Feeling strange, Lao Wu couldn't help holding back the pain and looked down, wondering what was going on, but when he saw his right hand, he couldn't help being stunned.

Because his right hand became bloody for some reason, and it was completely broken from the wrist, and a few broken fingers still fell on the ground, which seemed to be useless...

"Ah!!! My hand!!!" Lao Wu covered his severed arm with his left hand, and shouted in disbelief.

The moment he finished yelling, Lao Wu collapsed on the ground with a pale face. This was the second time he suffered such a serious injury within this week.

The first time was when Xiao Wan lost an eye in a night battle, but she didn't expect that after a few days, she lost her hand for no reason...

Standing in the distance, Black Bird also saw that Lao Wu was severely injured by the grenade, which made his face darken all of a sudden, and hurried to Lao Wu's side, and made Lao Wu drink an unknown red liquid.

The moment he drank the liquid, the wound on Lao Wu's severed arm stopped bleeding and began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the red liquid did not make Lao Wu grow new palms, at least it no longer made Lao Wu suffer from the wound on his severed arm.

"This is a recovery reagent developed by our organization. It will cause some sequelae to your body in the future, but you are already like this, and those sequelae don't matter anymore." Blackbird pulled the fifth child up from the ground with some regret.

In fact, he still values ​​Lao Wu quite a lot. After all, Lao Wu's ability makes him very satisfied. Unfortunately, the current Lao Wu is already half useless...

"Why! Why did he suddenly attack me! I obviously injected him with tissue injections!" Lao Wu yelled as he pulled off the black robe that wrapped his face, revealing his slightly vicissitudes.

When talking, the fifth child almost sprayed Hei Niao with saliva, as if he wanted Hei Niao to give him a reasonable explanation.

Looking at the excited fifth child, Blackbird coughed dryly before saying: "Don't get excited, you are talking about the first generation of reagents developed by the organization, right? Many of those things are experimental products, and it is normal for accidents to occur when injected into the human body." , has now been eliminated.”

Hearing the black bird's understatement tone, the fifth child was even more angry, pointing to his broken arm and said: "Accidents?! What happened to me now is the accident! I have devoted myself to the organization, so why should these accidents be so serious?" By me?!"

After saying these words, Lao Wu suddenly half-kneeled on the ground and began to sob: "In order to prevent the death of my favorite woman, I didn't even catch the murderer, and now I'm also abolished..."

Looking at the fifth child who had completely lost control of his emotions, Blackbird sighed deeply, looking at the fifth child with a little sympathy in his eyes, he could understand the fifth child's feelings at this time.

"Hey, it's useless for you to yell at me. After all, I didn't develop the reagents in the organization, but I will definitely report what you have experienced to the organization and let them compensate you." Blackbird said seriously Old Wudao.

After saying this, Blackbird remembered something again, and slowly walked up to the fifth child and continued: "As for the person who killed your companion, as long as you have the courage to continue living, you will definitely find him , but if you give up on yourself, then you may not be able to avenge your hatred."

Hearing what Black Bird said, Lao Wu gritted his teeth, supported himself from the ground with one hand, and covered his face with the black robe again.

"Let's go, Lord Blackbird, enough time has been wasted here." The fifth child lowered his head slightly and said to Blackbird, the slightest emotion could no longer be heard in his voice.

But Blackbird knew that Lao Wu had lost hope in this world, and perhaps the only goal that kept him alive was to complete revenge on the Lu army.

However, Blackbird didn't say anything more to Lao Wu, but gave a faint "hmm" and then walked slowly towards the door.

But about two minutes after Blackbird and Lao Wu left the room, a puddle of water suddenly appeared on the floor, and then a little boy came out of the liquid.

The little boy first looked around and found nothing unusual before walking to Zhang Dejun's body, and stretched out his hand to check Zhang Dejun's breathing.

When the little boy found out that Zhang Dejun was dead, he stretched out his hand suddenly, as if he still had some shadow over the corpse.

After recovering his emotions a bit, the little boy looked at the direction where the fifth child and the black bird left, dived back into the liquid on the ground, and continued to follow the man in black...

But Blackbird didn't know that the little boy he regarded as a test subject was following him. At this time, he had brought a group of men in black robes and hundreds of fallen warriors to the street, and was about to cross the street to reach the other side. The city gate left the Tianhai gathering place.

However, the riots on the street became more chaotic after a period of time, and even Blackbird and others were unable to pass smoothly.

Seeing the scenes of people crowding, trampling, and pushing around, Blackbird snorted coldly, and directly said to the fallen warriors around: "Kill me! Kill anyone who gets in the way! It's time for me to see Your strength is up!"

Hearing Blackbird's order, the fallen seed fighters with a stiff expression took two steps forward one after another, and activated their own seed fallen abilities.

Although these people's abilities are relatively "substandard", there is a gap in strength between them and normal ability users.

But they were superior in numbers, and they were dealing with unarmed ordinary people. They used their miscellaneous abilities to kill hundreds of survivors in an instant.

Seeing the corpses all over the floor, the fallen warriors who suddenly appeared, and those dazzling fallen abilities, the survivors were taken aback for a moment, and could not help but take two steps back, intending to let Blackbird and others go first.

Fortunately, at this time, the black bird made a move, and he rushed to Zhang Dejun at once, raised his right foot high and put it on Zhang Dejun's head, kicking Zhang Dejun's head back, even his neck was hurt. Broken, instant death.

After killing Zhang Dejun, Black Bird trotted back immediately, away from Zhang Dejun's body, because he knew that the grenade was about to explode.

And once Zhang Dejun died, Lao Wu could finally take this opportunity to draw out his arm, and retreated as fast as possible.

But Lao Wu's movements were still a bit slow. He had just run two meters when the grenade on Zhang Dejun's body exploded with a "boom", sending out a lot of shrapnel. Lao Wu was also affected by the grenade and fell to the ground beside him. .

But the fifth child is a supernatural person after all, he didn't faint because of it, and quickly got up from the ground, shaking his head constantly, trying to regain his sanity.

But at the moment when Lao Wu's consciousness fully recovered, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right hand, which seemed to be broken.

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