injured for a long time.

Seeing this, Lu Jun immediately dragged out the No. 3 member of the Feng Group, and then checked his injuries.

When Lu Jun found out that member No. 3 of the wind group was scratched by an infected beast, his brows frowned even tighter.

Immediately take out a C-level infection virus antibody and a D-level infection virus antibody and inject them into the third member of the wind group.

Because Lu Jun didn't know what level of mutant beast this member was scratched by, he simply injected D-level and C-level antibodies together. It is estimated that this is the only way to save this person.

As time passed, the two anti-virus antibodies quickly took effect, and the third member of the wind group on the ground also slowly woke up from the dizzy state.

In fact, he was able to wake up so quickly because he came back in time, otherwise he would become an infected body after fainting for a while.

"Boss Lu...you're back..." Member No. 3 of Feng Group struggled to sit up and said to Lu Jun the moment he opened his eyes. It seemed that his consciousness had gradually recovered.

"Well, how did you get injured? What happened to the Tianhai gathering place? Did you inquire about the news?" Lu Jun asked straight to the point after a short answer.

Hearing Lu Jun's question, member No. 3 of the wind group shook his head, resisting the dizziness caused by excessive blood loss and said: "Boss Lu, something serious happened! I rushed to the Tianhai gathering place alone in the evening. But before I could get there, I encountered a group of infected bodies on the road, tens of thousands of them! No! It should be more than a hundred thousand!"

"Seeing this situation, I had no choice but to stop the car and prepare to wait for the infected group to pass by, but I waited for nearly two hours before I found out that these infected bodies were heading to the Tianhai gathering place, and now there has been a fight over there. Already!"

While saying this, member No. 3 of the wind group glanced at the two infected virus antibodies that were empty on the ground and continued: "As for my injury, I was bitten by a fast infected animal while investigating the situation. Yes, I have already killed it with my ability, and its strength should be around C-level, thank you for the virus antibody you gave me, I am fine now."

After speaking, member No. 3 of the wind group took out a blood-stained C-rank corpse crystal from his pocket, and grinned at Lu Jun.

Seeing that the No. 3 member of the Feng Group could still laugh after suffering such serious injuries, Lu Jun also grinned, patted the No. 3 member of the Feng Group on the shoulder and said: "You did a good job, and your information is also very important. , take care of yourself."

After speaking, Lu Jun stood up and waved to Ruan Xue. Ruan Xue also understood Lu Jun's meaning, and immediately used a tree recovery on the third member of the wind group to help him recover from his injuries.

Under the cover of Muzhi's recovery, the wounds of the No. 3 member of the Fengzu immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became intact, but the problem of excessive blood loss had to be recuperated by himself... Mengsheng

Seeing that the No. 3 member of the wind group was fine, Lu Jun raised his hand and asked the surrounding resistance members and orc warriors to turn their attention back to him and said, "Okay, you have heard about the situation over there." It's very clear, let's assign tasks."

"Ake and those members without superpowers are responsible for defending the Westwind Fortress. The other members take their weapons and follow me, and hit me no matter what they encounter on the way!"

After finishing speaking, the army summoned more than forty ostrich-like dragons, let the rebels and others ride them, the wolf cavalry and the troll hunters also rode the frost wolves, and a group of people went to the gathering place of Chaotianhai in a mighty manner. side rushed.

The advancing formation of the road army is led by the wolf cavalry in charge of melee combat, the rebels with guns riding ostriches are in the middle, and the troll hunters with long-range attack capabilities are in the rear. The overall formation is very stable, no matter which direction They can instantly retaliate when attacked.

As for the members of the Blackstone Consortium brought by Ruan Bing, they could only follow behind in a truck. They have no special abilities, and their weapons are not outstanding. It is safest to stay behind...

But now it was late at night, and there was blood mist, rushing on the road rashly brought a lot of trouble to Lu Jun and others. If it weren't for the good night vision ability of the ostrich and frost wolf, they would probably have worked harder.

Moreover, after advancing a few kilometers, the road army found that the outside world had changed.

The fragile grass became more than one meter high. The grass blades are like blades, and the grass heads are densely packed with spikes. If someone accidentally rushes in, they will definitely be scratched.

Not to mention the tall trees that were originally tall, they are now as thick as water tanks, and unknown vines hang down from the trees one after another, some of which are more than 20 meters high, looking terrifying up.

Seeing these plants with huge changes, the first thing Lu Jun thought of was the blood mist. These plants must be affected by the blood mist to grow wildly, otherwise there is no way to explain what is going on.

The most important thing is that the blood fog has obviously lasted for three days, but it has not stopped, but it has become thicker, which also means that these plants will continue to grow.

It seems that these blood mist can not only corrode human iron supplies, but also accelerate the evolution of plants, so that the living environment of human beings will be even worse. I don't know if those monsters have been affected.

If the monsters also evolve, then humans without weapons will really be unable to live, Lu Jun thought to himself...

However, the road army has no answers for the time being, and can only continue to lead the team to move forward more carefully.

As time passed, Lu Jun and others finally approached the Tianhai gathering place in the second half of the night.

During the journey, their group encountered countless waves of attacks. They have encountered infected bodies, infected beasts, and mutant beasts.

These monsters are also as Lu Jun thought, and their strength has been enhanced to varying degrees. For example, the muscles of the whole body of ordinary infected bodies and infected beasts have turned red, and their strength and speed have more than doubled compared to before, which is very headache. .

Another example is that mutant beasts have begun to evolve various abilities, even low-level mutant beasts have their own abilities and become more difficult to deal with.

And this doesn't seem to be their final evolutionary form. If the blood mist lasts for a few more days, it's unknown what they will become.

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