Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1995 Unparalleled Fighting Will

But under the condition of the road army's strength, the creatures of the blood rock family in the tower suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

Without the firepower of more than a hundred blood rock warriors, the pressure on the Fengshen pterosaurs has also been greatly reduced, and they can reorganize their attack.

Probably feeling that there was a problem with their own firepower network, the Shenwumen of the Blood Rock clan began to climb upwards.

Because the above is their incubation room, it is the most important place, and there must be no loss.

In this case, when the road army went down, they would often encounter blood rock warriors coming up.

Since it is still in the form of a dragon, basically all blood rock creatures can't stop his blow.

Seeing that a creature broke into their tower, all the blood rock warriors were shocked.

You must know that the incubation room above belongs to their most secret place, and even their own people rarely go up there, so why would other creatures go up there now...

It's a pity that before they had time to think carefully, Lu Jun's dragon claws killed them, and blood splashed all over the corridor.

Those blood rock warriors who wanted to go down to inform and call for support also failed to escape the dragon's claws of the Lu army, and died tragically on the ground.

However, there are a lot of blood rock warriors, no matter how strong the road army is, they are alone, unable to intercept all of them, so some of the blood rock warriors ran off.

Immediately afterwards, they told all their companions about the biological invasion, including those fighting dinosaurs outside.

Hearing this, all the blood rock creatures went crazy, ignored the dinosaurs outside, and returned directly to the tower.

Because everything they do now is to protect the tower, if something goes wrong with the tower, then there is no point in fighting outside.

Seeing the increasing number of enemies, Lu Jun felt a little headache. He didn't expect these blood rock creatures to suddenly become so crazy.

Now he is in a very embarrassing situation, and it is very difficult to rush all the way.

Although he could leave here directly and avoid the ensuing battle, it would not be able to accomplish its battle goal, and the Route Army didn't want to do that.

So in desperation, the road army still had to continue to fight down, dealing with groups of enemies in the corridor.

Of course, in order to relieve their own pressure, the Lu army let the dinosaurs directly attack the gate of the tower, and continued to attract the attention of some blood rock warriors.

In this case, the road army and the dinosaurs are equivalent to surrounding the blood rock warriors, attacking all the way up and down.

As long as they cooperate properly and they have enough physical strength, they have a chance to wipe out these blood rock creatures.

Facing the offensive of the army and the dinosaurs, the blood rock creatures were not very panicked, and while guarding the gate and not going out, they rushed up to attack the army.

Anyway, they have already made up their minds, and today they must kill the enemies above, and check if there is any problem with their incubator by the way.

Because the attack of the blood rock warriors was too fierce, the road army was a little bit unable to resist, and began to retreat quickly up.

His current method of resisting the blood rock warriors is very simple, that is, to fight while retreating, and use the terrain to help him create an advantage.

In this way, under the entanglement with each other, the road army and the blood rock warriors can't do anything for the time being, and it seems that it will take a long time to decide the winner.

While the army was attacking the tower to the west, the battle between Ruan Bing, Lin Yilan, and Ruan Xue and Xiaowan was also going on.

Compared with the Lu army, the situation between them is more thrilling and exciting.

Because they don't have as powerful summoned beasts as dinosaurs, and they don't sneak in as smoothly as Lu Jun.

One of the most important reasons is that there are no incubation devices on the two towers, but blood rock creatures are everywhere.

Although Ruan Bing and the others let their summoned beasts go down to feint to attract attention in advance, the pressure on them is still great.

And as their whereabouts were exposed, more and more summoned beasts came up, making it even more difficult for Ruan Bing and others to move forward.

If Ruan Bing and the others were not strong enough, they could easily deal with other creatures of the Blood Rock clan without the Blood Rock Commander.

Otherwise, their plan is estimated to fail.

However, Ruan Bing's luck didn't seem to be as good as Lu Jun's. She soon met the leader of the blood rock in the tower, and the two sides directly fought against each other.

In terms of hard power, Ruan Bing and Commander Xueyan are on par, and no one is particularly strong.

The only problem is that Ruan Bingqiang has range-type abilities and is good at using special abilities to fight.

And the strength of the Blood Rock Commander is close combat. It is almost unstoppable when sprinting, and its attack power is also extremely high.

Since they are now in a high tower and the terrain is narrow, abilities like Ruan Bing's can't be used at all, and the Blood Rock Commander will rush over before the ability is used.

Therefore, in the case of close combat, Ruan Bing does not have any advantage, and he does not even have the ability to harm the leader of Blood Rock.

If it weren't for the presence of Lin Yilan, a meat shield with the "invincible" ability, which could slightly block the attack of Commander Blood Rock, it is estimated that Ruan Bing would not be able to block Commander Blood Rock for 30 seconds.

However, after discovering that Lin Yilan's ability was too weird and difficult, Commander Xueyan learned to be smart and stopped attacking Lin Yilan and focused his firepower on Ruan Bing.

In this way, Ruan Bing was in danger, and could only rely on the soul shield to support him a few times, and almost died several times.

Seeing Ruan Bing running around after being chased by it, the leader of Blood Rock was very proud, and couldn't help intensifying his offensive against Ruan Bing.

Lin Yilan looked at all this anxiously, and his brain began to think quickly about possible solutions.

Finally, at an extremely critical moment, Lin Yilan suddenly thought of something, and began to gather space passages in front of her, until a door-shaped object appeared in front of her eyes.

"Come here quickly! Lead it inside!" Lin Yilan shouted to Ruan Bing loudly.

"Okay!" Ruan Bing hurriedly responded.

Looking at Ruan Bing who was running away, Commander Xueyan smiled disdainfully, and then rushed over, pointing at Ruan Bing's abdomen with his sharp claws.

But here is the inside of the tower, and the indoor location is very narrow. It is no problem to shoot arrows from the inside out.

But if you want to fight internally, it will be more troublesome. The blood rock fighters can't stretch here at all.

And Lu Jun's melee ability is very strong in the dragon form, and almost every claw is very famous.

In less than thirty seconds, the Lu army wiped out all the blood rock warriors on this floor, leaving no one behind.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Lu Jun shook off the blood on the dragon's claws, and continued walking to the next floor of the tower.

If the Blood Rock Clan can only use this level of power, then there is no way to stop him, at least the Blood Rock Commander level can fight him.

But the Blood Rock Commander didn't seem to be in this area, and the Lu army went down several floors without seeing it.

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