Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1974 Suppression

After listening to Ruan Bing's analysis, Lu Jun nodded slightly, and said with some concern: "Then should I tell Mu Mu about this? Does he know that there is another soul in his body?"

Hearing Lu Jun's question, Ruan Bing thought for a while before saying: "He must know, because that soul will compete with him for control of the body from time to time."

"As for why he didn't take the initiative to speak out, it may be that he is going to take it all by himself, and he doesn't want you to worry..."

After finishing speaking, Ruan Bing fell silent. She had absorbed many soul bodies and knew how painful it would be to have an extra soul in her body.

Because you will see some memories that do not belong to you from time to time, and there will be "people" talking in your mind constantly, interfering with your thinking...

"Hey, I hope he can make it through. He has never let me down since he was a child. I believe this time will be the same." Lu Jun said silently, as if he was talking to Ruan Bing, or talking to himself .

Seeing that Lu Jun was still depressed, Ruan Bing leaned against Lu Jun's chest and threw himself into Lu Jun's arms.

"Okay, it will be fine, I will keep an eye on Mumu at all times, don't be unhappy, big deal... big deal... big deal, I won't stop you when you 'do bad things' in the future..." Ruan Bing shy She blushed and said to Lu Jun, the more she talked, the lower her voice became.

In fact, she has always been a very cold person, it is impossible to act like a baby, or say some "love" words.

But there was no one else here, so she just opened up her heart to Lu Jun a little bit, enjoying the rare moment of getting along with each other.

Moreover, she has experienced so much in the last days and seen many life and death, which gave her a new understanding of life.

That is to think of something, then do it immediately, and when you meet someone you love, then go and speak out the love in your heart.

Don't waste time because of embarrassment, let alone regret it when you lose it...

Hearing Ruan Bing's words, Lu Jun didn't understand what Ruan Bing meant at first, but he quickly realized that he directly pressed Ruan Bing against the corner of the orc's hut, and a certain part of his body unconsciously "Strong" up.

After all, he was only in his early twenties, at the age of youthful vigor, so he couldn't stand Ruan Bing's "teasing" like this, anyway, Lu Jun felt that Ruan Bing was just "teasing" him...

Although Ruan Bing decided to open her heart to Lu Jun, she had never experienced such a thing since she was a child, and she was startled by Lu Jun all of a sudden, and she exclaimed directly: "Ah...why are you... "

Hearing Ruan Bing's exclamation, Lu Jun didn't stop his movements. Instead, Ruan Bing's soft voice stimulated his hormones even more, and directly forced Ruan Bing.

Under Lu Jun's rough movements, Ruan Bing struggled a little at first, but soon she began to cater to Lu Jun's forceful kiss, and her breathing became heavier and heavier.

Seeing this, Lu Jun's right hand quietly climbed onto Ruan Bing's collar, and began to undo Ruan Bing's top button with one hand, his fingers could already touch Ruan Bing's delicate skin.

Ruan Bing could also feel Lu Jun's small movements, but this time she did not stop Lu Jun, but hugged Lu Jun's body tightly.

Just as Lu Jun unbuttoned Ruan Bing's three buttons and was about to put his right hand in to "explore", a scream suddenly came from the door of the orc's hut.

"Ah! You...why don't you close the door...I'm sorry...I...I didn't mean to...I...I just couldn't find you anywhere...Thought you would be here...I didn't know you were... Sorry……"

Hearing the screams and the series of explanations, both Lu Jun and Ruan Bing were taken aback, stopped their physical movements, and left each other.

Ruan Bing fastened all the buttons on her clothes as quickly as possible, wiped her mouth and tidied her hair by the way.

When Lu Jun turned his head and saw Lin Yilan who was covering his eyes with his hands and panicked, he couldn't help being a little annoyed and deeply helpless.

He didn't understand, why would someone come out to disturb his "good things" every time it came to this kind of time...

"What's the matter?" Lu Jun stared at Lin Yilan with some displeasure,

Anyone would be upset to be interrupted at such a time.

Before Lin Yilan could answer, Ruan Bing said in embarrassment, "You guys tell me... I'll go out and see how everyone is doing..."

After finishing speaking, Ruan Bing ran out as if he was running away. It was embarrassing to be seen doing "this kind of thing" with Lu Jun at this time.

Seeing that Ruan Bing was gone, Lu Jun went directly to Lin Yilan, gently "grabbed" Lin Yilan's ponytails with his hands, and said in a threatening tone: "You better think of a good reason, otherwise I took off your clothes and pressed them against the wall..."

Hearing Lu Jun's threatening voice and feeling her ponytail being grabbed, Lin Yilan slightly let go of her palm covering her eyes.

When Lin Yilan saw that Ruan Bing had really gone out, he put down his hands, clutched his collar tightly and said aggrievedly, "I really came to you because I had something serious to do...you didn't close the door...you can't pick me up clothing……"

Seeing Lin Yilan's expression about to cry, Lu Jun didn't accept this trick, and continued to force Lin Yilan into a corner "viciously" and said: "I don't care about this, if you can't give a reason for passing, Just wait for my clothes to be stripped."

Seeing Lu Jun's "beast" eyes, Lin Yilan was really a little scared, she immediately shook her ponytail and said, "I...I just felt a strong spatial fluctuation in the east... I feel that something big is about to happen... I'll come over and let you know right away..."

Hearing what Lin Yilan said, Lu Jun was stunned for a moment, then let go of Lin Yilan's ponytail and said, "East? Where is it? How far is it from here?"

Seeing that Lu Jun's attention was finally diverted, Lin Yilan immediately said, "I don't know the exact location, but it should be about four kilometers away from here."

Hearing that getting that soul out and keeping it would be very harmful, Lu Jun didn't know what to say, he didn't expect it to be so serious.

Looking at Lu Jun's sad expression, Ruan Bing could also understand Lu Jun's mood, took a deep breath and continued: "Everything has two sides, and keeping that soul in Mu Mu's body is not all a bad thing."

"You can think of it this way, if it weren't for that soul, Wood might have been struck to death by lightning."

"Not only is Wood not dead now, but his strength has also risen sharply. From these aspects, we can see that it is the credit of that soul."

"If Mu Mu can completely control that soul in the future, absorb that soul, and take it as his own, then none of the things I mentioned will happen. Instead, it will be a great adventure for him."

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