Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1980 Purification

Immediately afterwards, he hid in the bunker next to him, avoiding all the abilities that shot at them.

In front of the well-trained city defense army, although Baqi and others did not suffer too many casualties, they did not hurt the city defense army. The two sides were evenly tied and fell into a brief stalemate.

However, this stalemate is not good for Yaqi and others, because they are trapped here without reinforcements.

And the city defense army is still calling for support continuously, and it is estimated that more people will come here in a few minutes.

As for why the hundreds of fallen warriors who stayed outside did not come to help Baqi, it was because Yaqi could not give orders to the fallen warriors outside.

After all, fallen seed fighters have no IQ. The moment they drink the fallen seed reagent, they become obedient creatures who cannot think independently...

Seeing how difficult the city defense army was, Baqi hated the captain of the security who brought him here and lied to him.

If the captain of the guard is still in front of him now, he must use the snake hand to suck the captain of the guard's blood dry!

And the captain of the security who made Yaqi waver was staying in the morgue not far from Baqi at this time, but there were several walls, and Yaqi couldn't find the captain of the security.

Hearing the sound of various firefights coming from outside, the security captain didn't dare to move, even if the corpses around him were about to stun him, he didn't dare to breathe hard.

In fact, he had premeditatedly brought Baqi and others here, because he knew that Baqi and others would definitely not let him leave alive, so he had to save himself.

Since leading Baqi and others to find other security teams, he has been thinking about ways to save himself, and obeyed Baqi's words, making Baqi feel that he was useful and did not kill him in advance.

Finally, when he heard the conversation between Baqi and Lao Wu, and knew what Baqi and Lao Wu wanted to enter Ori City to find, he knew his chance had come.

However, being witty, he did not directly expose his purpose, but took Baqi into the "pit" step by step, so that Baqi believed what he said and was willing to follow him here.

The next thing was simple. He first told Baqi that he could not bring so many people, which weakened Baqi's combat effectiveness.

Then he played a scene with the gunmen guarding the secret door, making Baqi feel that they were indeed let go.

Although he did not reveal the identities of Yaqi and others when talking to the gunmen, he secretly made countless winks and gestures to the gunmen to let them know that Yaqi and others were not good.

At first, he was worried that the soldiers with guns would not understand what he meant, but now it seems that all the fighters with guns understood and cooperated very well.

In the end, after he "lured" Baqi and others in, he took advantage of Baqi and others' slack and hid in the corpse room he was familiar with, and then yelled to notify the city defense army stationed here to come over. .

Although the defense here is indeed not as good as the surrounding city walls, it is still an important passage after all, and there are still one or two hundred armed soldiers...

After thinking about the whole incident, the captain of the guard relaxed a lot, and began to wait anxiously for the result of the battle outside.

If his method can keep Baqi here forever, then he can be regarded as atonement, the captain of the guard thought to himself...

However, the battle outside was not as simple as the security captain thought. Under the continuous exchange of fire, Baqi and others took advantage of the variability of their abilities to kill many city defense troops.

And the secret door at the back was also damaged by the constant attacks of the abilities, and it was estimated that it would be completely broken open within two minutes.

The city defense soldiers saw this scene in their eyes and were anxious in their hearts. Although they really wanted to keep the fifth class, but the opponents were all supernatural beings, they were really helpless...

Fortunately, when the city defense troops were at a loss, their reinforcements finally arrived. There were more than 300 city defense troops and four silent crusaders.

After receiving assistance, Baqi and others fell into a defeat in an instant, and the casualties began to increase.

After all, facing hundreds of guns, no matter how strong their protective abilities are, they cannot stop them.

What's more, there are several supernatural beings on the other side, who can constantly use messy supernatural powers to break down the defense of Baqi and others.

Seeing that it was no longer possible for them to kill the city defense forces here, and they were in danger of being wiped out, Baqi's heart sank instantly.

In the end, Yaqi could only transfer the remaining twenty or so fallen warriors from behind to help the other black-robed men block bullets.

Immediately afterwards, Baqi asked everyone to get out of the way, directly activated his third ability, turned into a big snake more than ten meters long, and slammed into the direction of the secret door.

With the continuous sound of "bang bang bang...", some broken secret doors finally cracked, revealing a big hole.

Seeing that the secret door was opened, Baqi immediately got out and came to the outside of the corpse transportation passage, which is where they came in before.

The soldiers with guns staying outside were shocked when they saw that the secret door was suddenly broken, and a huge "snake" came out, and they subconsciously wanted to raise their guns to shoot.

But Baqi didn't give them this chance, he just opened his mouth, one bite at a time, and swallowed all the gunmen outside.

Then Baqi glanced around and found that there was no other danger, so he returned to his human form, and let the black-robed man in the secret door come out quickly.

Hearing Baqi's order and seeing that the secret door had been opened, the people in black robes immediately left the fallen warrior inside, ran away, and began to flee for their lives...

Finally, after paying the price of four black-robed men and thirty fallen warriors, Baqi and others were finally able to escape and join other fallen warriors.

Seeing that the damned door was so hard, Baqi felt anxious and wanted to directly open his third ability to break through the secret door.

But at this time, the soldiers stationed in the passageway for transporting corpses had already arrived upon hearing the sound. There were hundreds of them, all of them were the city defense forces of the Silent Crusaders, and they all had guns in their hands.

As soon as they saw so many inexplicable people appearing in the passageway, combined with the previous voices, they immediately realized that these people were intruders, and immediately raised their rifles and pulled the trigger.

Facing the hundreds of bullets fired, the black-robed people remained calm, and the black-robed people with protective abilities immediately stood in front of them, preventing these bullets.

At the same time, the other men in black robes began to fight back with their abilities. Since they couldn't go out now, they could only survive by killing the city defense forces here.

Baqi next to him was not idle either, and immediately activated his snake surge ability, summoned dozens of fresh giant snakes, and attacked the city defense army who fired.

Seeing that Baqi and the others were all supernatural beings, the city guards were shocked, but they didn't mess themselves up, but shot the giant snake crawling in the passage to death first.

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