Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1946 1 Enchantment 1 Illusion

"Oh, that's it." Hongyue murmured in a low voice, but didn't say anything more.

But Lu Jun always felt that Hongyue had discovered something, and the longer he stayed with these men in black, the easier it would be for him to be exposed.

So Lu Jun decided to take these elves back and wake up Lin Yilan, and he will leave immediately.

And Hongyue and the black robes didn't choose to stay here for too long. After cleaning up the battlefield a little bit, they escorted the elves out of the stronghold of the undead.

Although the terrain here is very good, easy to defend and difficult to attack, they are not afraid of another batch of undead, it is a good place to station.

But their original plan was not like this, and what they should do was to bring the elves back as soon as possible.

In this way, as time passed, it took Lu Jun and others more than an hour to leave the territory of the undead creatures, and it is estimated that they will have to walk another four hours to go back.

This is mainly because taking the elves on the road greatly slows down their progress, making them have to stop from time to time to detect the environment ahead.

What was even more troublesome was that on the way back, Lu Jun and others suddenly encountered a rare frost storm.

This is a kind of weather that can only appear in the Frost Forest. It is the frost that can freeze everything from the sky. With the strong wind, the whole area will drop several degrees or even ten degrees in an instant.

It was already cold enough in this forest, but when the frost storm came down, even the air was almost frozen.

In addition, the terrible cold wind swept over everything, blocking the vision of Lu Jun and others, leaving only the sound of "huhuhu" in their ears, which made it difficult for them to walk in the forest.

If the number of people is relatively small, they may still be able to hold on, but now the number of their teams is around 150, and there are long lines.

Blown by the Frost Storm like this, the front and back of the team had a fault, and they were almost out of touch.

Moreover, the temperature was so low that even the strong black-robed people couldn't stand it, let alone the elves who hadn't eaten for two consecutive days.

So Hongyue made a decision immediately, everyone stopped moving forward, and found a relatively low-lying place to camp nearby, planning to wait for the frost storm to pass, otherwise they would die of cold.

The elf and the man in black had no objection to this, and immediately found a low-lying place at random, and gathered together to keep warm.

But the frost storm didn't seem to stop, but it was getting worse, as if a bigger storm was still to come.

Therefore, the black-robed people and elves can only find ways to change the terrain and create warmth to resist the next storm.

First of all, the people in black robes used their abilities to make their positions lower. At the same time, they also picked up a lot of dry firewood and piled them together to form a bonfire for heating.

But no matter how fierce the flame is, it can't last long under this kind of wind and frost. Fortunately, the elves also have special abilities.

They suddenly held hands and sang Elvish language. At the same time, the surrounding trees swayed, as if they were communicating with the elves.

Immediately afterwards, these swaying trees stretched out one after another, entangled continuously, until they became a tree hole that could accommodate more than a hundred people, covering all the humans and elves on the field.

With something that can withstand the wind and frost, everyone immediately felt much warmer. Coupled with the temperature of the campfire, everyone didn't have to continue to suffer from the cold.

In this case, everyone has a little leisure time and can take a good rest.

Because of this weather, no creatures can move, and they don't have to worry about being attacked suddenly.

Coupled with the protection of the tree hole, they are safe and can enjoy this moment of tranquility, waiting for the wind and frost to pass...

With the death of the cave spider, the crisis in the undead stronghold was lifted, allowing the people in black robes to deal with the undead creatures outside.

He probably also felt that all the cave spiders on his side were dead, and the undead creatures began to retreat after more than two-thirds of the casualties, wanting to stop attacking first.

Because they know very well that without the help of cave spiders, it is very difficult for them to break through the entrance of the cave.

They will all die here.

But how could the black-robed people, who were about to usher in victory, let the undead creatures leave? When Hongyue gave an order, the black-robed people rushed out and began to encircle and suppress the remaining undead creatures.

Although the undead creatures had dozens of powerful plague ghosts sitting in town, these plague ghosts were not enough to look at in front of several third-order black-robed men, and they died within a short time, spraying the toxins in their bodies everywhere.

Once the plague ghost died, the remaining undead creatures were even more powerless to resist. Within two minutes, they were killed by the black-robed people like chopping melons and vegetables, and even the corpses were dilapidated.

Looking at the black-robed man who killed hundreds of undead creatures without any casualties, Lu Jun secretly lamented the power of the black-robed man in his heart.

Because according to his observations, the weakest of these black-robed people are all second-tier, and there are several third-tier ones.

Although I haven't seen Hongyue displaying supernatural powers much, according to Lu Jun's guess, Hongyue is at least a Tier 3 supernatural being.

One must know that even the Rebel Army currently does not have so many third- and second-order supernatural beings. How did these black-robed people improve their strength?

And these people are so strong, what is the purpose of them coming here to kill undead monsters for the elves? This is a question Lu Jun can't figure out.

However, Lu Jun didn't dare to ask Hongyue directly, because it might involve some secrets, and he and Hongyue were not that familiar yet.

Another point is that his identity must be wanted by the eight tribes, and he can't communicate too much with these black-robed people to prevent exposure.

So after the battle, the Lu army did not approach Hongyue, but turned and walked towards the corpse of the cave spider.

He wanted to see if there were crystal nuclei in the Cave Spider's head, and if so, he would collect them. After all, he wanted to collect twenty A-rank crystals and hand them over to Buffy.

After checking, Lu Jun was pleasantly surprised to find that there were crystals in the cave spider's head, and he directly collected more than forty crystals.

Anyway, those people in black robes don't seem interested in these low-level crystals, and it's a waste to keep them, so Lu Jun will naturally not be polite.

But just when Lu Jun was about to search for the remaining Cave Spider corpses, he suddenly saw Hongyue walking towards him and stopping in front of him.

"Your strength is not bad, what is the supernatural ability? Why can't I feel it?" Hongyue stared at Lu Jun with her eyes hidden under the red robe, and asked her question.

"I don't have supernatural powers, it's just that these spiders are relatively weak." Lu Jun didn't go to see Hongyue.

Because Hongyue was wrapped in a red robe, he couldn't see Hongyue's face, and it was easy to show flaws when speaking.

But he does not have supernatural powers now, and he is not lying about this...

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