Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1972 In front of the Fort Gate

As long as these conditions are fulfilled, who rules them not to rule? Why risk your life to resist? Maybe they are ruled by stronger people, and their safety will be more secure.

Moreover, they have been bullied by the people of Beizhai for too long, and they have developed a "slave" nature, and their will has been almost worn out. This kind of thing cannot be recovered overnight.

The most important thing is that the means of the rebel army and the strong orcs plus the brutal Velociraptor made them feel terrified. These creatures they had never seen before made them unable to think of rebelling.

Therefore, there were no large-scale riots in Beizhai. Even some people who wanted to take the lead in causing trouble were killed by the rebels in advance. The bodies of more than 10,000 survivors are the best proof...

Looking at the peaceful Beizhai, who had already begun to clean up the corpses, the Lu Jun stood on the high tower and nodded in satisfaction. This was exactly what he wanted, and it also meant that Beizhai had been completely occupied by them.

Just when Lu Jun was thinking about the next thing, Xiaowan suddenly flew over from a distance with four wings dancing, stopped in front of Lu Jun and said, "Brother Lu Jun, sister Ruan Bing, are you okay?"

Hearing Xiaowan's question, Lu Jun nodded lightly and said, "Well, she's fine, she's just too tired, what's the matter?"

Seeing what Lu Jun said, Xiao Wan also knew that Lu Jun was probably thinking about something and didn't like to be disturbed, so she immediately took out a dozen orbs of supernatural light from her pocket and said, "Brother Lu Jun, here are all the supernatural powers I collected from the battlefield. Energy light ball, here you are.”

Seeing that Xiaowan found so many supernatural light spheres, Lu Jun couldn't help but get excited, and also praised Xiaowan by the way: "You still understand me, haha..."

After laughing, Lu Jun temporarily freed one hand and put all the supernatural light spheres into the supernatural module, together with the supernatural light spheres he had obtained before, they started testing together.

"Detection completed, ability name: Shengyao, ability category: brain domain ability, ability effect: a burst of light that can cover the surrounding 50 meters, can increase the defense power of allies within the range by a small amount, if there are Dark creatures will continue to cause a lot of damage to dark creatures until the dark creatures die. The coverage and increased defense of the holy glory will increase with the increase in the brain development value of the ability owner."

"Detection completed, ability name: endless darkness, ability category: brain domain ability, ability effect: absorb all light within the range, making this area plunge into absolute darkness, and the owner of the ability gains a hundred A 50/50 movement speed bonus. The range and movement speed bonus of the endless darkness increases as the power owner's brain development value increases."

"The detection is complete. Ability name: Exploding steel ball, ability category: brain domain ability, ability effect: a steel ball carrying an unstable explosive is condensed, the owner of the ability can control the explosion time of the steel ball, and the explosion steel ball The lethality and range increase with the increase of the brain domain development value of the brain domain superpowers."

"Detection completed, ability name: acidic substance, ability category: brain domain ability, ability effect: make your palm secrete a large amount of liquid with strong acid, any object it touches will be corroded, acidic substance Acidity and secretion increase with the development value of the brain domain of the power owner."

If others saw that Ruan Bing, who just killed the Quartet, was acting like a baby in Lu Jun's arms, they would definitely be surprised.

"Well, I'll hold you, you go to sleep, I will help you deal with the rest of the Blackstone Consortium, you can sleep until you want to wake up." Lu Jun stroked Ruan Bing's smooth face with his fingers and said, he I also feel very helpless for Ruan Bing's sudden acting like a baby.

Hearing what Lu Jun said, and seeing Lu Jun's doting eyes, Ruan Bing suddenly raised his head slightly, and lightly touched Lu Jun's cheek with his lips, like a dragonfly touching water.

After finishing all this, before Lu Jun could react, Ruan Bing suppressed a smile and buried his head in Lu Jun's arms. After a few seconds, there was a steady breathing sound.

Looking at Ruan Bing who had already fallen asleep in his arms,

Feeling the gentle touch on his cheek just now, Lu Jun couldn't help but smiled wryly, he could feel that Ruan Bing was really tired.

In order to give Ruan Bing a better sleeping environment, Lu Jun carried Ruan Bing away from the area full of smoke and dust, and came to a broken tower, watching the interior of Beizhai quietly.

Due to the fierce offensive of the rebel army and the orc warriors, there were very few fighters left in the Beizhai, and the remaining thousands of people were still being hunted down.

Those survivors who lived in Beizhai as a low-class population saw that Beizhai was broken, and locked the doors and windows, hiding in the house, for fear that the fighting outside would affect them.

Only a small number of survivors who are not afraid of death took the opportunity to make trouble in Beizhai, trying to plunder some supplies and take them for themselves.

But the result that they were not afraid of death was that they were directly "cleaned up" by the rebels and orc warriors. After all, the army had given orders, and they had zero tolerance for troublemakers.

In this way, as time passed, two hours passed quickly, and Lu Jun also stood quietly on the tower for three hours holding Ruan Bing who was sleeping soundly.

During this period, the rebels and orc warriors killed more than 10,000 survivors of the riots in Beizhai, and more than 3,000 fighters who hid among the survivors, staining the buildings in Beizhai with scarlet blood.

In the end, there were only more than 85,000 survivors left. These survivors were plundered or coaxed from various places in Beizhai. They were humiliated here, and the fighters in Beizhai did not treat them as human beings at all. look.

When they learned that all the fighters in Beizhai were dead, they were very excited, because the person who had abused them for nearly half a month finally died.

But when they saw the rebels and orc warriors killing in Beizhai, the brutality was even worse than the fighters in Beizhai, they felt desperate again, because they felt that they had just escaped from the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den ...

It wasn't until they found out that the rebels and the orc warriors only killed troublemakers and didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately that their fears relaxed a little, and they all became very "well-behaved" and even took the initiative to show their favor to the rebels and surrender.

Some people may wonder, there are so many survivors, why should they be afraid of the rebels who only have a few dozen people? If they rioted together, would the rebels still have time to kill them all?

Well, indeed, the number of rebels is not enough, but the question is, why do these survivors rebel?

They are nothing more than looking for a safe place to live in the last days, where they can have enough food every day, and it is best to live in a better environment.

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