Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1958 Headache...

Looking at Lin Yilan's resolute eyes, Lu Jun couldn't help being stunned for a moment, because he really didn't expect Lin Yilan to say that.

Just when Lu Jun was about to persuade Lin Yilan, he suddenly noticed a creature rushing towards him.

These creatures, like the snow monsters, have white hair all over their bodies, but they are obviously wolf-like beasts, and they are also unique gray wolves in the Wucang Realm. Each one is more than one meter high, and there are hundreds of them.

Seeing this, Lu Jun couldn't help laughing wryly, it seems that their luck today is not ordinary "good", unexpectedly there are wolf beasts in front, and snow monsters in the back, so they ran into them.

It's too late to let Lin Yilan leave now, because they have nowhere to go.

But at this moment, Lu Jun had an idea, and immediately hugged Lin Yilan, lying on the snow, and digging down the snow desperately, trying to dig out a small snow pit.

As for why he did this, it was because he found that those gray wolves didn't seem to be coming for them. After all, their meat was not enough for hundreds of wolves to share.

If he guessed correctly, those wolves rushed over for the snow monsters behind. It is likely that the snow monsters stepped into the wolf's territory unintentionally, causing the wolf to fight back.

Sure enough, at the same time that Lu Jun dug the snow pit, the wolves passed Lu Jun and Lin Yilan, and fought the snow monsters behind.

The snow monsters saw the wolf attacking, so they had no choice but to give up chasing the route army who was only five meters away from them, and began to deal with the frost wolf collectively.

Looking at the two sides in the battle, Lu Jun was overjoyed, and quickly hid in the snow pit with Lin Yilan, covering their bodies with snowflakes, making themselves no different from the snow, only slightly exposing their heads to breathe.

Although a wolf ran past them from time to time, Lu Jun blocked all the stampedes with his broad and strong shoulders, and did not cause Lin Yilan any harm.

As for why they didn't take advantage of this opportunity to escape, it was because there were still gray wolves running from afar, and as long as they dared to move around at this time, they would definitely be torn to pieces by the crazy gray wolves...

As the battle unfolded, the snow monsters huddled together like a wall of iron and steel, and kept rolling up snowballs to smash the incoming wolves. Ball buried.

Then the Lu army began to recover the Tie Ye arrows on the head of the snow monster, and none of them fell.

After all, there are only eighteen Tie Ye arrows in his hand, so they must be recovered for recycling.

As for the crystal nucleus on the snow monster's head and the fur on its body, Lu Jun couldn't take it out.

Because although he was able to kill the snow monster, he didn't have any cutting knives on him, so he could only sigh in his heart.

"Huh, this monster is a bit difficult to deal with, and I don't know if there are any companions nearby." Lin Yilan who was next to him casually said something to Lu Jun.

"Uh... I didn't know before, but now I'm sure they have companions nearby..." Lu Jun suddenly pointed to a large group of black shadows in the snowstorm in the distance.

Although the faces of these shadows are still unclear for the time being, judging from their figures and moving speed, they are undoubtedly snow monsters.

"Run! We can't beat it!" Lu Jun grabbed Lin Yilan's arm and ran straight to the east, where Xueyue City was also located.

The snow monsters with better night vision also noticed that Lu Jun and Lin Yilan were running away.

They rushed over when they heard the roar of their companions, but when they saw their companions fall down, they became even angrier and chased after them.

Due to the size of the snow monster, one step is equal to three steps for Lu Jun, and the speed is very fast.

In addition, the road army in the middle of the wind and snow couldn't run fast at all, and couldn't distinguish the direction clearly, so they were quickly overtaken by the snow monsters.

Looking at the snow monster close at hand, Lu Jun immediately drew his bow and turned around, and shot an arrow, which hit the head of the snow monster in front.

This snow monster was instantly killed, collapsed to the ground, and tripped several snow monsters behind.

But this time there were so many snow monsters catching up, there were hundreds of them, and soon a new batch of snow monsters rushed up. It seemed that the death of their companions made them extremely angry.

Seeing these snow monsters like crazy,

Lu Jun didn't dare to continue shooting arrows in place, so he hurriedly pulled Lin Yilan to continue running forward.

After all, with his dozens of arrows, even if he shoots them all, he can't kill so many snow monsters, they can only be used to delay time.

In this way, whenever the snow monsters were about to catch up, the road army would kill a snow monster and trip some snow monsters, causing confusion in the formation of these snow monsters and buying time to escape.

With the help of this method, the distance between the road army and these snow monsters gradually widened, and there was even a tendency to run away.

However, these snow monsters are not just chasing people. The next moment, they bent down to pick up a lot of snow foam, rolled them into snowballs, and threw them in the direction of Lu Jun and Lin Yilan.

Feeling the sound of piercing the air from behind, Lu Jun pulled Lin Yilan to dodge frantically.

Because each snowball is half the size of a person and weighs tens of kilograms, if it is accidentally hit, it will definitely kill you.

With the continuous dodging, Lu Jun and Lin Yilan were not hit by the snowball, but their speed also dropped because of this, and they were stuck by the snow monsters.

Now Lu Jun has no way to get rid of these wild monsters anymore, because he has no more arrows in his hand, and he has no time to turn back and shoot arrows.

Lin Yilan looked at the wild monsters with their teeth and claws behind him, and wanted to open the space portal to lead the army away.

However, it takes at least two minutes to condense the space portal, and they don't have these two minutes anymore, maybe everything will end like this.

"Listen to me, we probably won't be able to get rid of them now." Lu Jun suddenly said to Lin Yilan next to him, "So I'll go back and fight them later to attract their attention, so you take the opportunity to run away .”

There were many noisy voices in the wind and snow, but Lin Yilan still heard Lu Jun's words clearly.

"What about you? Huh...what do you do? You can't beat them...huh..." Lin Yilan's voice was a little hurried while running.

"After you run, I will find a way to leave. We can agree to meet in Xueyue City." Lu Jun pointed in the direction of Xueyue City, paused, "If we can't meet again, you can just go back , Remember to let everyone live well, don’t wait for me.”

After speaking, Lu Jun took off the cloth bag on his body, and handed over all the food and crystals obtained from Wu Ren and his son to Lin Yilan.

After all, he knows that when he fights these snow monsters later, the survival rate is less than 3%, and the so-called agreement is just to appease Lin Yilan.

As for why he didn't throw Lin Yilan to the wild monsters, so as to create a chance for himself to escape.

It's because he belongs to human beings, and he is still a man, so he can't do such things that are inferior to beasts.

Although Lu Jun is not a good person, it has nothing to do with likes and dislikes. Regardless of likes or dislikes, one must have principles and stick to them.

"No, if you want to stay, then let's stay together. After all, it's too lonely to live alone. It's better to stay with you at this moment." Lin Yilan suddenly stopped running, looked up at road army.

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