When the scalding meat came into his mouth, Wu Ren immediately screamed "Woooooooooooooooooo!", subconsciously spitting out the meat.

Because the meat had just come off the grill, it must be at least eighty or ninety degrees, so hot that he couldn't feel his tongue.

But he just vomited halfway, Lu Jun stuffed the meat back, and said coldly: "If you vomit it out, this chance will be gone, you should think clearly."

Hearing Lu Jun's threat, Wu Ren wanted to cry but couldn't help but resist the scalding feeling, and bit the flesh hard with his teeth a few times.

Because Lu Jun hadn't put the meat on the fire for a long time, the meat was only burnt on the outside, and the inside was still raw.

With a large amount of disgusting burnt smell and blood entering his throat, Wu Ren felt that the meat was sour and smelly, and he felt that life would be worse than death.

If it was someone else's meat, Wu Ren might eat it with great relish, but when he thought that the meat belonged to him or his son, Wu Ren found it hard to swallow.

However, in order to survive, Wu Ren finally swallowed the meat with great restraint. He didn't even chew a few times, and the inner wall of his mouth and tongue were scalded with blisters.

"I... I ate... Can you let us go..." Wu Ren said intermittently.

"Don't worry, there is still one piece, this one is for him to eat." Lu Jun pointed to Wu Liang who was beside him.

Looking at the thigh meat that was smoking black on the grill, Wu Liang nodded, then shook his head violently, his eyes were a little dull.

Originally, he didn't think it was a big deal to eat a piece of human flesh, after all, he ate it every day recently.

But when he saw Wu Ren eating meat in such pain, he became a little discouraged, and began to struggle in his heart.

"Uh, he doesn't seem to be very willing, why don't you force him, what do you think?" Lu Jun asked Wu Ren intentionally.

Seeing Lu Jun's intention to kill Wu Liang if he disagreed with him, Wu Ren became anxious, and immediately glared at Wu Liang: "Hurry up! You idiot! Eat to live! To live!!! Do you understand? !!!”

After being yelled at by Wu Ren, Wu Liang seemed to have recovered from his sluggish state, and nodded abruptly to Lu Jun.

Seeing this, Lu Jun slowly inserted the last piece of meat on the grill, took the bottle with salt grains on the side, and poured a little on the piece of meat.

"Say you're a child, and I'll add some salt to you, am I okay with your son?" Lu Jun grinned and said to Wu Ren.

Wu Ren didn't know how to answer, because Lu Jun's smile was more terrifying than a devil in his eyes, so he could only grin his mouth and forced a smile.

In the next moment, Lu Jun punched Wu Liang fiercely, causing Wu Liang to open his mouth in pain.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun stuffed the hot meat directly into Wuliang's mouth as before, until all the meat went in and pressed against Wu Liang's throat.

Being suddenly stuffed by a large lump of stuff, Wu Liang's throat subconsciously tightened, and he was about to spit out the stuff in his mouth.

Coupled with the unbearable high temperature of this lump of meat, Wu Ren's brain went blank for a while, his eyes began to blur, and he almost went into shock...

And when he thought that it might be his own meat, Wu Liang's stomach couldn't help but overwhelmed, and the remaining food inside also started to flow back, trying to spurt out of Wu Liang's throat.

As Lu Jun intensified his efforts, Lu Jun abruptly cut off a large piece of flesh on Wu Ren's leg, which was bigger than an adult human's slap.

Lu Jun looked at this piece of meat, directly tied it with Tie Ye's arrow, and threw it on the grill.

There was only a sound of "chi chi chi" sounding continuously, and the thigh meat quickly smoked when it touched the flame, and there was a trace of burning smell.

Seeing this scene, besides Wu Ren who was still screaming with eyes wide open, Wu Liang beside him also collapsed, struggling madly on the chair: "Devil! You are a devil! Let me go! Let me go! Ahhh ah……"

Looking at Wu Liang who was yelling, Lu Jun looked helpless: "Why are you so excited, isn't this the usual procedure for you to eat meat? I just imitate it and you don't want to?"

Hearing Lu Jun's flat tone, Wu Liang became even more frantic, and continued to yell nonsense, stretching the rope on his body tightly.

Seeing that Wu Liang did not listen to him,

Lu Jun pulled out the Tie Ye arrow and stabbed it in Wu Liang's thigh, telling Wu Liang to "calm down".

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun used the same method to gouge out Wu Liang's thigh just like before.

While cutting, he said: "Don't worry, it's your turn now, you like meat, right? I'll let you eat your fill today."

Seeing Lu Jun attacking Wu Liang, Wu Ren next to him couldn't help holding back the pain, and dared to say, "Why! We just want to survive! Why are you interfering in our lives!"

Hearing Wu Ren's sophistry, Lu Jun smiled: "If you choose to eat corpses in order to survive, then I really don't care."

"Even if you kill your companions and past survivors, I don't care, but you shouldn't hit me on the head, it makes me very angry."

"So I'm going to be a 'good guy' today and let you experience all of this, do you understand me when I say that?"

While Lu Jun was saying these words, he also cut off the meat from Wu Liang's thigh, and he threw it on the grill together without even looking at it.

Listening to Lu Jun's words, looking at Wu Liang who was in pain and sweating all over his face, Wu Ren's heart was like a knife, and his intestines were almost green with regret.

After all, if he hadn't temporarily developed greed and chose to attack Lu Jun, they would not have suffered such inhuman torture.

"Please...let my son go..." Seeing that Lu Jun couldn't reason with the truth, Wu Ren began to beg, "I led everything I did before, and you can do anything to me, but he is just a Child, don't know anything, give him a chance to live..."

Looking at Wu Ren, whose face was pale from enduring the pain, Lu Jun silently shook his head: "Among the people you killed recently, there must have been those who begged you like this, but you didn't let them go?"

Hearing Lu Jun's words, Wu Ren fell silent. Indeed, all the people he killed begged him, but he didn't let anyone go...

"This person is always responsible for his actions, no matter how big or small." Lu Jun added.

Seeing that Lu Jun really did not intend to let them go, Wu Ren completely despaired, closed his eyes tightly, and stopped begging Lu Jun.

"However, if you are willing to eat these two pieces of meat, I can consider giving you a chance." Lu Jun suddenly said at this moment, pointing to the two pieces of meat on the grill.

"I'll eat! I'll eat! We are willing to eat!" Hearing that he could live, Wu Ren couldn't help but widen his eyes and even said, Wu Liang, who was half dead from the pain beside him, nodded quickly.

"Okay then, this piece is yours." Lu Jun inserted a piece of roasted "sizzling" meat with a Tie Ye arrow and stuffed it into Wu Ren's mouth, filling Wu Ren's mouth completely.

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