Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1967 A large number of defensive towers

After he finished speaking, he got into the off-road vehicle beside him. Anyway, he had held the rebels for about three minutes. Ba Dong and others probably walked away, and his mission was completed, so there was no need to stay here to die.

The surrounding Beizhai members breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Heiman's words, and crawled to the nearest vehicle. They were originally left here by force by Badong, and it's great to be able to leave alive now...

And the rebels trapped in the endless darkness also knew that the people in Beizhai would take this opportunity to leave, but they had no way to stop them.

Because at this moment, they and the ostrich-like ostrich under their crotch couldn't see anything, and they couldn't even tell the difference between east, west, north and south, let alone go after them.

Just when everyone in the rebel army thought that the Beizhai personnel were going to slip away from under their noses, Xiaowan suddenly activated her third ability, grew four blood-red wings, flew into the air at a height of 30 meters, and escaped from the endless sky. Dark area of ​​effect.

While recovering her vision, Xiaowan didn't pause at all, she flapped her wings and flew towards Heiman and the others with a hunting submachine gun.

Seeing a little girl who dared to break away from the protection of the rebels and fly towards them, Heiman didn't have time to think about why the little girl could fly, so he immediately put on a new magazine and fired at Xiaowan.

Facing the incoming bullets, Xiao Wan didn't panic, and immediately used her skillful flying skills to evade and easily dodged all the bullets.

While evading, Xiaowan took the opportunity to fly forward for a long distance, and came within the attack range of the safari submachine gun.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." A series of gunshots were heard, and Xiao Wan emptied a magazine within two seconds, suppressing the members of the Beichai village who hadn't had time to leave until they couldn't lift their heads.

"Counterattack! Counterattack! Shoot her down!" Heiman shouted while avoiding the shattered glass next to him.

Hearing Heiman's order, everyone in Beizhai raised their guns one after another, aiming at Xiao Wan in the air and shooting fiercely, forcing Xiao Wan to fly.

The Beizhai personnel driving the vehicle immediately started the vehicle and drove to the open area ahead, preparing to catch up with their "big army".

Seeing that the people in Beizhai were determined to flee, Xiao Wan, who was flying in mid-air, gritted her teeth, fluttered her wings, and maintained her balance.

Then she opened her mouth directly, risking being hit by a bullet, and used the second ability of her third form, which is the supersonic attack similar to the bloodthirsty king bat.

The moment Xiaowan used this kind of attack, even the surrounding air began to vibrate, and something like a ripple swept from Xiaowan's position towards the direction in which the members of the North Village were fleeing.

When the members of Beizhai were covered by ripples, they couldn't help but stretch out their hands to cover their ears, trying to block the ultrasonic attack from attacking them.

But the ultrasonic attack cannot be blocked by covering the ears. Only the supernatural beings can resist this kind of attack a little bit, and other ordinary people will be in pain.

Although Xiaowan's ultrasonic attack was not fatal enough, those drivers in Beizhai were ordinary people.

When they couldn't help covering their ears with their hands, the vehicle lost control, several vehicles collided, and an off-road vehicle directly hit the mound and rolled over, and the people sitting in the vehicle naturally suffered .

Seeing that she had intercepted these vehicles, Xiaowan breathed a sigh of relief, stopped the second ability of the third form, fluttered her four wings and flew towards the place where the vehicle rolled over while changing bullets for the Safari submachine gun... ...Central Plains Book Bar

It happened that the vehicle that rolled over was the one Heyman was in, and he struggled to get out of the car immediately after the rollover, while secretly cursing the driver as an idiot.

After speaking, Ba Dong got into a truck next to him and left here with more than a hundred surviving members of the Beizhai, leaving only a few Abilities and ordinary members of the Beizhai looking at each other.

Seeing that Padang was gone, Heiman didn't stay too long, and immediately picked up his black hat, threw it into the air as fast as possible, and activated his ability, endless darkness.

Under the action of endless darkness,

All the light within a hundred meters in front of him was absorbed, and he fell into the darkness where he couldn't see his fingers.

And this range happened to be the position where the rebels and the others charged. They were about to rush to the high point, but when they suddenly lost their vision, they could only stop abruptly, and the team was also a little confused.

Although they didn't know why this happened, the rebels were experienced in many battles, and they quickly controlled their emotions and stopped panicking.

The ability users of the mountain group directly turned on the protection ability with all their strength without vision, so as to protect the members of their rebel army to the greatest extent.

Seeing this, Heiman did not hesitate too much, and immediately raised the rifle in his hand, aimed at the position of the rebels and others and shouted: "They can't see anything now! Hit me!"

After speaking, Heiman took the lead to pull the trigger and emptied all the bullets in the magazine. The target was the wood at the front, because the position of the wood was not protected by any protective ability.

If he is hit by a bullet in this situation, Mu Mu is still very dangerous. Fortunately, Mu Mu's body has been strengthened and is much stronger than before, giving him a very keen sense of danger.

I saw that when he was about to be hit by a bullet, the wood riding on the ostrich-like body actually lay back by feeling, avoiding several bullets fired at his head.

Then he stretched out his hand and pulled out the Raikage horizontal knife on his body to cover his abdomen, barely blocking several bullets that were aimed at his vitals, only one bullet that was too late to stop grazed Mu Mu's shoulder.

Seeing that Mu Mu blocked his attack in this way, Heiman opened his mouth in disbelief, and even forgot to change the magazine.

The surrounding Beizhai personnel who were raising their guns and concentrating their abilities had not had time to attack, and were also stunned by Mu Mu's movements.

Because they know the wood is doing these moves without any vision.

"Hurry up! What are you still doing!" Heiman, who had just recovered from his daze, couldn't help shouting at the people around him.

Hearing Heiman's words, the surrounding Beizhai members immediately reacted, swallowed their saliva, and poured out all the ammunition and abilities in their hands as quickly as possible, aiming at the same position of the wood. They didn't believe that the wood could still Dodge these attacks.

But then Mu Mu's actions surprised them again, because Mu Mu suddenly rode an ostrich and hid behind the mountain group of supernatural beings, making all their attacks in vain.

Seeing this, Heiman knew that it was wishful thinking for people like them to kill the wood, and the two were not at the same level at all.

"Get in the car! We're leaving too! My ability can stop them for fifteen seconds! If you don't leave, you won't have to leave!" Heiman turned his head and said to the people around him.

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