What about the damage? Can those assault ships make contact? "The middle-aged man known as the captain frowned and took the light panel in the adjutant's hand, quickly browsing the various information inside.

"It will not affect the navigation for the time being, but it is no longer possible to jump in space again. Those assault ships are still safe, but they don't have enough fuel to move forward. In addition, we don't have much fuel, so we have to find a place to land as soon as possible." Landing on the planet, otherwise..." The adjutant lowered his head slightly, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

All kinds of bad news weighed down on the middle-aged captain like a mountain, but his expression was still determined: "Let all the assault ships hide where they are, and we will assist them after we settle down on Bit Star, two light-years away. "

"Bit Star?" The adjutant's face changed slightly, "That planet is poor and has no resources available, so we can't develop..."

"I know, but we have nowhere to go except there. We must settle down our clansmen and restart our technology in order to avenge our dead!" The middle-aged man looked around with deep eyes On the virtual screen in front of him, his eyes were full of sadness.

They came from the Gaia star in the Milky Way system, a planet with a medium level of civilization, more than 70,000 light years away from here.

As for why it suddenly appeared here, and the entire fleet suffered heavy losses, it all started twenty years ago.

At that time, they were developing and unintentionally researched the core of a new type of battleship, which belonged to a technology that had never appeared in the twelve major galaxies.

The core feature of this is that it allows the warship to have the ability to transform itself without any manual intervention, and as long as there are enough resources, it can be infinitely enhanced.

After years of experimentation, after consuming the materials on several mine stars, they managed to make the cheapest Storm-class battleship in Yisou rebuild eight times independently.

All the way to the Punisher class - Crusader class - Executioner class, - Heavy Cavalry class - Alpha class - Disaster class, and finally to the Eternal class, which is the ship they are driving now.

You must know that their most powerful warship before this was only the Alpha class. If they rely on manual research and development, it is estimated that it will be impossible to have an Eternal class warship in another three hundred years.

But now it only took a few years for them to do it, not to mention a hundred times faster speed, and save a lot of research costs.

And this is far from the end of independent transformation. If the resources are sufficient, their battleship may become the strongest Juggernaut class, or even surpass the existence of the Juggernaut class.

At that time, in the Milky Way system, which is full of low and medium planets, they must belong to the overlord level, and maybe they can become the first high-level planet in the Milky Way system.

However, what they didn't expect was that the increase in strength turned into the beginning of a nightmare.

The reason is that spies from other planets have also discovered the secret of the core of the new warship, and spread the news to Skynet to let all galaxies know.

Then the war began. A total of eight galaxies and fleets of more than 300 planets disregarded the interstellar law and spanned tens of thousands of light years. They jointly launched an attack on Gaia, preparing to snatch this technology.

Star Gaia was able to withstand the low-level planets and medium-sized planets at the beginning. After all, they have Eternal-class battleships sitting in their command, and their strength is outstanding.

But after the fleets of the higher planets came, they couldn't do it, because the enemy also had Eternal-class battleships, and there were more of them.

Even if they desperately resisted the space defense line, they were defeated again and again.

There were even hundreds of thousands of mechas and fighter planes airborne, invading the Gaia planet, and began a brutal massacre.

This also means that the whole situation is out of control, and Gaia star will either surrender, surrender its technology, become a low-level colonial star, or wait to be destroyed.

In the end, after much deliberation, many leaders and most of the citizens of Gaia decided to resist desperately and never surrender. They also mobilized nearly four billion people to join the war, and the entire planet became a battlefield.

It's a pity that in the face of absolute strength, the courage to swear to death is far from enough.

In addition, there are no planets around,

Very few ships passed by, making this place dead silent for many years.

However, just when this calmness was unknown how long it would last, huge ripples suddenly appeared in the empty space, as if they were being forcibly torn apart by some force.

Immediately afterwards, a fleet composed of more than a dozen warships appeared out of thin air, filling a large area.

It can be seen that the front one is the Wangu-class cruise ship, which is covered in sea blue and looks like a whale with its mouth wide open. The length of the ship alone has reached a terrifying 8,000 meters.

The huge bow main gun exposed outside is also more than 300 meters long, and its caliber is even closer to 20 meters. Even if there is an asteroid in front, it can easily destroy it.

The surface of the mothership is also covered with a circular shield of blue particles, any matter that touches it will be directly bounced off.

Behind it are three Alpha-class battleships, which are nearly three times smaller than the Eternal-class cruiser, and their main guns are far less aggressive than the former.

The remaining ten Executioner-class frigates are even more "miniature", with a length of less than 300 meters and a width of nearly 100 meters. Compared with the mother ship, they are "small shrimps".

I just don't know why, these battleships have large and small damages, and some even have their internal parts exposed.

Meanwhile, in the thousand-meter-wide main control room on the cruise ship, hundreds of technicians in uniform black striped uniforms were busy working in their seats, and rows of energy lamps on the top illuminated the place as brightly as day.

In front of them are blue virtual screens, which display lines of extremely complex data and codes, making people dazzled.

In the middle of the main control room is a giant virtual screen with a length and width of more than ten meters, which shows the view outside the mothership.

In front of the screen is a middle-aged man with an expressionless face, about forty years old, wearing a combat uniform, and there is an obvious scar on the right side of his face, which makes him look extremely fierce.

In addition to glancing at the virtual screen from time to time, his left hand kept tapping on the alloy table, as if waiting for something.

Tens of seconds later, the door of the main control room opened automatically, and a soldier who looked like an adjutant ran in, holding a bare board in his hand, and walked straight to the middle-aged man.

"Reporting to the captain, the results of the loss of the forced use of space jumps have just been calculated. All our industrial ships and maintenance ships were completely destroyed, and more than 140 heavy cavalry-class assault ships were forced to land 80 light-years away. The seven supply ships were missing, only three Disaster-class battleships and ten Executioner-class frigates escaped with us, and the hulls were all damaged..."

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