With the intuition of its ultra-order creature, it found that these few objects were very dangerous, so it subconsciously dodged behind.

The moment it left, those round things exploded directly, making the eyes of the blood rock lord full of flames.

And there were a lot of shrapnel shot at the blood rock lord, making "bang bang bang" noises.

However, the Lord of Blood Rock is a super-order creature after all, and an attack of this level can't do anything to it.

After a few seconds, the effect of the grenade disappeared, and the blood rock lord was able to continue to see the scene in front of him clearly.

At this time, it could clearly see the figure of Lu Jun standing in front of it. Although it had never met, Lu Jun was human just like Wood.

It had fought against wood before, and immediately judged that the Lu army was the same enemy as wood.

So the next moment, it lit up its paws and rushed towards Lu Jun without hesitation.

Since it is the enemy, there is nothing to think about. Let's fight first. This is equivalent to testing the strength of the road army.

Looking at the blood rock lord in front of him, Lu Jun was also very surprised. He thought that this floor was also defended by blood rock cavalry, so he dropped a few mines and came down without looking.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing now, which looks similar to what Ruan Bing and others said.

Feeling confused, the Lu army first used flicker to avoid the first wave of attacks from the blood rock lord, and opened a distance.

Immediately afterwards, it opened its data eyes and scanned the "big man" in front of it until a line of data appeared in front of it.

[The Great Lord of Blood Rock, whose strength is evaluated as super-level, the strongest of the Blood Rock clan, all Blood Rock fighters will obey its orders, and have no obvious weaknesses. 】

Seeing this kind of information, Lu Jun couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Doesn't this mean that he didn't say anything? Did the data eye show off...

At this time, the Great Lord of Blood Rock rushed over again, leaving Lu Jun no time to think about it, and immediately used another flash to come to the back of the Great Lord of Blood Rock.

This time, the Lu army did not continue to run away, and directly waved its dragon claws and stabbed at the back of the blood rock lord, directly piercing the blood rock lord's skin.

Since he doesn't know the weakness and other information of Lord Blood Rock, let him find out by himself, there is nothing to think about.

Being hit by Lu Jun, the Great Lord of Blood Rock trembled, and quickly reacted. Without looking back, he swung his claws behind him, and collided head-on with Lu Jun's dragon claws.

With the sound of flesh and blood touching, Lu Jun only felt a pain in his hand, and his brows frowned immediately.

He thinks that his body is still very tough in the dragon form, especially the strengthened dragon claws.

Normally, even when attacking Tieshi, it is difficult for him to feel half of it, but now it hurts a little when he touches it, and he immediately has a general understanding of the specific attack power of the blood rock lord.

However, Lu Jun'e was very experienced in combat. When he felt uncomfortable with a blow, he immediately retracted his dragon claws to prevent himself from being injured.

He quickly stepped over the corpses on the ground and walked down the corridor to the next floor.

But he didn't show his head directly this time, and he didn't disturb the blood rock creatures defending on the floor.

Instead, silently, as before, threw a few high-explosive grenades or other messy grenades, and continued to find a place to hide.

A few seconds later, another familiar voice sounded, and the entire floor was surrounded by heat and fire, which could not dissipate within a few minutes.

After the time passed, the Lu army came down from the top, and all the enemies could be seen gone.

You must know that they didn't even see Lu Jun's shadow, and they probably didn't even know how they died just now...

This also means that the road army does not have to bother thinking about how to kill the enemy from now on.

In this way, in the next period of time, the army threw a large number of grenades every time they reached a floor, blowing up all the blood rock creatures in charge of defense.

The leader of the blood rock on the tenth floor only heard the sound of "rumbling" explosions above, which made it tremble from time to time in fright.

Because there are no explosives on their plane,

Except for the ability of individual creatures to explode, they are rarely heard.

Therefore, this kind of voice continued to sound in the tower, making it very frightened, and could only keep asking its subordinates what happened.

But the other blood rock fighters don't know what's going on, they are more afraid than the blood rock lord...

From the perspective of Ruan Bing and the others, they could see strong lights on the tower from the ground, and all kinds of sounds were directly transmitted to their ears.

In this way, Ruan Bing and the others knew very clearly that the Lu army had a way out, so that they could rest assured to defend the current battlefield.

As time passed, it took only half an hour for the army to kill from the thirty-seventh floor of the tower to the fourteenth floor.

During this period, he threw nearly a hundred grenades of various kinds, killing more than 400 warriors of the Blood Rock clan, and every floor of the tower was covered with meat sauce.

Although the efficiency of this method is far from being as high as letting the dinosaurs come out to slaughter, it is already extremely fast compared to the army's slow killing in the form of a dragon.

This kind of advance speed also made Lu Jun feel secretly refreshed, admiring that the special grenade bag is still useful, it can be considered that he is not strong enough, let's add "technology"...

Feeling the continuous death of one's own companions, and the sound of explosions getting closer and closer to them.

Whether it was the blood rock creature in the tower or the blood rock creature below the tower, each one was trembling and panicked when defending.

Because they are all worried that this inexplicable explosion will come to them, causing the whole body to be "empty".

This also gave Ruan Bing and others a chance to breathe and recover a little mental or physical strength.

Probably because he felt that if this continued, their towers would be lost. The blood rock lord was extremely anxious, even more frightened than when he faced the wood alone.

In the end, when he couldn't think of a better way, the blood rock lord walked quickly to the top of the tower, preparing to rely on his own strength to fight against the road army.

Although it is unwilling to take risks alone in its heart, it is the only one that can stand up now.

Rather than staying in place and waiting to die, it is better to fight with a little blood.

As for why he now wants to deal with Lu Jun instead of going down to kill Ruan Bing and the others.

It's because the road army is in their towers, and they belong to the people who can threaten them in the first place.

Although Ruan Bing and the creatures below are numerous, it will take a long time to come up, so there is no need to rush.

A minute later, the Great Lord of Blood Rock went up about five floors. There was no troops deployed by him on this floor, and there were no other creatures.

This situation made the Great Lord Blood Rock a little confused, so he was going to continue to go up one floor to have a look.

But at this moment, suddenly a few round things fell to its feet, making it stunned for a moment, trying to see what it was.

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