Hearing what Ruan Bing said, everyone showed thoughtful expressions, as if they were imagining the future of their rebel army.

When Lu Jun saw Ruan Bing's intentions, he immediately showed admiration, because it's great to have someone who can understand you in this world.

"However, this is only better for us, and it is a greater doomsday for the entire human race. After all, what they can survive now is these iron supplies. If they lose their weapons, the monsters will almost You can do whatever you want." Lu Jun looked up at the night sky and sighed.

"Well, although we human beings seem to be fighting each other very seriously now, it's only temporary. Those monsters are our biggest enemies. We must unite for a long time, and we will divide after a long time. We will definitely usher in a great unity in the future." Ruan Bing couldn't help it. sighed.

Hearing the sighs of Lu Jun and Ruan Bing, everyone nodded. Indeed, human blood is flowing in their bones. If human beings perish, they will not live for long.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these things. The future of mankind is beyond our control. Let's live every day well." Lu Jun stretched his waist and said in a more relaxed tone.

After speaking, Lu Jun looked at the butcher's position and said, "Is this the only thing you want to talk about? Or is it the second thing?"

Hearing Lu Jun's question, everyone turned their attention to the butcher again, hoping that the butcher could tell them more about these two days.

The butcher also knew that everyone was watching him, so he first glanced at Ruan Bing, then at Ruan Xue, and then slowly said to Lu Jun: "The other thing is about the gathering place of Tianhai, something happened there... a big event... ..."

Hearing the butcher's words, Ruan Bing's brows twitched suddenly, and he walked two steps forward and said, "What's the matter?!"

Looking at the emotional Ruan Bing, the butcher sighed deeply, and said with some unbearable heart: "The person you sent to the Tianhai gathering place to report the news two days ago came back today, but he was seriously injured when he returned here. We We tried our best to treat him, but unfortunately he still didn't survive."

"The last news he left us was that the Tianhai gathering place has been sealed off by the army, and everyone is not allowed to enter or come out. He escaped desperately because he knew a few guards."

"Why! Without the consent of the government and our Blackstone Consortium, how could the Jun do this?!" Ruan Xue, who was on the side, couldn't help but interrupt the butcher to ask.

Lu Jun also showed a puzzled expression. When he left, the Tianhai gathering place was still peaceful. How did it become like this in just a few days? Is the alchemist crazy?

Hearing Ruan Xue's question, the butcher sighed again and said, "Oh, I asked him the same thing at the time, and then he said that the high-level executives of the government and the Blackstone consortium were all killed, and the same goes for other forces, and the core members were all killed. Being arrested, your father is probably in danger..."

When he said these words, Shaqiri was really scared. He finally found a place where he could stay. If he accidentally did something wrong and was killed, then he would be at a loss...

Hearing what Shaqiri and Lin Yilan said, Lu Jun nodded silently, ignored the two, and went directly to the butcher and said, "How are you doing during my absence? Is there anything new?" Condition?"

Hearing Lu Jun's question, the butcher suddenly remembered something, his face immediately became serious and said: "Boss Lu, I do have two very important things to tell you, please come with me."

After speaking, the butcher turned around and walked to the right, Lu Jun and others followed the butcher closely.

After walking about 20 meters, the butcher stopped next to a newly built warehouse, and took out a PG30 police pistol from it and put it in front of the army.

Looking at this very ordinary pistol, Lu Jun was very puzzled, not knowing what the butcher meant, but he still took the pistol and prepared to examine it carefully.

But the moment Lu Jun picked up the pistol, he felt that the pistol was very rough, just like those rusty iron blocks.

Feeling strange, Lu Jun took the pistol to a brightly lit place,

Under the light, Lu Jun saw that the surface of the pistol was full of rust, and the inside was also full of red rust. It was estimated that it was no longer usable.

Seeing this, Lu Jun suddenly realized something, and immediately turned to look at the butcher, wanting the butcher to give the answer.

Seeing Lu Jun's eyes, the butcher also understood what Lu Jun meant, and immediately said: "This is the gun of one of our team members. It has always been brand new, but due to personal reasons, he dropped the gun on the ground two days ago. When I found it today, it became like this.”

"I didn't know what was going on at first. It wasn't until the evening that I checked the vehicles we parked around that I found that there was also this red rust, but it was not very serious."

"So I suspect that there is something wrong with the red blood mist. It is estimated that the guns and vehicles became like this because of the blood mist. It may be worse until tomorrow..."

Hearing the butcher's explanation, Lu Jun's face also became serious. He felt that what the butcher said made sense, because he had seen this kind of red rust in Ori City before, but he didn't pay much attention to it at the time.

"Is it only on guns and vehicles? Is this happening to other items?" Ruan Bing took a look at the pistol and asked slowly.

Hearing Ruan Bing's question, the butcher thought for a while before saying, "This should happen to any iron item, and it will be more serious for smaller items."

Hearing what the butcher said, everyone around them gasped, because if this was the case, they might not be able to use vehicles and firearms in the future, which would make them regress directly from the current civilization to the primitive society.

Lu Jun also realized the seriousness of the problem. He hurried into the armed module of the system and took a look. He was relieved to find that there was no red rust in the things he hid. It seems that the independent space of the armed module can be very good. Protect those items.

"I still don't know the real situation of the matter, but if these red mist can really corrode iron objects, it is not necessarily a bad thing for us rebels." Lu Jun looked up at the crowd and said.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, everyone was very puzzled, because if the vehicles and firearms could not be used, their combat effectiveness would drop by at least 30%. How could this not be a bad thing?

Fortunately, Ruan Bing understood what Lu Jun meant, and she directly explained to everyone: "Indeed, if compared with other human forces, our people and guns are not enough. It would be predation."

"But if the world's iron weapons and equipment are unavailable, we will turn from predators to advantages, because then the dinosaurs of the army will be unstoppable, and our abilities can also shine."

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