what about you? Lu Jun turned to look at Ruan Bing and Lin Yilan.

"I haven't found anything yet." Ruan Bing shook his head.

"Me neither." Lin Yilan was the same as Ruan Bing.

However, at this time Xiaowan suddenly said: "Since entering the forest, we have always felt that something is watching us from behind."

"At first I thought it was an illusion, but since sister Ruan Xue can also feel it, it might be true."

Xiaowan's words made everyone goosebumps instantly. No one thought that after walking for so long, they didn't even know what was behind them.

But what Lu Jun couldn't understand was that his mental power and strength were stronger than Ruan Xue and Xiao Wan's, so why didn't he feel it?

And even Ruan Bing, who can see the soul creature, said that he found nothing, which is really a bit unbelievable.

"Ruan Bing, now you go in front, the three of you are in the middle, I'm in the back, I want to see what is following us." Lu Jun said in a deep voice.

If it was normal, maybe he would have dispersed the crowd to look for the creatures that were following them.

But in this kind of forest, if there is still no vision, it is absolutely impossible to disperse easily.

Gathered together, they have full resistance, once scattered, they can only be broken one by one.

"From now on, if you find something strange, you can attack directly. Anyway, remember that in this forest, we have no friends, we are all enemies." Lu Jun added to the girls.

Immediately afterwards, they continued to walk forward. This time, everyone cheered up.

When walking behind, Lu Jun also had the feeling of being watched, and his back was chilly.

However, Lu Jun didn't look back, and didn't say anything, pretending not to know.

Because if he panics too, it will definitely affect the mentality of his teammates, and he also wants to wait for the creatures following them to attack first.

In this way, they can fight back directly without continuing to worry about it.

But the strange thing is that the creatures following behind seemed to have no intention of attacking Lu Jun and the others, and there was no movement at all, as if they were just following.

This made Lu Jun's spirit even more tense, and he kept thinking about ways to lure these creatures out in his mind.

But Lu Jun didn't expect that the accident happened again, and he saw the sound of "click" suddenly and continuously from the side.

Immediately afterwards, several big trees fell down, and the target was in the direction of Lu Jun and others.

Given the length and height of these trees, if they were hit head-on, the injuries would be considered light.

"Be careful!" Lu Jun who was walking behind shouted, reminding the girls in front.

Ruan Bing and the others reacted very quickly, and immediately planned to evade with their legs. With their strength, it is no problem to dodge a few trees.

However, for some reason, their steps suddenly became heavy at this time, and they felt like they couldn't move their legs.

"What? Do you know who the attacker is?" Lu Jun took two steps forward, frowning at Ruan Bing.

"I don't know. It happened very suddenly. They lost contact with me in an instant, without any warning." Ruan Bing shook her head, obviously she was also very puzzled.

The news silenced everyone, looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

Because Ruan Bing's soul and body disappeared, it meant that there must be enemies in the forest, and there were quite a few of them.

And the enemies who can see and attack the soul body are definitely not normal creatures, this is the most important thing.

"Small problem, just keep going and get ready for battle." Lu Jun comforted everyone.

Although there was a trace of panic in his heart, no matter what, they were going to enter the Lingyu Forest today, even if they knew there was danger inside.

After all, coming from such a far away place, it is impossible to be scared back without even seeing the enemy.

The girls looked at Lu Jun's firm eyes, nodded one after another, and immediately used their brains to condense their abilities into a ready state.

Ruan Xue handed the cold light stick in her hand to Lin Yilan,

He took out the two guns of destruction and recovery given to her by Lu Jun.

After a day or two of trying, she is now fully familiar with the performance of this weapon, and can display its full combat effectiveness.

After making sufficient preparations, everyone followed the four Tyrannosaurus rex into the forest following the footprints on the ground.

At the moment of entering, everyone suddenly felt isolated from the world, as if there were two worlds between here and the outside.

At the same time, everyone also felt a sense of suffocation. The surrounding air was very turbid, as if it was a mass of dead air.

However, since they have already entered, everyone has no intention of withdrawing, and continue to muster their courage to walk forward.

Lu Jun completely diffused his mental power, felt every move around him, and at the same time was thinking about what dinosaur should be released next.

Although there are only five of them, as long as there is danger, they can summon thousands of troops at any time.

Because besides Lu Jun, Ruan Bing and Xiao Wan also have the ability to summon creatures to fight for them.

As everyone entered the interior of the Lingyu Forest, the surroundings became completely dark. If they lost the cold light stick in their hands, they would definitely not be able to see anything.

At first, everyone thought they would be attacked after entering, but things did not develop as they expected. The forest was extremely quiet, not even the sound of insects chirping.

However, the more this is the case, the more everyone feels that things are not simple, because it is impossible for a normal forest night to be so quiet.

Because the atmosphere was too depressing, Lu Jun suddenly felt like he wanted to be attacked, which would make him more comfortable.

After walking forward for about ten minutes, the footprints on the ground became deeper and clearer, which is good news.

But just when everyone was going to continue walking, Ruan Xue, who was at the back, suddenly turned around with Destruction and Recovery, and shouted: "Who?!"

The sound startled everyone, and they followed Ruan Xue and turned around, looking around vigilantly.

"What did you find?" Lu Jun asked Ruan Xue after making four Tyrannosaurus form a defensive formation.

"Just now..." Ruan Xue swallowed her saliva, "It seems that someone is following us, and I heard some strange conversations..."

"Dialogue? Are you sure?" Lu Jun asked.

"Sure, I can't hear you wrong. I just turned around and saw a black shadow flashing past..." Ruan Xue's face became paler, but no one noticed.

Ruan Xue's words made Lu Jun's heart sink to the bottom of the valley in an instant, because he had been using his mental power to detect his surroundings.

But he didn't find anything, he couldn't even feel a living thing, but Ruan Xue actually said that something was following them, which made his scalp tingle.

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