Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2076 New creature

"There are only three of us here, why don't you let her? Why don't you have any manners?" Lu Jun pointed to Hongyue next to him.

Hongyue looked at Ye Mo with an innocent expression, but she was secretly laughing.

In this way, Ye Mo felt even more uncomfortable, but he couldn't refute it. He always felt that Lu Jun was tricking him, but he couldn't find any evidence...

"Okay, let's be serious, have you seen this thing before, do you know what it is?" Lu Jun's expression turned cold, and he looked at Ye Mo quietly.

Although he didn't have much hope, the Night Demon was an undead creature. He belonged to a different race and had a different experience from him, so Lu Jun still wanted to try.

Seeing that Lu Jun became serious, Ye Mo also became serious, and slowly squatted next to the unknown meteorite, carefully looking at the texture of this meteorite.

Night Demon would change positions from time to time, and occasionally sniff the meteorite with his nose, and he could feel that it was extremely serious.

But about five minutes later, Ye Mo suddenly stood up and looked at Lu Jun with a confused face: "My lord, to be honest, I don't know what this is..."

The sudden turning point made Lu Jun stunned for a moment, and raised his foot to Ye Mo's thigh: "I don't know if you have been pretending to look at it for so long? Was it on purpose?"

Faced with Lu Jun's fierce kick, Ye Mo didn't dare to dodge, and immediately continued to speak: "My lord, wait a minute... I don't know about this thing, but I have seen it once before..."

Hearing this, Lu Jun retracted his legs: "Oh? When? Where did you see it?"

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Mo slowly said: "About a month ago, when I was still working with the leader of our undead clan, it had a piece of this type of thing in its hand, and I often saw it. It absorbs the energy in this thing."

"Huh? Absorbed? How did you absorb it? Do you know the details?" Lu Jun was suddenly excited.

Because he originally wanted to know the function of the unknown meteorite, it seemed that he was asking the right person to ask Night Demon.

"It just puts its hand on it, and then the death attribute on its body will continue to increase, but it can only increase a little every day, and it will probably take many days to fully absorb it." Night Demon recalled with some difficulty.

"No, it hurts and numb when you put your hand on this thing, and you can't control your body at all.

And I didn't feel the resonance of energy when I was close to it. You haven't seen this kind of thing before, have you? Lu Jun asked his question.

Indeed, he also touched an unknown meteorite, not only did not increase his strength, but he was almost injured.

"Uh... my lord, maybe you have overlooked one very important thing, that is, these things have different attributes. The one absorbed by our undead creature leader is of the death attribute, while yours is obviously of the thunder and fire attributes. "

"Different attributes can't absorb each other. If you want to experiment, you can find someone with the same attribute and ability to try." Night Demon seriously suggested to Lu Jun.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of that!" Lu Jun's eyes suddenly lit up, and Ye Mo's words seemed to help him open the door to a new world.

Looking at the startled Lu Jun, Ye Mo was a little proud, raised his head slightly, with a smile on his face.

"Ah...you feel right, you basically described everything, the battle was created by me and another force..." Lu Jun touched his head in embarrassment, he didn't expect such a long battle that even the Night Demon Startled.

"What?! Lord Lord, are you injured? Where are they now?" Ye Mo's eyes widened. He probably didn't expect Lu Jun to go out to fight with others.

At the same time, it also observed that the road army's situation was not very good. It may have failed to win the battle, so it felt that it had another chance to perform.

If it avenges Lu Jun when Lu Jun is being bullied, then Lu Jun will definitely be in a good mood and appreciate it, and its future is "bright"...

But Ye Mo quickly considered one point, that is, the road army is obviously stronger than it. If an enemy that the road army can't beat appears in front of it, will it really win? Will it make a fool of myself by then?

Lu Jun didn't know that this night demon was thinking about some messy things all day long, so he waved his hand directly: "I'm fine, and they didn't die. The reason is that I robbed them of their things. They chased me after they found out. I fought with them when I couldn’t run away, and after fighting for a long time, I seized the opportunity to come back, and now they probably left, and you can’t find them if you go.”

Now he and Ye Mo are relatively familiar, and Ye Mo is really doing things for him, so he is willing to share anything with Ye Mo.

Hearing that Lu Jun did not suffer, Night Demon breathed a sigh of relief. In its mind, it could lose the battle, but it must not suffer. Since Lu Jun ran back after stealing other people's things, it meant it had made a profit.

"Hey, my lord, can you show me what you stole?" Ye Mo rubbed his hands, showing a very wretched expression.

Probably because it has gotten along with humans a lot, now it not only speaks fluently, but even its demeanor and movements are becoming more and more humane, almost looking stupid and cheap.

If it was in the past, Lu Jun would definitely refuse, and let Ye Mo go off and do his own business.

But now he is in a better mood, after all, the Apocalypse Sect and the Babu people are in the dark.

And he also wanted Ye Mo to help him see what he got, and wanted to hear if Ye Mo knew what it was.

So the next moment, he directly ordered the Fengshen pterosaur to fly down to an empty and deserted place, and got the unidentified meteorite out of the armed module.

"Touch this thing and see how it feels." Lu Jun pointed to the unknown meteorite and gestured to Ye Mo, with a malicious smile on his face, which made people look panicked.

Ye Mo, who didn't know what Lu Jun meant, put his hand on it, until the next second, his face changed drastically, his whole body was trembling, and there was a sound of "chi chi chi" in his hand...

Although it is a super-order creature, its physical strength is definitely not a problem, even the high temperature of Baidu is nothing to it.

But the temperature on this meteorite seems to be the kind that ignores defense, no matter how high the defense is, people will be burned.

If Night Demon hadn't reacted quickly enough to pick up his hand, the injury might have been more serious.

However, it was only surprised why the meteorite was still hot, and this injury was nothing to it at all.

"It's hot. It's hot when I touch it. It seems that all creatures feel the same when touching it." Lu Jun put his hand on his chin and analyzed it.

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